🔲 But first a warning about the content — it’s not rumors — it’s all truth and if you are sensitive to truth and prefer the lies, please go elsewhere and seek more of your illiterate kind — Wear a hat that says MAGA —
🔘 This is the story of a man who sought power, respect, money, financial success, recognition, insight, loyalty, adoration, and accidentally fell into the position of President of the United States of America — proving once again the stupidity of some American voters.
🔘 He is not self made - If your Dad gave you 411 million dollars and real estate - thats not self made — This clown never worked a day in his life — The times were spent cheating and screwing others.

🔘 And he was a total incompetent mean-spirited narcississtic liar — with an equivalency of an 9th grade education — who fakes religion, intelligence, and is a misogamist — accused by twenty women — coined the phrase “ You grab them by the crotch and you own them - they love you”.
🔘 For some he should of fell into a pit of boiling oil — not Olive Oil but dirty crankcase oil — including people I knew in NY that never got paid —
🔘 He cheated in school — his dad paid the schools off, he had subs do his homework and take his tests — even his sister helped his homework — read her book and see the real Donald and his cheating in school —
🔘 He cheated the draft, his dad paid the doctor off — we have proof and the documents — His high school and college scores are closed and secured — not available —
🔘 He cheated with whores while Melania was pregnant — The Stormy Daniel Incident —
🔘 For some who did business with him in NY - His bogus loans and fake deals destroyed two banks — burying them with bankruptcies — seven of them — His great business prowess lost one billion dollars over ten years —
🔘 His golf courses have to go to the Saudis to bail his out, because he is Golfs biggest cheat — and he could care less about the PGA — He will destroy them just like everything else he touches —
🔘 And in construction of his hotels amassed 3500 lawsuits with his projects — in the NY courts heavily protected by bribes and lawyer teams on the parole. And his tactics were hired team lawyers who delayed trial long enough so their clients could not afford to pay their lawyers to go to trial.
🔘 He created a college and lost millions when sued —T-RUMP U — he sure trumped them — got caught and had to reimburse millions — It was a biggly fraud just like all his other scams —
🔘 His book was not written by T-RUMP — Tony Schwartz wrote it and regrets it to this day —
🔘 All of the T-RUMP clothing and apparel, steaks, ties, suits and other name brands failed just as with his daughter Ivanka's line of Chinese and Japanese clothes and imports went bust.
🔘 Trained by his grandfather who made a fortune in the Northwest with a whorehouse and gold miners - Gold was 20 dollars an ounce then and $1800 an ounce now. Thats the real T-RUMP fortune — Many of his business deals were failures — And his father a ruthless business man, who taught Donald, that, “ Cheating is only another tool for winning — It’s the winning that counts- “ We call it the T-RUMP Scumbag Mantra”
🔘 And we will in 30 or more, ( it looks like more chapters) and thousands of words bring the masses to daylight as this is about one of the greatest liars and cons in history — We are waiting on the final chapters with his removal by any means from the human race — Hopefully after what he has done to the core of this country a body bag—
🔘 I believe GOD has seen enough — This page is the introduction, but if you are in a hurry, consider it CLIFF NOTES and you can read the 160,000 words of others and myself research at your convenience and disposal.

LAST CHANCE WARNING — If you are a devout T-Rump fan, GOP base voter, Acolyte or Sycophant for the 2nd greatest negligent killer, liar and scourge in the history of our country and a believer in Donald T-Rumps sick disturbed world, please do not enter this section — Obviously since truth means nothing to you — And people like you, we call deniers, cannot handle the fact you were duped — and quite stupid —lacking intelligence and not seeing wjo this man really is.
This E-BOOK section reflects a collection of indecency, corruption, lies, and scumbag tactics almost forty years of history that I and a host of others have tracked him, from New York in the early days to today, the truth, a man destined to be the second person the devil wanted to throw out of hell — after Hitler since they share the same game plan.
