NOTE: He goes by DR. MIKE MURDOCK but he is not a Dr. of anything except he has a B.S in Hypothetical Rerun Bullsh*t. He got his Doo Doo degree, a DD from a scam Theological School in Florida. He has no real credentials in theology and is being investigated. Thats why there is no Dr. in front of his name…
HISTORY — EDUCATION - MONEY— Michael Dean Murdock (born April 18, 1946 in Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States) He is a bonified fake, con, certified fraud, televangelist and recognized scumbag pastor of the Wisdom Center Ministry based in Fort Worth, Texas and the son of J.E. Murdock, who was also a pastor and crook. Like Father, like son!

Murdock was educated in LaGrange High School in Lake Charles and attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie for three semesters. He didn’t quite make it, he flunked. He was ther to make money not to serve the Lord —
The calling and the fast cash was too much to bear bothering to listen to their stuff. He writes his own "stuff". Books, music, flyers all come to him magically, spiritually and plageristicly.
Many of Mike’s followers
are poor. So poor that they can’t afford to send him the money he needs to maintain
his lavish lifestyle. His solution? He’s told his followers on national TV that
if they put their donation on a credit card, that God will erase their credit
debt for them. That’s disgusting. Nothing but a frikken liar --

FAKE CREDENTIALS — He received an Honorary doctorate from The International Seminary in Florida “ A DOCTOR OF DIVINITY” We call them A DD of Doo-Doo. That Honorary degree is not worth the toilet paper it is written on.
It is not accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States nor Canada, nor Romulan or Klingon War Colleges, The MicroRing Headhunters Association, or Fans of Howdy Doody.
It’s 110% Bullsh*t — Certified and Smelly from a 39.95 mail order divinity printing house. I'm Jewish and could get a Doctorate of Divinity which is totally worthless a degree there, if I just put an "en" after my last name.
Probably wouldn't have to do that. For 29.95 additional I would get the Doctorate mounted on a genuine particle board frame with molding around it in any of six colors. Toilet Tissue Doctorate We CALL A D.D. “DOO- DOO” IT’S BULLSH*T…
I would hang it on the wall next to my official Kentucky Colonel Certificate, my Doctorate from “ Masters Fishing College” who claim to turn you into a Master-Baiter, and my official decoder ring and certificate from Captain Midnight and the Secret Squadron. All of which carry as much weight as his Doctor of Divinity does.
BIRDS OF A FEATHER — He was mentored under Jimmy Swaggart, the other prostitute loving piano
playing pedophile evangelist, and is seen quite often in circles with Benny
Hinn, AKA the well-dressed FAKIR and clothing GURU whose office just got raided again by the iRS.
He appeared with Tammy Faye Bakker. May she rest in peace in Heavenly Fields of Flowing Mascara which she loved so much. I liked her, she was funny at least. She could make being stupid fun.
He also hosts the Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock, a television program, which when posted next to a three dollar bill gives it a run for the money! Cause thats what he’s after. Watch the show and pay careful attention to the gal behind him third row dressed in green. Same gal, same tape for four years…
ACTIVITIES — Mike Murdock began preaching at the age of eight. One of those carefully sponsored child marvels the tent revivalists like to throw on the scene. It defines in their warped minds that these Holy Men are God inspired at an early age. He began full-time evangelism at the age of 19 appearing on all the usual Godly hotspots TBN, CBN, BET, INSP, WORD, Daystar and other cable television networks, and his weekly television program, Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock.
Murdock is a Founding Trustee on the Board of International Charismatic Bible Ministries with Dr. Oral Roberts who fortunately is dead now and not allowed phone calls in Hell. Holy sh*t, thats the biggest, most profitable prosperity crook of them all. Good company, but not God's company. Birds of a feather like to hang together, though they would turn on each other in a flash. Most likely candidates would be Vultures, they hang together.
"Dr. Mike Murdock” SUPREME SMOKE BLOWER — Viewers of his Wisdom Keys show get plummeted in media praising his Doctorate. He gave it to himself, by his self anointing. We call that Master Debation… Jerking off is not anointing unless you spill on yourself —
He is Mike Murdock, supposedly anointed by God. He is the fake Dr. with a toilet paper degree. He claims he is the author of dozens of books and thousands of songs. (We couldn't find them) Brochures are not books. Couldn't find the songs on any charts anywhere. Plain old plagiarism …
He presents himself as a man of letters. But he is "Dr. Mike Murdock," seminary dropout, and the letters we found are S-C-A-M, F-R-A-U-D and C-R-O-O-K, He claims he is divine absolution and the authority so that people can set aside common sense and that means sending him money their money.
LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO SEND MONEY — "Maybe you've got money in a closet somewhere, in a coin collection, in
stocks and bonds," he said. "I don't know where you're going to get
it, but you know." This bastard would take their last dollar if he
could. Murdock told his audience, "We've got to get you debt-free.
We've got to get you a house paid for."
