“ The T-RUMP Oleander Conspiracy ”  


Not Exactly The Three Tenors, More Like The Three Sinners

Their Reservations Were Accepted At Hell And Lucifer Mestopheles

Welcomes Them With Open Arms  —  And His Tail Held High…

Ed-note:  The joy from Mike Pence really says a lot about him, till he almost got hanged on January 6th at a T-RUMP Rally Of Insurrection at the Capitol Building.

Snake Oil Scumbags,  The Con-alition”  T-RUMP,  Mike Lindell,  Sec. Dr. Carson — 
(CNN) Former crackhead, professional card counter, born again Devout Moron and Certified Time Spent drug dealer, Evangelical nutcase, and Bullshitter… Mike Lindell (aka the “MyPillow Guy”) has long been one of Donald Trump’s staunchest allies.   He’s called T-RUMP the “ Greatest President” ever and suggested that T-RUMP was chosen by God for the role.  I think he’s still on crack, hoping he’ll try fentanyl --

And because T-RUMP likes people who like him, the President has been similarly complimentary of Lindell. “ Boy, do you sell those pillows," Trump told Lindell at an event at the White House in March.  Sounded more like a TV Commercial,  where the shill opens the dialog with “ Wow I didn’t know about these great pillows, tell me more”.

He sells a lot of overpriced bedroom stuff because no one else sells that stuff on TV, people believe TV, people are stupid… and pay double what they are worth.   Lindell’s pillow, which is touted for its comfort, and cost twice what a good one sells for, has made him a multimillionaire. Lindell has also claimed that T-RUMP has urged him to run for office.  Is it possible these two cons could work together?  

Why It Matters and Further Warning And Legal Action  —  Senior administration official familiar with the internal conversations told Axios, “ The involvement of the Secretary of HUD and MyPillow.com in pushing a dubious product at the highest levels should give Americans no comfort at night about their health and safety during a raging pandemic.”  

Some of these T-RUMP followers are so dumb  they believe these untruths and they are dangerous.  So stupid they will try anything.  That why the warning is posted  T-RUMP was asked, then urged  FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn to “look at” or speed up approval.  And he threw it out.   

Fortunately…FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, MD, had resisted any efforts around the compound. It’s deadly.  According to but Phoenix Biotechnology director Andrew Whitney has said if he can’t get Oleandrin to market as a drug, he’ll push for it as a dietary supplement. 

The thought of another potentially dangerous compound being touted as a “ Miracle cure" by the Trump administration, like hydroxychloroquine, had medical experts up in arms on Twitter on Monday.  "Oleandrin? Yeah that would definitely end up killing people," tweeted David Juurlink, MD, PhD, of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto.

Juurlink told MedPage Today that Oleandrin is “ Akin to digoxin. Too much can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but the main concern is arrhythmias, which can be fatal.”  Jennifer Gunter, MD, tweeted that it’s “  it’s easier to kill a person with oleandrin than COVID-19” and highlighted a case report in which two people were poisoned after eating snails that had munched on an oleander plant and an earlier case report calculated that 4 grams of oleander leaves would be fatal and highlighted a case report in which a patient committed suicide using oleander leaves. That paper estimates toxic blood levels of oleandrin at 1 to 2 ng/ml and a fatal blood level of 9.8 to 10 ng/mL.   

Leader is A Pure Poison  —  A true con-man Mike Lindell and a con president T-RUMP looking for a miracle. The  perfect storm. T-RUMP needs a winner.   T-RUMP has done more than just praise Lindell.  He allowed Lindell to take part in a July White House meeting why people are dying about the potential therapeutic properties of something called Oleandrin, an extract from the oleander plant while other people with good products don’t get that chance.  Alfred E. said “ Put a fuck-up in a room with aback of people and an hour later the other fuck-ups will 

Lindell told CNN of Trump's reaction to the extract and its possible uses, including as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus.   “He was enthusiastic, as he is on everything that’s going to help people,”.  Thats Himmler telling Hitler what a great job he’s doing and they brought Dr. “ Do Little” Carson along as the shill.    Neither Lindell nor T-RUMP are medical doctors or infectious disease experts.

Crackhead Meets Crackpot —  Object Crack Poison

Investigation  —  Just what we need quacks, con men, snake oil salesmen, inserting UV light into body cavities, and a whole bunch of other liars, bullshitters, frauds, and scumbags and thats just on Monday…  Add DIY hand Sanitizer with Methanol killed twenty,  Pool Cleaner used in and killed 4000 in Bolivia, and shoving a lightbulb T-RUMPS enlightening idea to kill COVID-19 internally by rectal flushing, we did not follow up on.   People just don’t like their Netherland played with.

Follow The Money  — Mike Lindell Was added to the board of (and received a financial stake in) Phoenix Biotechnology, which produced Oleandrin, earlier this month.   He’s still a con and would sell his soul again and again to T-RUMP because he knows T-RUMP is a whooping dumbass and an easy mark.  

Cons like Lindell are savvy ay playing people wit big egos…thats T-RUMP summed up in three letters…EGO   In an Interview Lindell told Axios that in the meeting,  T-RUMP “ basically said: …’The FDA should be approving it.'"  The White House did not respond to requests for comment. Usually means they are hiding something… 

WARNING:   Oleander Poisoning — Extremely Dangerous --

POISONOUS INGREDIENTS INCLUDE:  Digitoxigenin, Neriin, Oleandrin, Oleondroside
STRUCTURE:  The poisonous substances are 
found in all parts of the Oleander plant:   Flowers, Leafs, Stems, Twigs with equal strength, people have died by using oleander twigs and branches for toasting marshmallows, snail and other lower forms who ate Oleander and then in turn eatenahemselves died too.  If exposed or eaten handled call…

 POISON CONTROL (1-800-222-1222)

Nerium Oleander, Rosebay;  Yellow oleander poisoning is a highly toxic plant group from the Apocynaceae family.   Though renowned for its beauty and use in landscaping,  this Mediterranean shrub is responsible for many cases of accidental and fatal poisoning across the globe.  Many states  have removed it.  —  Thevetia peruviana poisoning is treated the sam as Oleander poisoning occurs when someone eats the flowers or chews the leaves or stems of the oleander plant (Nerium oleander), or its relative, the yellow oleander (Cascabela thevetia).  This plant is extremely toxic, and a single leaf may kill an adult.   The limit is low , FOUR GRAMS Can Kill You!

Mike Lindell  - New Co-Conspiritorialist T-RUMP Cohort Asshole Of The Year
First it was Hydrochloroquionone, killed 200,000 in Brazil, T-RUMPS friend…whom he sent three million doses after it was stopped by the FDA,   then Lysol and then this schmuck comes up with an Extract of Oleander Which Is A Poison Second To Curare… He was a druggie in the past and a scumbag today, and took it to his friend, self purported scientist  and genius Donald T-RUMP who wanted it fast tracked by the FDA as a COVID cure…

Fortunately the FDA rejected the proposal instantly. Even with pressure from the imbicile President.  I can only imagine their scientists and professionals in the back room thinking —  “ Who dreamed up this sh*t” — “ What were they smoking” — “ Lindell must still be on drugs”  —  “Who got paid off, was it T-RUMP?”  —

His pillows are overpriced and not worth it…  KOHLS, Mayfair, Bed Bath and Beyond, HEB,  no longer will sell his products and more companies are expected… to drop his lines… he wanted to sell us on using Oleander and he as we say about those who are acolytes, Scum-birds of a feather, stick together…   T-RUMP and Lindell… Other companies and some on the air will not show his promo, he is a fraud… thats why he’s back on TV.  

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was permanently banned from Twitter on Monday night for "repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy," a Twitter spokesperson told CNN.

Between the lines:  Dominion Voting Systems has threatened to take legal action on Lindell over his spread of misinformation related to the 2020 election. The ban comes as he weighs a run for governor of Minnesota.

My Pillow CEO and ‘ Friend' of Donald Trump has settled over a dozen lawsuits for falsely claiming to be a sleep expert and saying his product alleviates medical conditions in his popular infomercials.

  • My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell has settled more than a dozen lawsuits brought against him in eight different states, DailyMail.com can reveal 
  • He's been accused of fraudulent advertising and bogusly claiming to be an sleep expert in a string of federal lawsuits
  • Lindell  was front and center at a White House press conference Monday and was introduced by President Donald Trump as 'my friend' 
  • He gave a bizarre address from the Rose Garden podium in which he called for more religion in public schools and urged people to read the bible  
  • Lindell, who is worth about $300 million, is a reformed alcoholic and crack-cocaine addict, a Republican and a staunch T-RUMP supporter and liar.

Birds Of A Feather Pillow Screw People Together  —  The CEO who Donald T-RUMP introduced as ‘ My friend’ and invited to speak at a White House press conference, Monday, has been accused of fraudulent advertising and bogusly claiming to be an expert in a string of federal lawsuits, DailyMail.com can reveal.

My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell delivered a bizarre address from the Rose Garden podium in which he called for more religion in public schools and urged people to read the bible during this time of self-isolation.

The conference centered on COVID-19 hospital equipment shortages and Lindell's is one of several businesses to have pledged help. He has offered to devote 75 percent of his workforce to manufacturing cotton masks and hopes to produce 50,000 a day by the end of the month.

SIDEBAR:    Notice how T-RUMP leans his head when others are speaking, crooked people do that a lot.

T-RUMP PRAISE:   The 58-year-old founder’s ‘ ff the cuff' cameo put My Pillow at the top of Twitter's trending column as Trump praised his patriotism and offered him the microphone with the words, 'Boy do you sell those pillows it's unbelievable what you do.'

But now, court filings obtained by DailyMail.com can reveal —  My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell has settled more than a dozen lawsuits brought against him in eight different states, Mike Lindell spoke at a White House press conference Monday and was introduced by President Donald Trump as 'my friend'

They contain repeated allegations of fraudulent advertising, price inflating to 'dishonestly' promote 'Buy one get one free,' offers, falsely claiming to be a 'sleep expert,' and, the ultimate in fake news, using respected news outlet logos on his own website to mislead consumers into thinking they are endorsements.

The company's first infomercial which prominently featured its founder as an 'expert' aired in October 2011

Lindell's website has since removed the logos which included the New York Times and Wall Street Journal mastheads as well as USA Today and FOX Business – a show on which has often appeared.

But legal documents from a class action filed in California in 2016 in which he was accused of Fraudulent Inducement, violating a host of business and professions codes and unfair trade practices include a shot of the website in which they are clearly visible.

According to the lawsuit not only did Lindell ‘ deceptively and fraudulently use the logos of third-party news reporting entities on his website,’ he, ‘ alsely and deceptively represented to consumers that he (an imbecile)  is a ‘sleep expert.’

Lindell, a reformed alcoholic and crack-cocaine addict who once spoke of going two weeks straight without sleep before his own drug dealer cut him off, has claimed that the idea for the company came to him in a dream in 2004.

Back then, the Minnesota born pillow magnet was a functioning cocaine addict. Then he discovered crack and his descent to rock bottom picked up pace.  Within five years he had lost his house, his marriage and very nearly his business.

He claims that on January 16, 2009 he offered up 'one prayer' - that he would wake up without craving the drug. He went to sleep and in the morning the desire was, 'just gone.'

The company's first infomercial which prominently featured its founder as an 'expert' aired in October 2011. And, according to the California lawsuit, material on the company website as recently as 2014 listed a string of medical conditions and ailments that the product bogusly claimed to alleviate. 

Bottom Line:  A Con Is A Con, Is A Con, Is A Con….etc

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