The first was Adolf Hitler, but if you support him, you are fully qualified to go to hell, as well, Lucifer assured me, he has the room reserved for the GOP hoards of imbeciles who believe lies and lend their support to liars. Lucifer also promised his room will be on the same floor as Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler as he qualified when a million Americans died from his COVID lies and frauds.
To date there are 31,000 Plus lies published and certified by
fact checkers At Politico And The Washington Post —

The Bob Woodward — Robert Costa Book: — Worried Trump Could 'Go Rogue,' Milley Took Top-Secret Action To Protect Nuclear Weapons And Not Let Him Go Rogue — Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, President Donald Trump's top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took top-secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.
Woodward and Costa write that Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'
Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "You never know what a president's trigger point is," Milley told his senior staff, according to the book.

Sheer Ignorance and Stupidity —
🔘 The BBC, CNN, Getty and some great writers and fellow photojournalists over decades — have followed Donald’s Deeds — They have contributed truth over fiction, reality over a reality show, and shocking stories proving we can only elect bad officials because America has some of the worst, stupidest ignorant, dumbest voters in the world suffering from laziness, greed, facial recognition, TV ads, simpleton thinking, lack of vetting skills, all vie for most free hats, really made for profit, and corruption — simply put — lots of schmucks out there --
🔘 Relying on hats, memorabilia and junk, many of you simpletons elected a person whose ignorance and unqualified, compassionless, corruption and greed was unsuitable for the job, causing the negligent homocide, murder of over a million people, and they died a horrid death — Thats one million dead, husbands, wives, nurses, doctors, aunts , uncles and other relatives because they were lied to.
🔘 Families destroyed and abandoned by the loss of a wage earner. Time and time again by the sickness of one man. Donald J. T-RUMP who thought he was the Messiah. And equally to blame are the far right supporters who out of being born with the greed DNA strain sell their souls to the Devil himself.
🔘 Please, if you have a problem with reason and truth, do not read this section and accept the fact you are a short thinker with poor brain matter sometimes diagnosed as “ Cranial - Rectal Dyslexia” ( Sh*t For Brains) and truth means nothing, you have been brainwashed — I don’t have help for you — please seek professional aid…
🔘 I’m a kind person and offer to help you if that what you believe. So we have established a hotline (680 degrees) with Lucifer Mestopheles for your benefit. Rooms are being sold out by the rich like the two-faced Senators who are taking all the suites.
But Wait — If you still support him, make your reservations in hell early as the place is filling up fast, the staff told us Lucifer closed the main dinning hall for lack of roadkill but —
“ Dumpster Diving” is allowed Mon-Thur 8: AM to 5: PM when the Gargoyles get off shift — and they get their share — especially cheek and thigh bones, they tell us they taste a lot like hot chicken wings — so get there early and try some of the house sauces —
Our wing sauce is specially prepared known as the Hot Sauce from Hell, only $4.99 a bottle, discounts for Hell Raisers —
( Warning — OK, I like humor but this sauce is real and as potent as the bottle says) and available on Amazon in combination with Antacids one bottle free with each order. Mylanta — Rolaids — Tums, your call and it’s free!
And for the biggest T-RUMP supporters and heartburn lovers, we have just received a new hot sauce called “ Jesus Sauce” made from the actual, “ Bhut Jolokia peppers grown in India". They are a Ghost pepper at one million scovilles and the secret ingredient in pepper spray used by the Indian Police —
And we are truly sorry the AC is out of order, we were hoping T-RUMP would build a few nice hotels here with AC but he makes promises and things never happen — he ain’t worth it. He lies a lot. We like that in a man. We were expecting him sooner but the Jury is out on when he gets here, because 100 other Jury’s are taking up his time in NY and Washington — reservations cheerfully accepted and if you have special needs like perverts or child molesters and pediofile types please let us know.
