


  • For the naive underlings that believe in the lies or in the TV commercials junk you might eat, you might consider reading and learning something on this site for your protection. 
  • Whats here is about what’s really what  you put in yourself and others.   In fast food,  it’s worse than you think… If it means nothing to you, please leave.  You are wasting my space.   In fast food the only enrichment is the pockets of the bean counters.
  • Outbreaks of foodborne diseases are recurrent events, which regularly cost human lives. In modern view, food safety goes beyond food safety management systems; and this means that food safety culture, with its internal and external environment, must also be considered and taken into account.  
  • Not all bad originates in the restaurant facility, quite a bit of information comes literally right from the horses mouth — I might have quoted the wrong end of the horse, I apologize.       ( Feces from animals and humans can be the cause) — 
  • Your food is good, that means taste, texture, freshness and portion size are appropriate  —  And The style or culture of your food is within traditional or current trends  —
  • If the service is good, well trained and on time  —  And Your costs and retail pricing is within consideration  —  You can re-market yourself  —  if needed  —   listen to suggestions from the help  —  Pay attention and listen to your customers  —  
  • Get rid of bad employees  —   pay the good ones  —   Get rid of bad management even if it’s a relative  —  Pro-active thinking, progressive, intellectually correct, seek perfection, and grow  —  


  • Corporate bosses making millions —  combined with bean counters fueling it who are more concerned with portion control, profit, wastage and profit,  and not quality nor safety oriented are not your friends.   
  • Managers are concerned about hitting bonuses, workers are concerned about being laid off or starving on minimum wage and really some are of a mindset of not being in public view so things don’t matter. 
  • Other holiday and summer entertaining food safety tips include washing hands with soap and water before preparing and cooking food, and after handling shell eggs, seafood, raw meat and poultry, burgers and sausages.
  • Tools, utensils and chopping boards should be cleaned and dried thoroughly before starting to prepare food and cleaned with hot soapy water after use.  Use separate chopping boards such as red for raw meat and poultry and green for vegetables.
  • Plan ahead and don’t buy more food than you need or store safely, so the refrigerator and freezer are not overstocked. Try to avoid raw or minimally cooked egg dishes, such as raw egg mayonnaise or aioli, eggnog or desserts like tiramisu, which can pose a higher risk of food poisoning.


  • Chains shut down restaurants for all sorts of reasons  —  like a glutted market  —  poor food choices
  • The location may not be so great. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION
  • The chain itself may be going downhill because of changing consumer tastes.
  • The entire enterprise was not thought out and basically bean counters running the show, not chefs  —  
  • Bosses have too many incompetents on the payroll  —  
  • Mistreatment of the help, can’t keep good workers, it can be a slim margin business  —  
  • Lousy business plan allowing bad food and poor help choices…


👺   JBS   Based in Brazil, is the world’s largest meat-processing company. In the third quarter of 2021, the company reported revenue of $17.7 billion, a year-over-year increase of 32%. In 2007,  JBS entered the U.S. market by acquiring Swift & Co., the third-largest beef and pork processor at the time. Since then, JBS has acquired Smithfield’s beef business, Cargill’s pork business, and Pilgrim’s Pride, America’s second-largest poultry processor. 

But the company’s U.S. plants are some of the country's biggest polluters. They’ve been the subject of multiple lawsuits for anticompetitive behavioranimal crueltyenvironmental harm, and discrimination against Muslims

US subsidiaries of JBS received at least $62 million from Trump administration farm bailouts while their parent company was one of the biggest winners of Trump's trade war, signing nearly $13 billion in deals with China

In Brazil, the company has been accused of using cattle that illegally graze in and destroy the Amazon rain forest, and analysis shows that the company’s carbon footprint is nearly as big as the next three closest competitors combined.    JBS, meanwhile, has a number of lobbyists who focus on its interests with the USDA and a political action committee that has donated over $500,000 to candidates and causes, 90% went to the GOP.

👺  Tyson Foods   Tyson is the world’s second-largest meat packer and America’s largest poultry producer.   In its fiscal year 2021, Tyson's sales of $47 billion increased 8.9% while volume of products decreased 2.8%. That’s likely because the average price it charged for its products grew 13%. That increase wasn't all due to higher operating costs, as the company's operating profit margin grew to 9.3% from 7% in fiscal year 2020.

Tyson, meanwhile, has been implicated in a number of recent scandals. The company limited employee breaks to the point where some processing plant workers were forced to wear diapers. It also faced a class-action lawsuit alleging that the company, along with others, engaged in a long-term price fixing scheme that cost average families the equivalent of $330 a year. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tyson reportedly incentivized sick workers to stay on the jobstonewalled health inspectors and agenciesunderreported positive COVID cases, and lied to interpreters who translate for non–English speaking employees about the dangers of the virus.  

Through all of this, the Federal Reserve bought Tyson bonds to help prop the company up and provide some financial aidThe company spent $1.3 million on lobbyists in 2020 and $514,000 on political donationsProducts were sold under many brands including Tyson, Jet’s Pizza, Casey’s General Store, Marco’s Pizza, and Little Caesars.

