In proverbs, it probably mentioned being rich is not a bad thing, except when you scam it using the Lord as your partner and use those funds for yourself.
• Since 1999,
Joyce Meyer’s ministry has spent at least $4 million on 5 homes for Meyer and
her children. Obviously she is a good provider.
• Meyer’s house is a 10,000 square foot home with an 8-car garage, a
large fountain, a gazebo, a private putting green, a pool, and pool house with
a new $10,000 bathroom.
• Her salary was reported at $900,000 back in 2003, and she also enjoys use of a private jet and luxury cars.
• Needless to say, Meyer has been questioned for years, and she is once again under investigation by the government for possibly violating nonprofit laws. Pastor Henderson unloaded on her with a sermon of great value and significance.
• I think the $90,000 dollar face lift was over the top and didn’t really help. The improvement made her look like the Joker in the Batman series… She needs Botox or lip implants to the upper parts and get rid of the Joker look.
• If the picture on the right is after the surgery, or newest, the Doctor of Plastic Surgery better stick to boobs and fat asses, or get a day job at a grocery cutting meat.

Joyce Meyer is an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Meyer and her husband Dave have four grown children, and live outside St. Louis, Missouri. Her ministry is headquartered near the St. Louis suburb of Fenton, Missouri.
Meyer was born Pauline Joyce Hutchison in south St. Louis in 1943. Her father went into the army to fight in World War II soon after she was born. She has said in interviews that he began sexually abusing her upon his return, and discusses this experience in her meetings. To this day, she speaks with a working-class St. Louis accent.
A graduate of O'Fallon Technical High School in St. Louis, she married a part-time car salesman shortly after her senior year of high school. The marriage lasted five years. She maintains that her husband frequently cheated on her and persuaded her to steal payroll checks from her employer. They used the money to go on a vacation to California. She states that she returned the money years later. After her divorce, Meyer frequented local bars before meeting Dave Meyer, an engineering draftsman. They were married on January 7, 1967.
Meyer also reports that she was praying intensely while driving to work one morning in 1976 when she said she heard God call her name. She had been born-again at age nine, but her unhappiness drove her deeper into her faith. She says that she came home later that day from a beauty appointment "full of liquid love" and was "drunk with the Spirit of God" that night while at the local bowling alley. (We termed this one CREATIVE HORSESHIT)
I didn't have any knowledge. I didn't go to church. And I had a lot of problems, and I needed somebody to kind of help me along. And I think sometimes even people who want to serve God, if they have got so many problems that they don't think right and they don't act right and they don't behave right, they almost need somebody to take them by the hand and help lead them through the early years ...
Meyer was briefly a member of Our Savior's Lutheran Church in St. Louis, a congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. She began leading an early-morning Bible class at a local cafeteria and became active in Life Christian Center, a charismatic church in Fenton.
Within a few years, Meyer was the church's associate pastor. The church became one of the leading charismatic churches in the area, largely because of her popularity as a Bible teacher. She also began airing a daily 15-minute radio broadcast on a St. Louis radio station.
In 1985, Meyer resigned as associate pastor and founded her own ministry, initially called "Life in the Word." She began airing her radio show on six other stations from Chicago to Kansas City.
In 1993, her husband Dave suggested that they start a television ministry. Initially airing on superstation WGN-TV in Chicago and Black Entertainment Television (BET), her program, now called Enjoying Everyday Life, is still on the air today.
In 2002, mainstream publisher Hachette Book Group paid Meyer over $10 million for the rights to her backlist catalog of independently released books.
OOOOPS - In 2004 St. Louis Christian television station KNLC, operated by the Rev. Larry Rice of New Life Evangelistic Center, dropped Meyer's programming. According to Rice, a longstanding Meyer supporter, Meyer's "excessive lifestyle" and her teachings often going "beyond Scripture" were the impetus for canceling the program.
In 2005, Time magazine’s “25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America" ranked Meyer as 17th.
Meyer, who owns several homes and travels in a Gulfstream G-IV) has been criticized by some of her peers for living an excessive lifestyle. She responded that she doesn't have to defend her spending habits because “ there's no need for us to apologize for being blessed." Meyer commented, "You can be a businessman here in St. Louis, and people think the more you have, the more wonderful it is ... but if you're a preacher, then all of a sudden it becomes a problem."