Just Dial Area Code (1-000) 666-1212 And ask for Reservations, Mention Code — “ T-RUMP-666” Scumbags Always Welcome and You will Be Amongst Friends —
Lucifer Mestopheles
Lucifer Mestopheles, Manager
Lowest Judgement Director
— T-Rumps Photo-Op Diplomacy Plan —
It has a name Authoritarianism, and is shared with Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and others throughout history. T-RUMP is a Authoritarianist, one who believe ultimate power is his, same beliefs the Fuhrer in the thirties and forties combining the axis powers resulting in the deaths of 60 million people in the world.

Same control the North Korean’s and the Russian's have today. ( all three believe they are the Messiah, T-Rump is more leaning as a Facist than a Communist . The further you go to the right, the more individualistic it becomes and the less government you will find. One problem is T-RUMP is a blowhard coward.
Fascism is syndicated unionism and as such, it is collectivist by very definition, i.e. bundle of sticks. Collectivism and unionism is left-wing by nature. There is NOTHING right-wing about fascism. Only sophists and revisionists on the left somehow construe it as being a right-wing thing.
The “right" being at simplest more conservative, has no distinction on how free it is. Conservatives support monarchies and dictators just as easily as democracies, Fascism is an inherently right wing authoritarian style of governance.
The Crowning Of the Would Be King or Furhrer —
Donald J. Trump somehow became the presidential nominee for the GOP party. He is in an elite club joining, but unwelcome the ranks of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan, all great Americans. He is not a member of this club. He is an imposter.
He lacks transparency, integrity, honesty, and is totally into himself. He is, as he states the only person who could fix things. Those were Hitlers words. Hitler’s memoirs “Mein Kamph” have now been superseded by T-RUMP’S “Mein Stuhlgang”
And my question is how did so many Americans fall for this, incredibly bad, incredibly dangerous individual and the situations he has provoked. Not all their fault, the party is to blame. “It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, “Wait on time.”
T-RUMP Loves To Play Tough-guy — He’s alarmingly thin-skinned. Referring to critics who spoke at the Democratic National Convention, Trump said Thursday that he wanted to “Hit a number of those speakers so hard, their heads would spin.”
And: “ I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy.” Trump made clear Friday on Twitter that he was talking about “ ‘Little Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president.” Words from the schoolyard bully.
Finally, there’s ample evidence that Trump is the worst kind of bully. Look at the way he reacted to the powerful Democratic convention speech by Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim American soldier who was killed in the Iraq War.
Trump initially did not have the courage to respond directly to Khan. Instead he cowardly attacked Khan’s wife, Ghazala, who had stood silently on the stage. “ She was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.” There’s no need for me to defend Ghazala Khan, who spoke eloquently for herself in a Post op-ed. But tell me: What kind of man has so little empathy for a grieving mother’s loss? Is that normal? Is it healthy?
Everything he puts out eventually crumbles just like his T-RUMP College and Atlantic City. The curse of the Taj Mahal, great dreams, bad foundations and a lot of people lost a lot of money and jobs. Those folks are merely collateral damage and he really has no concern for their losses. He has the empathy of an anteater on a termite mound.
In the beginning, it started as a joke, a publicity stunt. Here we go again, another reality show and the brainless, less informed, ignored captured the moment. He called it his base, bases built on hatred never last, empires fall when not inclusive. Just ask the Romans, the Communists and Hitlers Nazi’s.
Must be part of the group that thinks Pro Wrestling is real and the WWE should be a political party since they have as many actors as we have in politics. So when elected he hired Linda McMahon, wife of WWE guru and CEO Ed McMahon, phoniest bastard on the planet, just another trooper in the gang of scumbag T-RUMP associates. She accomplished nothing but did give two million or more to T-RUMP's campaign and bought her job.
The Esteem Blowhards Plan That Failed or Did It?
🔘 T -RUMP opened the door to more spying, cyber attacks and claimed Russia had nothing to do with it and allowed even more attacks, He lied and thats treason.