👺  Cargill and National Beef Packing  — Cargill is among the largest privately held US companies. It often markets and labels its turkey products sold under the Shady Brook Farms and Honeysuckle White brands as being raised by “ independent family farmers,” when, in fact, they come from its own corporate-controlled industrial farms.

Meanwhile, Marfrig Global Food, another  Brazilian company, owns the majority of National Beef Packing Co., based in Kansas City, Mo. Its parent company has been accused of human rights violations, knowingly destroying the Amazon rain forest, and other environmental violations.   Both companies are the subject of antitrust investigations into whether they artificially raised prices for American consumers. 

👺  USDA Has Future Plans To Consider Salmonella In Chicken — About Twenty Years Too Late

🐔  The USDA is beginning to consider whether or not to consider if Salmonella in poultry should be considered a problem.  The department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) today announced that it is “ considering a regulatory framework”  for a new strategy that would allow the agency to consider controlling Salmonella in poultry products. The goal, if things move forward, is to reduce human illnesses.  Every year at least 135,000 people are sickened by Salmonella, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Of those illnesses, one-fourth are caused by the pathogen in chicken.

🐔  The potential framework described in the FSIS announcement has three prongs and an open ended time schedule.  Some who have been fighting for Salmonella to be declared an adulterant in poultry — making it illegal to sell chicken contaminated with it knowingly or unknowingly — are feeling lukewarm about the potential framework.

Bill Marler, a Seattle food safety attorney who three years ago filed a petition on behalf of several individuals and three consumer groups seeking to have Salmonella declared an adulterant, said the FSIS announcement reminded him of a 1970's TV commercial: “ Where’s the beef?”

🐔  Consumer Reports, one of the groups named in the petition   “ is an encouraging sign that the agency is stepping up its efforts to protect the public.  “Salmonella contamination is all too common in poultry and poses a potentially deadly risk to consumers,” said Brian Ronholm, director of food policy at Consumer Reports. “It’s critical for the USDA to work expeditiously to adopt aggressive goals to sharply reduce salmonella contamination and focus its efforts on reducing the strains that pose the biggest threat to human health.”

🐔  The citizen’s petition asked FSIS to declare 32 strains of Salmonella to be considered an adulterant. The FSIS is considering whether to review three of those strains.  Salmonella contamination is widespread in chicken in part because of the often crowded and filthy conditions in which they are raised, according to Consumer Reports. A recent CR investigation, for example, found almost one-third of ground chicken samples tested contained salmonella.  Consumer reports said the numbers are alarming and that the framework needs to go further.

“While the USDA currently requires producers to test poultry for salmonella, a processing facility is allowed to have the bacteria in up to 9.8 percent of all whole birds it tests, 15.4 percent of all parts, and 25 percent of ground chicken.  Producers that exceed these amounts are given what amounts to a warning, but not prevented from selling the meat,” according to the Consumer Reports statement.

🐔  “Stop Foodborne Illness (STOP) applauds FSIS for taking the first step of developing meaningful, comprehensive controls for Salmonella in poultry that includes an enforceable final product standard. The proposed framework reflects many issues raised by STOP and its coalition partners in our joint petition filed in January 2021,” said Mitzi D. Baum, M.Sc. and CEO of STOP.

👺  To Prevent Hepatitis A Outbreaks  —  

  • Hepatitis A is a highly contagious disease that attacks the liver. It is also the only vaccine-preventable foodborne illness.  Hepatitis A vaccines are available and given out nationwide for free by local health departments, or at a cost of less than $100.  So why aren’t all food workers vaccinated against hepatitis A?  
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hepatitis A vaccines are safe and effective at preventing hepatitis A infections. Severe allergic reactions following vaccination are rare, and the common side effects are usually mild and last 1-2 days. 
  • An employer-mandated vaccine is considered a part of work, and thus, under most state laws, an adverse reaction would be covered by workers’ compensation.   
  • CDC now realizes  Food service workers are not more at risk of getting hepatitis A because of their occupation, but they are a risk for spreading it to customers. Moreover, although the incidence of hepatitis A had decreased, reported cases have increased dramatically since 2016, when large person-to-person outbreaks began occurring.

👺   Organic Label Is Not A Guarantee Of Food Safety  —  And Pesticides  —  

  • The term organic is not a guarantee of food safety, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).  Organic is a way to grow food following specific rules and guidelines, according to a document published by the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. 
  • Organic certification refers to a product made in line with certain standards throughout the production, handling, processing and marketing stages; it does not cover the characteristics of the finished item.  Such standards and regulations may differ between and among countries’ supply chains for regulating chemical use and other requirements for soil and water quality maintenance. 
  • The US organic sector saw food sales hit $50.1 billion in 2019, up 4.6 percent from the previous year, according to the Organic Trade Association.Organic agriculture is seen as a promising approach to address challenges raised by increasing demographics and urbanization as well as climate change. For consumers, this often translates into healthier, safer, tastier and more environmentally friendly foods, organic proponents contend.