In November 2003, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a four-part special report detailing Meyer’s Assets
- $10 million corporate jet, replaced by a G4 is valued at 15 -23 mIllion
- Her husband’s $107,000 silver-gray Mercedes sedan
- Her $2 million home and houses worth another $2 million for her four children
- A $20 million headquarters, furnished:
- With “ 5.7 million worth of furniture, artwork, glassware, and the latest equipment and machinery,”
- Including a “ 30,000 malachite round table,
- a $23,000 marble-topped antique commode
- a $14,000 custom office bookcase,
- a $7,000 Stations of the Cross in Dresden porcelain,
- a $6,300 eagle sculpture on a pedestal,
- another eagle made of silver bought for $5,000,
- numerous paintings purchased for $1,000 to $4,000 each
- The articles prompted
Wall Watchers (a Christian nonprofit watchdog group) to call on
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate Meyer and her
- Following the adverse
publicity about her lifestyle and Ministry Watch’s request for an IRS probe,
Meyer announced in 2004 plans to take a salary reduction from the $900,000 per
year she had been receiving from Joyce Meyer Ministries (in addition to the
$450,000 her husband received and instead
personally keep more of the royalties from her outside book sales which Meyer
had previously donated back to Joyce Meyer Ministries.
- She now retains
royalties on books sold outside the ministry through retail outlets such
as Walmart,, and bookstores,
while continuing to donate to her ministry royalties from books sold through
her conferences, catalogues, website, and television program.
- "The net effect
of all of this," notes Ministry Watch, "was most likely a
sizable increase in the personal compensation of Joyce Meyer and reduced
revenues for JMM." In an article in the St. Louis Business Journal, Meyer’s public
relations director, Mark Sutherland, confirmed that her new income would
be “way above” her previous levels.
- Joyce Meyer Ministries says it has made a commitment to maintain transparency in financial dealings, publish their annual reports, have a Board majority who are not Meyer relatives and submit to a voluntary annual audit. On December 18, 2008, this ministry received a "C" grade (71–80 score) for financial transparency from Ministry Watch.
- Rick Henderson is a
Pastor, frequent blogger, sacred skeptic. He is the Draper Campus
Pastor for South Mountain Community Church in Utah. He is a
self admitted happy husband, proud father, horrid golfer,
coffee addict. He’s passionate about loving well, thinking hard,
and daring others to be sacred skeptics is featured below.
QUOTE: I have been preaching for 20 years.
Yesterday I did something that I have never done before in a sermon. I publicly
called out false teachers and named them by name. I said: If you listen
to Joyce Meyer, if you take what they teach seriously, it will not be good for
you. It will be detrimental to your long-term growth as a follower of Jesus.
- I used to think that
their error was so blatantly obvious that they could just be ignored. I was
wrong. They are massively growing in popularity in the evangelical world and
are seen as credible and helpful. Before I’m inundated with questioning
emails I want to share why I distrust these two and think you should as
- When I was a kid I could
tell the difference between neighborhood kids who wanted to be my friend from
the neighborhood kids who were my friends so that they could play with my toys.
Joyce Meyer is the latter. She teach’s a twisted form of
Christianity that teaches obedience, giving and faith as a way to get things
from God. Products of what is known as the Prosperity Gospel and The Word
of Faith Movement, or the Seed Faith Movement.
- When I first heard her
tell her story I was deeply moved and impressed. She is an amazing example of
overcoming hurts and abuse. She will forever have my admiration and respect in
that regard. Furthermore, she gives spectacular advice. If my wife or if one of
my daughters went to her in a moment of crisis, I believe they would return
with magnificently helpful advice. If they went to her for teaching, they would
return with deadly heresy.
- ED: After monitoring her myself, and rereading the Senate readings, I have to agree with RICK HENDERSON on the financial aspects of this scammer. To be honest, all of these religious scammers, have enough lawyers, fake accountants, cooked books, and money to fight the arguments over the rules, regulations, and traditions of the faith. In other words a huge amount of the Babelification gets buried under expenses. In religion the coin has many sides not just two.
• She teaches
that Jesus literally stopped being the Son of God on the Cross
• She teaches that Jesus went to Hell and became the first-born again
• She teaches that Jesus paid for our sins in Hell:
• She teaches that words have power and you can release the power of
Heaven through your words.
• She teaches that you need revelation from God to understand what she
teaches because it is NOT contained in the Bible
• She teaches that she is no longer a sinner.
- Unfortunately I could
continue with examples of her utter misuse of scripture, false teaching and
blatant heresy. In America, Christians have an embarrassment of riches. We can
buy more books, download more podcasts and tune into more helpful teachers than
anyone else on the planet. The lies that she teaches are easily lost in the hum
of all the great teachers we hear. But this is not the case in the third world.
- In many other
countries their resources are far fewer. Uneducated pastors, who are doing
their very best and uninformed Christians have this garbage pumped into their
countries through radio waves and TV broadcasts. Because Joyce Meyer is
endorsed here, she is trusted there.
- And, she can afford to
spread her message with the money she makes from American Christians who buy
her books, CDs and who attend her conferences. Her influence is severely
disrupting the church in the third world. Her teachings are the unfortunate
starting point for Christians in the third world and it is birthing even
greater heresies. The devastating reality that we have to come to grips
with is that when we support her here, we support the churches she is undoing
- There is nothing wrong
with being wealthy. I love it when Christians are rich. That should mean more
money to fund the mission. But there is a line to how much money we as leaders
should spend on ourselves. I don’t know where the line is, but it is somewhere
before the ministry purchasing million dollar homes for us and our kids.
- That line is somewhere
before purchasing us a $10 million private jet. That one was not good
enough so she now has a more expensive one. The line is somewhere before
the ministry spending $261,498 for 68 pieces of furniture. That equates to
$3,845.56 per item. That line is somewhere before spending so egregiously that
the US Senate investigates us. Joyce Meyer lands on the other side of that
- Not only does she
teach giving as a way to leverage more money from God, she is reckless with
desperate people. She is not at all concerned if people give to her instead of
paying bills. This is intolerable!
- Watch a typical message
by Joyce Meyer. Here are a few of things you will notice: She pauses
about every five minutes for applause. And if people don’t applaud she is
likely to say something like, “I’m preaching better than you’re acting.”
She talks about herself constantly. She is the main character in every
story she tells. Even when she talks about herself in a self-deprecating way,
some how it comes across in a way that causes people to admire her more.
- God talks to her and
reveals new information to her... a lot! Her ministry lacks real
accountability. Her family and her close friends are the governing board. This
is an organization that receives almost $100 million dollars annually, and with
no substantive accountability.
- What I wrote and linked
in the first section should have been enough to completely remove her from our
sphere of trust. Her doctrine is horrific. Her hermeneutics are horrible. She
is a woman who seems to have an unrestrained love for money and applause. Her
finances are questionable at best. Her example is questionable at best. Her
impact on desperate people here, as well as churches and pastors around the
globe is wildly destructive.
- I lament with you a sense of loss if she was a teacher you trusted. I lament that someone who is so wrong has so much influence with so many. I do not regret, however, pointing to her as a false teacher and as one who should be rejected.
EDITOR: Searching on various sites tells me there is a “Rift in the continuum”. Star Trek fans (I am one of them) are quite familiar with this, and with due reasoning. Both the adventures of Kirk and the ongoing spiritual TV series by these fakirs lend plenty to the mind.
Great story lines all based on imagination and creativity with little in the absolute there is bound to be jealousies and compassionate fighting amongst the soothsayers. She has many enemies. Scamming 100 million dollars a year brings that on. I believe it’s called jealousy.
• A creative work environment. Forward thinking for a Christian ministry. (Smart works for the good and the bad)
• There are good people here. Up to date on trends in marketing and design with a young, energetic atmosphere.
• But, you must drink the koolaide, (a Jonestown epitaph) you must be 1000 percent behind Joyce’s philosophies.
• Dissent is not tolerated. Lots of ancient cliques in management. Nepotism runs rampant.
• Somewhat controlling environment, just do not ask Joyce a question that hasn’t been pre-approved.
• People placed in senior editorial positions who have NO editorial experience.
• Because they are a Christian non-profit, they don’t have to play by the rules of regular businesses
• They don't pay unemployment compensation. If HR makes you a promise, be sure to get it in writing.
• “Mentoring” might mean religious instruction, and you must adopt Joyce’s charismatic Christianity.
Nice Transportation — N7JM Gulfstream
Jesus might have ridden an ass, she parks hers in this twelve million dollar Gulfstream..

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