🔘 T-RUMP has turned everyone so against everyone else, so that we are as weak as we have ever been, as well as more vulnerable. He has opened doors and hatred, prejudice and death flowed out —
🔘 He is an insulting jerkoff well hated in Europe —
🔘 COVID did not matter to Donald, it did however matter to one million families who lost a loved one. Listen if Biden had not won we would be one million more in the ground dead —
🔘 His support comes from a weak base of many displaced, weak minded, poor educated and Evangelical humans who call themselves patriots, and support what he tells them ( 30,000 total documented lies) adding mal-contents, stupid, ignorant, dumb, wackos, morons and politicians weak enough to believe him and combined with a degenerative gun climate we are looking at a civil war. We had an attempted coupe on January 6th 2021.
🔘 Republicans gain through his venture is to sell us out to the program by weakening the country by degrees, including voter suppression, questioning a fair election, stacking the supreme court, and sub-courts, etc.
🔘 Destroy our conservation and public lands without proper exploration and science, and oil drilling, claims to bring back coal and dirty our atmosphere and not addressing global warming. The weather has killed a lot of people this past year further weakening us. It’s really serious now.
🔘 Create false news and reports by fellow traitors to the country. Immediate goal was to eliminate the true press newspapers — Destroy the real good news and replace it with propaganda by people like Stephen Miller who destroyed the immigration system just like Hitler tried to destroy the Jewish people and all non-aryans… and conspiratorialists who promote lies and anti-vaccine protocols.
🔘 Republicans are not Conservatives, they are fascists — They Call Themselves Patriots — all the while working on and under a plan to sell out the country. For power and money. SHAME ON YOU!
🔘 Mitch McConnell said “ He is doing everything in the Corrupt Senate to ruin anything President Biden tries to accomplish” . If we were in another country like North Korea, your balls would be hanging from a tree, the rest of you eaten by dogs (Kim Jung Un’s Favorite Method) blown up with and anti-aircraft gun, or poisoned at an airport with a rag filled with instant poison.
🔘 If you made your comment in Russia, you would vanish, be assassinated, chemically nuked or thrown in a Gulag with no name. We might as Americans to save our country adopt some of these measures — I have a list to start with.
🔘 "You had the President calling on his opponents to be investigated," “One guardrail after another just smashed by this unethical former President." Swalwell, who told CNN Thursday night he had been notified that his data had been seized, told CNN's Jim Sciutto on Friday morning that he had never leaked classified information and laid out why citizens should care. “This is about everyday Americans who don't want to see their government weaponize law enforcement against them because of their political beliefs," Swalwell said.
🔘 Why It Matters So Much — The reason this latest issue is so important is that it appears to show the executive branch of the government wielding presidential power to target the legislative branch, and the President's personal political enemies. It would be hard to find a more clear and flagrant abuse of presidential power.
This behavior would not only be a perversion of the DOJ's critical role in ensuring the neutral and apolitical application of justice -- a key requirement for a democratic society. It would also mirror the actions of autocrats across the world, many of whom Trump openly admired.
Furthermore, all of this was taking place at a time when Trump was railing against a "Deep State" of intelligence professionals and officials and as he was repeatedly lying. And the only reason why the revelations are emerging now is that gag orders on this and other investigations started by the former administration are expiring and are not being renewed by the Biden Justice Department.
🔘 The newest revelations raise the question of whether there are even more alarming abuses of power by Trump that are yet to be uncovered -- an issue that is going to hike pressure on new Attorney General Merrick Garland to provide an accounting. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco has asked the Justice Department's inspector general to investigate the department's handling of the investigation.
🔘 In another insight into the depth of the assault on democratic values in the US, it emerged this week that the Trump Justice Department obtained a gag order to prevent CNN disclosing another secret leak investigation that swept up its Pentagon reporter Barbara Starr.