👺   Dangerous Consumer Products — 

  •  Synthetic chemicals called phthalates, found in hundreds of consumer products such as food storage containers, shampoo, makeup, perfume and children's toys, may contribute to some 91,000 to 107,000 premature deaths a year among people ages 55 to 64 in the United States, a new study found. High BPA levels linked to 49% greater risk of death within 10 years, study says

  • People with the highest levels of phthalates had a greater risk of death from any cause, especially cardiovascular mortality, according to the study published Tuesday in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Pollution.

  • 🎼 Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew the more you drink, the faster it kills you. It’s not just the overage of sugar but the container it’s in.  It’s the number one drink in Appalachia and creates poor dentistry, adding to poor health, diet and access to medical services, the impoverished people there have.  The sugar sodium bicarbinate in the DEW becomes addictive, not by chemical means but habit.

  • The study estimated those deaths could cost the US about $40 to $47 billion each year in lost economic productivity.  "This study adds to the growing data base on the impact of plastics on the human body and bolsters public health and business cases for reducing or eliminating the use of plastics," said lead author Dr. Leonardo Trasande, a professor of pediatrics, environmental medicine and population health at NYU Langone Health in New York City.

  • Chemicals in plastics damage babies' brains and must be banned immediately, expert group says.  Prior research has connected phthalates with reproductive problems, such as genital malformations and undescended testes in baby boys and lower sperm counts and testosterone levels in adult males. Previous studies have also linked phthalates to childhood obesity, asthma, cardiovascular issues and cancer. 

  • Other common exposures come from the use of phthalates in food packaging, detergents, clothing, furniture and automotive plastics.  Phthalates are also added to personal care items such as shampoo, soap, hair spray and cosmetics to make fragrances last longer. 

  • "Children crawl around and touch many things, then put their hands in their mouths. Because of that hand-to-mouth behavior, phthalate particles in dust might be a greater risk for children than for adults," the CDC states. 

 The new study measured the urine concentration of phthalates in more than 5,000 adults between the ages of 55 and 64 and compared those levels to the risk of early death over an average of 10 years, Trasande said.

Researchers controlled for preexisting heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other common conditions, poor eating habits, physical activity and body mass, and levels of other known hormone disruptors such as bisphenol A or BPA, he said. 

"But we already know phthalates mess with the male sex hormone, testosterone, which is a predictor of adult cardiovascular disease. And we already know that these exposures can contribute to multiple conditions associated with mortality, such as obesity and diabetes," Trasande said.

The synthetic compound was formerly found in most baby bottles, sippy cups and infant formula containers until parents boycotted those products over a decade ago. The FDA banned the chemical's use in bottles and sippy cups in 2012.

“ First, avoid plastics as much as you can. Never put plastic containers in the microwave or dishwasher, where the heat can break down the linings so they might be absorbed more readily," he suggested. “  In addition, cooking at home and reducing your use of processed foods can reduce the levels of the chemical exposures you come in contact with."



  • Inspections are performed at the County Health Department (CHD)level by the Environmental Health section. Each CHDs Environmental Health section is responsible for all DOH-regulated food service establishments located within their county. There are several types of inspections that are performed. 

  • The types of inspections that you may see in this report are routine inspections, re-inspections, and complaint inspections. Routine inspections are periodic inspections that are performed as a part of the on-going food safety system. Re-inspections are completed when a facility has violations that need corrections in more than the standard time frame. 

  • Complaint inspections are performed in response to a citizen’s complaint. Both routine and complaint inspections are unannounced inspections. This means there is no prior notice or pre-arranged time frame before the inspector arrives. If a re-inspection is required, the facility is given a specific date by which specified violations must be corrected; therefore, there is an arranged time for the re-visit.

  • Once an inspector completes an inspection, it is given a result of Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, or Incomplete. "Satisfactory" means that there were no observed violations at the time of inspection or the violations that were observed were not significant enough to require correction before the next routine inspection. "Unsatisfactory" means that the violations were a significant threat to public health and sanitation and require correction before the next routine inspection. 

  • An "Incomplete" inspection means that the inspection was interrupted and the inspector had to leave before completing the inspection.

  • Electronic records of sanitation and safety inspections conducted by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants on public food service establishments (i.e., seating and non-seating establishments, caterers, mobile food dispensing vehicles, hot dog carts, theme park food carts and vending machines). Each inspection report is a “snapshot” of conditions present at the time of the inspection. 

  • On any given day, an establishment may have fewer or more violations than noted in their most recent inspection. An inspection conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions at the establishment. To find inspections for a particular lodging establishment by name or address, please see DBPR Online Services.   Here are resources that can be trusted

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World-wide food alerts for salmonella, e.coli, and a hundred others — 

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The places in Florida you are familiar with that just might indispose you — 

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The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO Constitution states its main objective as “ the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health".

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