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 Location: Bardmoor Village    √√√√ $$$

10801 Starkey Rd Near Publix
Suite 24  Seminole
,   FL 33777

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A great little hidden mall place that seems to be busy all the time, just around the corner from Bardmoor Medical Center and ER and my Favorite Practitioner.  It is in the Bardmoor shopping center across from the hospital and popular with the nursing staff.

I give blood for testing early AM when needed for wellness and then saunter over to the club for a double steakburger and three egg breakfast with two orders of hash browns.

A pleasure to have two jewels in the same mall area.  Stock American cuisine , burgers, eggs, etc and you won’t go away hungry or disappointed.  

Big  favorite with the locals and usually thats a good sign. Breakfast is served all hours especially since they are located next to a hospital complex.  Shift work being upside down makes this an advantage.

The place is ultra clean and modern looking. The service is top notch, the food fresh and it's got a busy attitude about it and I like that.  It tells you others think the same thing about it.


After donating some test blood at the hospital across the street, with the usual fasting for twelve hours, I was a hungry raging bull by 9.00 AM.  

The phlebotomist nurse, Mrs. Dracula, suggested a very Bloody Mary with Vodka protein and recommended I try the CLUBHOUSE since they order from there all the time.  Walk or drive it was 100 yds away.  That tells me consistency, medical people are very food conscious. And know whats what. 

Bingo, I ordered the “ Carb-diac" special, I needed 
a food transfusion. Much protein. I had three over medium, a huge hamburger x two, a large pile of home fries, three coffees, a liter of Cranberry juice I had in my canteen (just in case I got too dried out from the fast), and toast.  I redeemed my fasted body. For about 11 dollars.

It was hot, on the spot and service with a smile was excellent.  By the way, we don’t disclose what we are doing and tell it like it is.  Their menus are on a big screen, the food fresh and hot…they do the ordinary quite well.

I have eaten there about twenty times over the years . Great little quiet nice homey joint — 

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