Sweet, Scamists, Money Driven Hickey Prayer Service - Only 30.00 A Month…
And Wow… You Become a Partner in the Scam…
Introducing Our Jacobs Ladder Plan See Below Now Available In All States… - The Prayers Are Free When You Donate To My Organizations, The Wounded Warriors, Our Heroes, Disabled Vets, And All The Children’s Foundations… They Get The Money Directly… No Middle Man or Commissions… We Send Every Dime Collected and Divide It To It All Of Them…
Marilyn Ailene Hickey was born on July 1, 1931, in Dalhart, Texas, to Jerry and Carmen Hickey. When she was a young girl, Hickey’s parents were professing Methodists and attended church only casually.
Her family suffered from hereditary mental disorders according to one of her telecasts. Her father had it, after her grandfather and her great-grandfather that had it, even before the “ Devil and his imps” got to Marilyn, at the age of 36, she was the only one in her family not to suffer a mental disorder. (not certified)
Also in her family, she also said that her family had a history of heart diseases, especially Hickey herself, that at age 11, she was told by her doctors she had an enlarged heart, and progressively got worse until she had surgery. She became a born again Christian when she was a teenager. In college, she studied Spanish, intending to become a public high school teacher.
She met Wallace Hickey
(born May 7, 1925, in Genoa, Nebraska), at an Assemblies of God
Church, where Wallace served as a pastor, and together on December 26, 1954,
(just 1 day after Christmas), the couple were married. Around the same
time, she and Wallace also met Dr. T.L. Osborn, a Pentecostal evangelist,
who was 8 years Hickey's senior, when she and Wallace both had traveled around
in her husband's car, doing tent revival meetings, in town, she also became
lifelong friends with him, until she lost him, only 4 months, after she lost
Credentials…Basically None… Self Congratulatory Fraud
- The most coincidental thing is she was also a guest-speaker at one of the conferences in which Dr. Osborn held. After a short time in Texas, they moved to Denver, Colorado to found Full Gospel Chapel. The church, later known as Orchard Road Christian Center, became one of the largest churches in the Denver area.
- They later turned over the pastorate to their daughter Sarah Bowling and son-in-law Reece Bowling. The church (now called Encounter Church) currently meets in Centennial, Colorado.
- Hickey holds a Bachelor of Arts in Collective Foreign Languages from the University of Northern Colorado. Wow…now thats something else! She has no college offering theology, nor degree in theology or religion at all from a legitimate school.
- Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Oral Roberts University… Honorary is a gift not earned. These are not College earned degrees, not even a GED equivalent, they are gifts; of recognition and coming from the biggest crooks on the Prosperity arena makes it worse. Basically it says she makes millions from this who are naive and believe in the tooth fairy.
- In 2015, Hickey was honored at Oral Roberts University with a Lifetime Global Achievement Award… Another great useless honor. Who cares? Oral Roberts started the Prosperity Theology Scam or PTS.
- You
should note: Hickey has served as a
member of the Board of Regents
of Oral Roberts University: They also are the ones who give out awards to
most of the fake pastors and TV stars. The school, if you call it that, went though horrendous
scandals involving the entire Roberts family, Jr and SR and Richard and his
fun sex loving wife being tossed off campus after the death of Oral Roberts, the
Dean of Financial Foolery in Fund Raising by Fake Pastors.
- Hickey has two children and four grandchildren. Hickey’s husband of 57 years, Wallace, died after a long battle of Alzheimer's disease, in the care center of Denver, Colorado, on October 19, 2012, at age 87.
SARAH TV PROGRAM…” — Hickey has aired a television program since 1973
and, since 1996, has co-hosted it with her daughter Sarah Bowling (born
February 1, 1968). Today with Marilyn and Sarah can be seen on
various Christian networks such as the DayStar Network, Channel C, and
independent stations in both the US and internationally, as well as through her
YouTube Channel. She has also been seen on the Trinity Broadcasting
Network (TBN).
✞ MISSIONARY WORKS — In 2012, Hickey held a three-day prayer and faith healing rally in Karachi, Pakistan which was attended by over 400,000 people and made millions…
✞ BUSINESS DEALINGS — They have an incredibly slick website, clear concise and lots of vanilla. I congratulate the webmeister combined with a partnership program for fund raising.
✞ THEY BELIEVE — By becoming a Prayer Partner with Marilyn Hickey Ministries, you will share and benefit with us in three significant ways: bringing God’s miracles and healing to the sick, experiencing a deep love for the Bible, and having a passion to be a bridge builder and take the gospel to the nations.
As a ministry Partner, you join with us, committing to a monthly gift of support for the mission God has given us. We pray for our Partners every day, and our ministry staff joins us weekly to pray for your needs. We also ask our Partners to stand with us in prayer on a regular basis and when urgent needs arise.
I would like to see that mission in writing or pictures of her with a burning bush… actually burning her in the bush is another way to get rid of a fake.
✞ As a Thank You For Your Support — Here Comes The Pitch — We have a special introductory gift when you become a Partner. You will also receive very special Partner gifts from Marilyn and Sarah throughout the year to encourage you.
Together we are impacting thousands of lives with the reality, compassion, and power of God’s Word, but there is still much more to be done. If you have a desire to see people live the Bible, and experience God’s miracles, join with us by becoming a partner ( AKA sucker) today! Much more to be done, really ? Send me 30.00 a month and I will pray for you every day too…
Thanks Marilyn, Thats thirty dollars, five goes to charity and twenty five goes for TV bullsh*t which helps no one other than your organization…

Just Another Scammer — God Gave You Free Will To Do Good Things… And She’ll Keep Most Of Your Free Will And Might Give A Little To The Poor…
Little or none of this fraud are doing God’s work. God is not in your TV set, he is in your heart and the needy and ill do need all the real financial help they can get, not these promises and lies from blood suckers…real help goes from your heart to your wallet to alginate charities… not through these people.

Sidebar — The Plan — If 500 Of You Send Me Thirty Dollars A Month, Thats 15,000 Dollars, I Can Donate All Of It To The Following Organizations And Show Receipts
For thirty-five years we have supported various Children’s Hospitals, Cancer Research and Stem Cell Transplantation, the Military and Veterans Organizations, building six monuments for the soldiers and parks in addition to financial aid. We operated at less than nine percent expenses with our donations snd building costs.
• Wounded Warriors • Disabled American Veterans • Shriners Hospital • Johns Hopkins Childrens Hospital • St. Jude Children's Research Hospital • Texas Children's Hospital • Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago • UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh • Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
• Boston Children’s Hospital • All Children’s Hospital St.Petersburg FL