🔘 That fact alone will renew scrutiny on former Attorney General William Barr, whose initial appointment was greeted with relief in Washington given Trump's previous lawlessness, but who often appeared to act mostly as a personal lawyer for Trump. In the most famous example of this, he publicly misrepresented Robert Mueller's report into Trump campaign ties with Russia and the Kremlin's 2016 election meddling effort.
🔘 A Sudden Fall From Power Always Comes Hard — by Simon Tisdall — King Alfred was reduced to skulking in a Somerset bog. A distraught Napoleon talked to coffee bushes on St Helena. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia hung around the haberdashery department of Jolly’s in Bath. Uganda’s Idi Amin plotted bloody revenge from a Novotel in Jeddah. Only Alfred the Great made a successful comeback.
🔘 “Special interest groups likely spent more than $13 million at Trump properties” in order to gain access and influence, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, an independent watchdog, reports. This typified an administration “marked by self-interest, profiteering at the highest levels, and more than 3,700 conflicts of interest” Their contributions to the T-RUMP election plan aided most who got their jobs in the cabinet till all of the them quit or f*ked up totally like Carter and DeVos.
🔘 In short, Trump, who promised to “ Drain the Swamp”, waddled knee-deep in sleaze. So investigate and charge him! Ask him to explain his over 30,000 lies… the swamp turned into a cesspool —
🔘 Trump has much to answer for internationally, lying too. and spreading COVID lies to other nations who now avoid him. Asking him who will fix the problems he created and clean up the mess from his cabinet jerkoffs who did nothing.
🔘 And if all that is not enough, then consider – from a moral if not a legal standpoint – the thousands of avoidable Covid-19 deaths attributable to Trump’s denialism, stupidity and reckless incompetence and dumber leaders like Bolsonaro followed him down the rabbit hole and killed 683,000 Brazilians.
🔘 It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile, about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie, . What other self-respecting country would allow it? Few if any.
MAGA should mean “ Make America Great” — ASSASSINATE
ED-OP — One of the courses taught that I attended at Intelligence Gathering Organization schools involved understanding that people can give away their deepest secrets and lies especially when in an interview situation or simply answering questions — In everyday usage it is simply refereed to as "Body Language”. In the military it is a lot more concise an effort as lives may depend on it.

🔘 Why Is T-RUMP On The TV All The Time? — Chief Joseph Former Leader of the Nez Perce Tribe summed it up eloquently and simplistic but hit the nail on the head, “ Those who tell and live by the truth need few words to make their point, the liar requires repetition and forces his mistruth onto the weak and vulnerable.
🔘 Something T-RUMP learned early from Dr. Goebbels of the Third Reich, his father and grandfather whose claim to fame was whorehouses in the Northwest during the Gold Rush. T-RUMPS whole family and life is dirty. Including Kushner's dad whom T-RUMP pardoned. T-RUMP uses Hitlers Playbook - The similarities are scary —
🔘 We Elected a Liar for President — Missed The Signs — Liars Pants Were On Fire — Inconsistency — We tend to think that liars are the ones who can't keep their stories straight, but we'll list this so-called tell first, and thus least reliable, because there are other explanations for changing stories. It's simply too easy, and deceptive, to rely on inconsistency as a proxy for deceit.
🔘 In fact, most truthful people, when they're asked to retell a story several times, will remember additional details each time--which means the stories they tell will change. One theory for this is that when you think you remember a past event, you're actually remembering the last time you remembered it.
🔘 Suspicious expressions — There are some tells that can suggest lack of veracity: blushing, blinking, flared nostrils, fake smiles. Notice them, remember them, pay attention. However, don't read too much into them, Because while they may be indications, there is simply too much room for false positives to go by expressions alone. It's really difficult even for trained, experienced interrogators to pick out a liar on the basis of facial expressions.
🔘 Please repeat the question — Maybe they're ensuring they heard you correctly. Or maybe they're stalling for time, or else trying to unpack what you've asked, and figure out how much you know. If they're doing this, note it, and weigh it with some of the others on the list.
🔘 Unnecessary superlatives — Absolutely, Tremendous, Literally, Yes, there are times when these words are appropriate, but they're the exception to the rule. People who insist on peppering their speech with them might be trying to bolster their argument or distract you.
🔘 A desire to shut everything down — They don't want to talk, or they want to move the conversation along quickly to another subject. Is that because you're that boring a conversationalist--or perhaps they're eager to move out of the zone of deception into a safer space? Again, this isn't a foolproof tell, but it's another piece of evidence to consider as you weigh the likelihood that you're being told something untruthful.
🔘 Qualifying language — People who are being honest sometimes like to remind you that people in general aren't always honest. How? By using phrases like, "In all candor" or "If I'm being completely truthful" or "If I had to swear on a stack of Bibles … " Be on the lookout for these. Think of it like that old saw "If you have to ask, you can't afford it." Here, if you have to emphasize that you're telling the truth, you might well be lying.
🔘 Flourishes in the word no — Key tells could be when people "say no and look in a different direction,” Trick: Force them to say the word no to an oblique or open-ended question. "Did you file a false expense report?" as opposed to "I'm curious about the accuracy of our expense reports. Do you have any insight into that?”
🔘 Failing to remember details upon retelling — This seems like No. 1 above, but it's different: It's the case in which the person talking doesn't add new details that contradict him- or herself, but also can't recall what he or she previously said. Ask them to tell the story backward. It's simply harder to keep details straight if you're asking them to relate a made-up story in a different order than they learned it.
🔘 Inappropriate emotions — You're looking here for incongruity: terrible news--but a joking attitude. Supposedly good news--but overly tempered enthusiasm.
🔘 Contempt — Consider this one a bonus--a tell that lets you know when someone holds you in contempt but attempts to continue the conversation anyway. Contempt doesn't mean necessarily that someone is lying, but it does mean that you should consider the conversation over. Because contempt is a combination of anger and moral superiority, it's almost impossible to develop rapport with someone who feels that way.
T-RUMPS — Legacy Of Failure — The Ignorance and Narcissism
🔘 What’s Trump’s key legacy? — Death By Stupidity And Arrogance — T-RUMP will be remembered as the first president to be impeached twice. He fed the myth that the election was stolen, summoned his supporters to Washington to protest the certification of the Electoral College vote, told them that only through strength could they take back their country, and stood by as they stormed the US Capitol and interfered in the operation of constitutional government. When historians write about his presidency, they will do so through the lens of the riot.
🔘 They will focus on Trump's tortured relationship with the alt-right, his atrocious handling of the deadly Charlottesville protest in 2017, the rise in violent right-wing extremism during his tenure in office, and the viral spread of malevolent conspiracy theories that he encouraged.
🔘 If Donald Trump had followed the example of his predecessors and conceded power graciously and peacefully, he would have been remembered as a disruptive but consequential populist leader. Now he is nothing but a beloved asshole, liar, fraud, crook — and troublemaker. or as my late brother referred to him, “ They should have beheaded him a long time ago in NY when he screwed the unions and banks” —
🔘 He thinks he was a president who, before the pandemic, presided over an economic boom, re-oriented America's opinion of China, removed terrorist leaders from the battlefield, revamped the space program, secured an originalist (conservative) majority on the US Supreme Court, and authorized Operation Warp Speed to produce a Covid-19 vaccine in record time. I don’t think so — thats all a big lie— amongst others —
🔘 A Surrender Of Global Leadership — His attempt to surrender global leadership and replace it with a more inward-looking, fortress-like mentality. I don't think it succeeded, but the question is how profound has the damage to America's international reputation been - and that remains to be seen. The moment I found jaw-dropping was the press conference he had with Vladimir Putin in 2018 in Helsinki, where he took Putin's side over US intelligence in regard to Russian interference in the election.

🔘 Putting Democracy To The Test — Broadly speaking: Donald T-RUMP, and his enablers in the Republican Party and conservative media, have put American democracy to the test in an unprecedented way. As a historian who studies the intersection of media and the presidency, it is truly striking the ways in which he has convinced millions of people that his fabricated version of events is true.
What happened on 6 January at the US Capitol is a culmination of over four years during which President Trump actively advanced misinformation. Just as Watergate and the impeachment inquiry dominated historical interpretations of Richard Nixon's legacy for decades, I do think that this particular post-election moment will be at the forefront of historical assessments of his presidency.
🔘 Kellyanne Conway's first introduction of the notion of "alternative facts" just days into the Trump administration when disputing the size of the inaugural crowds between Trump and Barack Obama.
Presidents across the 20th Century have increasingly used sophisticated measures to spin interpretation of policies and events in favourable ways and to control the media narrative of their administrations. But the assertion that the administration had a right to its own alternative facts went far beyond spin, ultimately foreshadowing the ways in which the Trump administration would govern by misinformation.

🔘 Trump harnessed the power of social media and blurred the lines between entertainment and politics in ways that allowed him to bypass critics and connect directly to his supporters in an unfiltered way.
🔘 Franklin Roosevelt, John F Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan also used new media and a celebrity style to connect directly to the people in this unfiltered way, ultimately transforming expectations and operations of the presidency that paved the path for Trump.
🔘 Reshaping The Judiciary — In what he did with judges, Trump has made a long lasting change over the next 20 years, 30 years in how policies will stand up to legal tests and how they're able to be implemented - no matter what any particular president or administration proposes.
🔘 The courts are controlled by the Republican appointees. Sometimes judges surprise us, but for the most part, the historical evidence is that they pretty much do what their politics and their backgrounds say they will do.
🔘 When he supported that package of measures that helped particular people in the black community, like First Step, pardoning people at the same time that he supported an amendment in the appropriations bill that gave a whole bunch of money to historically black colleges and universities for the first time. But in time his racist remarks buried him with the Black community.
🔘 Contesting The 2020 Election — The last gasps of his administration were the most consequential, as he exerts a control over his most devoted followers and he’s talking about running again. He forced people to consider what the presidency has become in a way that wasn't true I think either during the Bush or Obama administrations. Issues like the 25th Amendment and impeachment hasn't been thought of since Bill Clinton, really.
It’s possible that people now when they think of the presidency are perhaps going to adopt a different stance going forward, knowing that someone like Trump could come along. It’s possible that Congress will delegate less to the President and take away some authority. T-RUMP is not dead yet politically but they should castrate him because he is a raging bull — shitter.
🔘 Standing up to China — The president has demonstrated that there's a constituency who's opposed to a lot of these trade deals and that there are people willing to vote for those who will either extricate us from these trade deals or "make them fairer".
The president has also suggested that China has been taking advantage of the United States in ways that are deleterious to our economic and national security - and I think there's a consensus behind this view. No one wants to be accused of being soft on China, whereas no one cares if you're "soft" on Canada, right? I think people are going to fall all over themselves to be tougher or at least say they’re tougher on China.
Bottom lIne — Domestically the president had a populous tone to him. Most of which were based on his lies, more lies combined than all of the previous Presidents combined, more than Adolf Hitler and Dr.Goebbels.
It wasn’t ever fully realized in his policies, but we see more Republicans adopting populist ideas as basically the only thing they do is criticize and do nothing for the American people with false accusations and lies. In truth Republican Congress people fear him and his wrath and go along like the Lemming cowards they are — just a bunch of loser selling their souls for their selves rather that the people who voted for them —
I have a dream — We have had enough of this and time for the Vigilantes. These people are traitors, rather than having them hang around in the Congress, obstructing and getting nothing done, they should be hanging from trees — just like T-RUMP brought to Mike Pense when Mike finally had an epiphany and came clean. Another waste of vores for a nothing performer —