Murdock proclaims to be a "tool of God" and failure to comply with his wishes will jeopardize your miracles, currently going for five for $100.00. Larger miracle packages may be purchased and easy credit terms are available. Miracles, hundred in one day, testimonials of those who he says have experienced the miraculous. Those that fell in the toilet, though, do not get honorable mention. He tend to forget those who have failed and received nothing.
GREAT INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING — He was investigated by the Star-Telegram. They examined the Mike Murdock Evangelistic Association, he would not agree to an interview. Recently, in letters and on audiocassettes, he has offered all kinds of explanations for media scrutiny, ranging from disloyal friends to statements he made three years ago that homosexuality is a sin.
Star-Telegram religion writer Darren Barbee spent six months examining the Mike Murdock Evangelistic Association. Staff writers Jeff Claassen and Mike Lee and librarians Jan Fennell and Cathy Belcher provided research assistance. Here is their website and they really got deep into this charlatan. http://www.trinityfi.org/press/murdock03.html
- 1995, Murdock said that he had written 57 books.
- 2002, he said he had written 135
- 2009, he has more than 1,200 manuscripts “ we're trying to get to press."
- Ole Anthony of the Trinity Foundation, a televangelist watchdog group in Dallas, points out that some of the books are only 30 pages.
- "He says he writes all these books, but they're like a half-chapter of a normal book," Anthony said. "They should be called pamphlets." Doth not a book make, a paper maybe, a pamphlet maybe but not a book.
- • 1976, he had written five songs.
- • 1986, he said, he had written 1,200.
- • Today, he claims has written 6,000 songs, which would rank him tops songwriter in the world.
- The ministry's Web site has about a dozen different tapes of his music for sale. Murdock has registered 76 songs with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers and Broadcast Music Inc., according to unofficial data kept on those groups' Web sites. Registering is not publishing.
He does not explain that his doctorate is honorary, given by The international Seminary in Florida. Seminary officials declined to comment on how they
select the recipients of honorary doctorates. But according to the
seminary’s Web site, “The acceptance of our degrees in religious circles
has been very high.” Both of our members agreed. Those
fakes accept fake degrees by a fake institution only given to fake prophets by fake prophets, it’s a club…
That simply means idiots believe them. The seminary's accreditation is from the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries, which is in Beebe, Ark. The commission itself does not follow generally accepted accrediting practices, and it is not recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation or the U.S. Department of Education or anyone else.
Critics have said the commission has few standards for granting accreditation. It's a huge hoax. For $79.95, you too can be accredited. For $499.00, they will ordain you a Bishop. Got a little Pope Smoke in your heart $3995.00. The truth is Murdock dropped out of Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie *** in 1966.
*** Sometimes spelled as Whack-a-hoochie
MONEY DOESN’T GET TO THE POOR — Murdock also makes sweeping claims that donations to the ministry support huge crusades, feed the hungry and spread the Gospel in dozens of countries. The ministry's 2000 Internal Revenue Service reports show little support for charitable works or for other ministries. Its 2001 - 2017 IRS report has not been filed yet.
Murdock says this power
from God gives him the authority to push back illnesses, demons and creditors
by "applying" biblical passages. He also uses the anointing to
encourage, and even demand, donations. Critics see Murdock’s claims as
dangerous because he requires people to put as much faith in him as they do in
God and more important their Doctors of Medicine.
MORE DATA VERIFIED — Murdock was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, to J.E. and Willie Murdock, and has four sisters. In 1964, Murdock graduated from LaGrange High School in Lake Charles. He attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, but left after three semesters in 1966
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that he had registered 76 songs with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, according to unofficial data kept on those groups' web sites.
In 1989, as a pastor on The PTL Club, Murdock gained national attention during the PTL scandal when he asked viewers to donate to Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker claiming they helped broken marriages and people. The PTL later declared bankruptcy and Bakker went to prison for fraud related to his ministry.
On an episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, he bragged about buying a jet with cash, lambasting his congregation for being jealous and telling them to "act happy" for him.
In 1999, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Murdock refused interview requests and had previously declined to answer questions about money. In 2003, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram ran a series about Murdock giving association (donor-raised) money to select family members who were on his association's board.
On March 3, 2003, the Associated Press reported Murdock asked followers for money to help the poor but spent more than 60% of donations on overhead, including his salary, and only a tiny amount (reported to be "legal minimums of 1% to 3%") on helping the needy, or any other 'public interest'.
In 2004, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Murdock "has started a church and the law allows him to keep his financial records behind closed doors." In August 2004, the association purchased the International Faith Center in Haltom City, Texas, and changed its name to The Wisdom Center, which it operates as a church.
On March 22, 2012, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Murdock’s home, assessed at $1.5 million, was for sale. The 9,943 sq ft 25-room home located on 6.89 acres at 2010 White Bridge Rd., Argyle, TX 76226 was first listed for sale on Realtor.com on November 29, 2011 for $3.2 million and then subsequently on September 4, 2013 (MLS 12020088) for $2.7 million.
Murdock has appeared on TBN, CBN, BET, INSP, WORD, Daystar Television Network and other television networks, and his weekly television program, Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock.