History Lesson — What Have We Not Learned — I was born during the Second World war and grew up admiring the likes of Gen. Patton and Gen. McArthur in my teens, they were my hero's.
Both of the Generals in statements made at the end of the War to end all wars saw that those we fought for would eventually fight us.
General McArthur wanted to go into North Korea and rid them of their leadership and the Chinese Troops fighting us because he saw the future of next door neighbor policy and we were outsiders.
General Patton said why stop at Berlin, let's deal with the Russians, now, how true, how true. He knew Stalins words was like those that came out of Adolf Hitler — a murderer without conscience and they had too many similar characteristics and statistics, Stalin killed as many as Hitler.

‘They Hated Him.’ Russia’s New Top Commander In Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s devastating war on Ukraine is faltering. Now, there’s a new general in charge – with a reputation for brutality.

After Ukraine recently recaptured more territory than Russia’s army took in the last six months, Russia’s Ministry of Defense last Saturday named Sergey Surovikin as its new overall commander for operations in the war.
Notably, he previously played an instrumental role in Russia’s operations in Syria – during which Russian combat aircraft caused widespread devastation in rebel-held areas - as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
CNN spoke to a former Russian air force lieutenant, Gleb Irisov, who served under him in Syria.
Russia is bruised as winter approaches. Can Ukraine land another blow? He said Surovikin was “very close to Putin’s regime” and “never had any political ambitions, so always executed a plan exactly as the government wanted.”
Analysts say Surovikin’s appointment is highly unlikely to change how Russian forces are carrying out the war but that it speaks to Putin’s dissatisfaction with previous command operations. It is also, in part, likely meant to “mollify” the nationalist and pro-war base within Russia itself, according to Mason Clark, Russia Lead at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) think-tank.
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who has called for Russia to “take more drastic measures” including the use of “low-yield nuclear weapons” in Ukraine following recent setbacks, welcomed the appointment of Surovikin, who first saw service in Afghanistan in the 1980s before commanding a unit in the Second Chechen War in 2004. Praise from Kadyrov, who is a key Putin ally, is significant, perhaps, as he himself is notorious for crushing all forms of dissent.
“I personally have known Sergei very well for almost 15 years. I can definitely say he is a real general and warrior, experienced, headstrong and foresighted commander who always takes patriotism, honor and respect above all,” Kadyrov posted on social media, following news of Surovikin’s appointment last Saturday. “The united army group is now in safe hands,” he added.
CNN has reached out to the Russian Ministry of Defense for comment on Surovikin’s appointment and regarding allegations about his harsh leadership.
In a 2020 report, Human Rights Watch named him as “someone who may bear command responsibility” for the dozens of air and ground attacks on civilian objects and infrastructure in violation of the laws of war” during the 2019-2020 Idlib offensive in Syria. The attacks killed at least 1,600 civilians and forced the displacement of an estimated 1.4 million people, according to HRW, which cites UN figures.
Irisov believes there are three reasons why he has been put in charge in Ukraine now: his closeness to the government and Putin; his interbranch experience with both the infantry and air force; and his experience since the summer commanding Russian forces in the southern Ukrainian regions of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Crimea. These are areas that Putin is trying to control “at any cost,” said Irisov.
Just two days after Surovikin’s appointment on Saturday, Russia launched its heaviest bombardment of Ukraine since the early days of the war.
Surovikin is “more familiar with cruise missiles, maybe he used his connections and experience to organize this chain of devastating attacks,” Irisov said, referencing the reports that cruise missiles have been among the weapons deployed by Russia in this latest surge of attacks.
But Clark, from the ISW, suggests the general’s promotion is “more of a framing thing to inject new blood into the Russian command system” and “put on this tough nationalist face.”
His appointment “got widespread praise from various Russian military bloggers as well as Yevgeny (Prigozhin), who’s the financier of the Wagner Group,” Clark said.
Our Leadership Ignored Their Ideas, Today They Come Back To Haunt Us—
In my world, I am a history “ Political history” buff of that era, the Holocaust, the Rise and Fall of Red Communism, the continuum of the " Christian Nationalism Doctrine", The Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin and Donald T-RUMP. They all segwayed into each other, and all required basically a sick evil minded bully at the helm, and the others were doing nothing about it like our Republicans who are basically cowards and fear the T-Rump-ster.
Reading Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Mind — is rarely a straightforward task, but on occasion the Kremlin leader makes it easy. Such was the case on Thursday, 6/10 when Putin met with a group of young Russian entrepreneurs. Anyone looking for clues as to what Putin’s endgame for Ukraine might be should read the transcript, helpfully released here in English.
Putin’s words speak for themselves: What he is aiming for in Ukraine is the restoration of Russia as an imperial power. Many observers quickly picked up on one of Putin’s more provocative lines, in which he compared himself to Peter the Great, Russia’s modernizing tsar and the founder of St. Petersburg – Putin’s own birthplace – who came to power in the late 17th century.
“Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years,” a relaxed and apparently self-satisfied Putin said. “On the face of it, he was at war with Sweden taking something away from it… He was not taking away anything, he was returning. This is how it was.” It didn’t matter that European countries didn’t recognize Peter the Great’s seizure of territory by force, Putin added.
After 100 days of war, Putin is counting on the world's indifference — “When he founded the new capital, none of the European countries recognized this territory as part of Russia; everyone recognized it as part of Sweden,” Putin said. “However, from time immemorial, the Slavs lived there along with the Finno-Ugric peoples, and this territory was under Russia’s control. The same is true of the western direction, Narva and his first campaigns. Why would he go there? He was returning and reinforcing, that is what he was doing.”
Alluding directly to his own invasion of Ukraine, Putin added: “Clearly, it fell to our lot to return and reinforce as well.” Those remarks were swiftly condemned by Ukrainians, who saw them as a naked admission of Putin’s imperial ambitions.
“Putin’s confession of land seizures and comparing himself with Peter the Great prove: there was no ‘conflict,’ only the country’s bloody seizure under contrived pretexts of people’s genocide,” Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said on Twitter. “We should not talk about ‘saving [Russia’s] face,’ but about its immediate
There’s a lot to unpack here, in terms of both history and current affairs. Podolyak was alluding to talk in international capitals about offering Putin a face-saving way to de-escalate or halt the fighting in Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron has led that charge, saying last weekend that the world “must not humiliate Russia” in the search for a diplomatic resolution.
Those arguments may have seemed more reasonable before February 24. In the run-up to the invasion, Putin laid out a series of grievances to make the case for war, from NATO’s eastward expansion to Western delivery of military assistance to Ukraine.
“In order to claim some kind of leadership – I am not even talking about global leadership, I mean leadership in any area – any country, any people, any ethnic group should ensure their sovereignty,” Putin said. “Because there is no in-between, no intermediate state: either a country is sovereign, or it is a colony, no matter what the colonies are called.”
In other words, there are two categories of state: The sovereign and the conquered. In Putin’s imperial view, Ukraine should fall into the latter category.
Putin has long argued that Ukrainians do not have a legitimate national identity and that their state is, essentially, a puppet of the West. In other words, he thinks Ukrainians have no agency and are a subject people.
By summoning the memory of Peter the Great, it also becomes clear that Putin’s aims are driven by some sense of historical destiny. And Putin’s project of imperial restoration could – in theory – extend to other territories that once belonged to the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, something that should raise alarms in all the countries that emerged from the collapse of the USSR.
Why Russia Is Being Accused Of Using Food As A Weapon Of War —
Earlier this week, a deputy from the pro-Kremlin United Russia party submitted a draft law to the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, abolishing a Soviet resolution recognizing the independence of Lithuania. Lithuania may now be a NATO member and part of the European Union, but in Putin’s Russia, that kind of neo-colonial posturing is the surest display of loyalty to the president.
And that does not bode well for Russia’s future. If there is no reckoning with Russia’s imperial past – whether in Soviet or tsarist guise – there is less chance that a Russia without Putin would abandon a pattern of subjugating its neighbors, or become a more democratic state.
Former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski famously asserted that Russia could only part ways with its imperial habits if it were willing to surrender its claims to Ukraine.
“It cannot be stressed strongly enough that without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire,” he wrote in 1994.
Putin, however, is counting on something of the opposite: For Russia to survive, he argues, it must remain an empire, regardless of the human cost.
Russia-Ukraine War Blessed By The Russian Orthodox Church

Patriarch Kirill: He is the Scumbag Fake Patriarch of the Russian Unofficial Communist Orthodox Church —
Putin ally faces backlash after ‘blessing’ war. The Pope and several priests appeal to the Russian Orthodox Church leader after he endorsed the Ukraine invasion. President Putin and Patriarch Kirill have enjoyed a close relationship for years.
GOD Needs To Take This Fake Bastard Out —
On March 16, Pope Francis held a video meeting with Patriarch Kirill, the 75-year-old leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and a longtime ally of President Vladimir Putin.
The head of the Catholic church warned the Russian patriarch against hiding behind religion to justify armed aggression and conquest. “Once upon a time there was also talk in our churches of holy war or just war,” the Pope said, according to the Vatican press office. “Today we cannot speak like this.”
Ten days earlier, in a sermon, Patriarch Kirill appeared to endorse Moscow’s so-called “ Special peacekeeping operation,” as the war on Ukraine is officially called in Russia. “We have entered into a struggle that has not a physical, but a metaphysical significance,” the patriarch said.
He referred to gay pride marches as an example of what outsiders were trying to force on the people of Donbas in eastern Ukraine, on whose behalf Moscow was ostensibly intervening. “He expressed his view that behind the war in Ukraine there is a spiritual difference between the West and the Orthodox world, and it is obvious that for him, the latter is the better,” Thomas Bremer, who teaches Eastern Churches Studies at the University of Münster in Germany, told Al Jazeera.
“So according to him, the war is not about political aims or influence, but about spiritual, or, as he put it, ‘metaphysical’ aims. Thus, he gives the official Russian point of view a theological underpinning.”
Patriarch Kirill Describing Putin’s 2012 Election Victory As A “Miracle Of God” —
👺 And as Putin sees Ukraine as part of the “Russian world”, so Patriarch Kirill claims dominion over the churches in Ukraine and Belarus. But despite their shared origins in 10th century Kievan Rus’, when Byzantine missionaries converted the pagan Prince Vladimir, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine broke away from the Moscow Patriarchate in 2018.
👺 Disappointed, Moscow then cut its ties with the Istanbul-based Eastern Orthodox Church, which backed the independence of the Ukrainian clergy. “ Today, the real schism seems to be between the Russian Orthodox Church and remaining branches in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” said Bremer.
👺 “After the war, the Russian Orthodox Church will probably lose a large share of its faithful in Ukraine, as they feel betrayed by the Patriarch,” he added. And as the war continues, more figures of the Russian Orthodox Church are becoming frustrated with Patriarch Kirill, signaling a deepening split. Russian troops are destroying Ukrainian Churches.
👺 Nearly 300 priests and deacons, including military veterans, recently signed an open letter titled Russian Priests for Peace.
👺 “We respect the God-given freedom of man, and we believe that the people of Ukraine should make their choice on their own, not at gunpoint, without pressure from the West or the East,” the letter reads.
👺 “I don’t follow politics, but now I only see one thing – people are dying,” said Alexander Vostrodymov, a priest from a village near Moscow, who was among those who signed. “The rest doesn’t matter to me.”
👺 “All wars, even those lasting a century, always end in one thing – negotiations and peace. Is it worth all these orphans, widows, cripples and mountains of the dead, only to sit down and agree later? Why don’t we skip this uncivilised part altogether? Every mother gives birth to a son in the hope of having grandchildren in old age. And for her, her Vanya or Magomed – it doesn’t matter – he is the best. There’s no need to interrupt this natural life with bullets or shrapnel.”
👺 “I considered it my pastoral duty to sign this appeal. It is impossible to remain silent at such a moment when a bloody fratricidal ‘special operation’ is unleashed,” he said. “There are those who, although they agree with the content of the letter, did not sign it: some of them are shackled by fear, some are afraid of losing their position as rector, some are worried about their career.
👺 “This is a catastrophe and a crime of enormous proportions. This is a complete violation of the commandments of God. And we, Russians, will have to answer for this and compensate for all the destruction,” he said. The priest said signatories of the letter have come under pressure from ecclesiastical authorities and state bodies. The only permitted position is to pray for peace, he said.
👺 Meanwhile, Orthodox clergy worldwide have condemned the invasion, including Patriarch Daniel of Romania, Archbishop Leo of Finland, Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and all Africa, and the heads of the Russian Orthodox Church in Paris and Estonia.
👺 In an open letter on March 9, Metropolitan John of Dubna, archbishop of the Russian Orthodox churches in Western Europe, urged Kirill to raise his voice “against this monstrous and senseless war and to intercede with the authorities of the Russian Federation so that this murderous conflict ceases as soon as possible”.
👺 Since the end of Soviet atheist rule, religion has made a comeback and more than 70 percent of Russians now identify as Orthodox, though considerably fewer are regular churchgoers. Talking the talk and walking the walk are definitive Russian experiences — State run thinking, slave following —
👺 Observers say President Putin, an Orthodox Christian, views the church as a symbol of Russian nationhood. The Kremlin has embraced “traditional values” as an ideology, passing laws against the “propaganda” of same-sex relationships.
👺 In a sense, the Russian Orthodox Church was successful, because the Kremlin at some point adopted the political language of the church, which became known as the ideology of the ‘ Russian world’. But This ideology originated in the church and then was easily ( when a gun gets pointed at your head you change your thinking relatively quick) weaponized by the Kremlin.” We simply say the occupants all became scumbags —
PUTINS FIRST THINKER — Alexander Dugin —

- Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin is a Russian philosopher, professor, political analyst and strategist. He was the main organizer of the National Bolshevik Party, National Bolshevik Front, and the Eurasia Party.
- So what is Putin’s ideology? Putin is a hardened fanatic of figures like Alexander Dugin. Dugin is often called “Putin’s Brain.” He’s to Putin what Bannon was to Trump. What does Dugin have to say about this war? “This is not a war with Ukraine. It’s a confrontation with globalism as an integrated planetary phenomenon. It’s a confrontation on all levels — geopolitical and ideological.
- Russia rejects everything in globalism — unipolarity, Atlanticism, on the one hand, and liberalism, anti-tradition, technocracy, Great Resetization in one word, in another. Of course all European leaders are part of the Atlantic liberal elite. And we’re at war with just that.”
- But it has a logic all its own, which is internally consistent. For Dugin, this really isn’t just a war with Ukraine. He’s telling you flatly and in plain English that this is a war on us. On the West. On “European leaders” and “the Atlantic.” A “confrontation.” A “war” on “all levels” of epic and historic proportions. On which takes place around the world — that’s “geopolitical” and “planetary.”
- Dugin is talking about a World War. It…literally…doesn’t get more literal than that. And Putin is his fanatical student. Now. You should also note how Dugin uses exactly the same language and concepts as our far right — all this bizarre nonsense about “liberal elites” and “globalism” and “tradition.” Why is that? He didn’t learn it from them. He invented it.
- They learned it from him. Bannon studied Dugin. And Russian propaganda spread all this nonsense — “globalism as a planetary phenomenon” — so much that our far right effectively got completely brainwashed by it, having been bombarded with it a billion times to the point they were conditioned into repeating it mindlessly. That was the first front of this war — the disinformation and radicalization front, the sociocultural front.
- So. How do you end up being indifferent to killing on a mass scale? You get radicalised. Into being an ideological fanatic. You buy into a philosophy which calls for a grand “confrontation” of “planetary” proportions between factions or sides which can’t coexist. So you need a Final Solution.
HIS 2nd MENTOR — Ivan Ilyin —
- Who’s Putin’s second favourite thinker? A dead Russian philosopher called Ilyin. “Putin routinely quotes Ilyin, has instructed Russian elites to study his writings, and has brought Ilyin’s archives from Michigan State University and his remains from Switzerland to Russia.”
- Ilyin was essentially a philosopher of Christian Fascism. Yes, really. Essentially, he believed that a successful country “ Rejects representative democracy and the rule of law as direct threats to Russian purity. Instead, what’s needed is an indomitable leader, fortified by strong Russian Orthodox spirituality, who is unafraid to take brutal action to repel foreign enemies and root out domestic ones.”
And “for Putin and his followers today, Ilyin has become something of a guru with a road map to a fiercely proud, spiritually pure, unconquerable Russia of the future.” - Ilyin's works about Russia — In exile, Ivan Ilyin argued that Russia should not be judged by the Communist danger it represented at that time but looked forward to a future in which it would liberate itself with the help of Christian Fascism.
- Starting from his 1918 thesis on Hegel's philosophy, he authored many books on political, social and spiritual topics pertaining to the historical mission of Russia. One of the problems he worked on was the question: what has eventually led Russia to the tragedy of the revolution? He answered that the reason was "the weak, damaged self-respect" of Russians.
- As a result, mutual distrust and suspicion between the state and the people emerged. The authorities and nobility constantly misused their power, subverting the unity of the people. Ilyin thought that any state must be established as a corporation in which a citizen is a member with certain rights and certain duties. Therefore, Ilyin recognized inequality of people as a necessary state of affairs in any country. But that meant that educated upper classes had a special duty of spiritual guidance towards uneducated lower classes. This did not happen in Russia.
- The other point was the wrong attitude towards private property among common people in Russia. Ilyin wrote that many Russians believed that private property and large estates are gained not through hard labour but through power and maladministration of officials. Therefore, property becomes associated with dishonest behavior.
- In his 1949 article, Ilyin argued against both totalitarianism and "formal" democracy in favor of a "third way" of building a state in Russia:
- Facing this creative task, appeals of foreign parties to formal democracy remain naive, light-minded and irresponsible.
For Ilyin, any talk about a Ukraine separate from Russia made one a mortal enemy of Russia. He disputed that an individual could choose their nationality any more than cells can decide whether they are part of a body. - Here’s how Timothy Snyder puts it. “Ilyin used the word Spirit (Dukh) to describe the inspiration of fascists. The fascist seizure of power, he wrote, was an ‘act of salvation.’ The fascist is the true redeemer, since he grasps that it is the enemy who must be sacrificed. Ilyin took from Mussolini the concept of a ‘chivalrous sacrifice’ that fascists make in the blood of others.”
- Ilyin’s bizarre philosophy — again, completely alien to modern eyes — is why Putin and his regime divide the world up into humans and subhumans. Who’s a human, an ubermensch? The ethnically pure Russians, who are genetically superior and pure of faith. Who’s a subhuman? Everyone else. From Ukrainians to Syrians to us in the West. We aren’t like good Russians, who are chosen by God, given superior virtue and genetics, and are going to liberate the world. From what? From us.
THEY CALL US SUBHUMANS — We in the West are especially dangerous subhumans. We’re decadent and corrupt “globalists” who have persecuted the superior Russians, who should reign supreme over the world, liberating it from “liberalism” and “Atlanticism” and “unipolarity” after a “planetary confrontation.”
That is a tiny window into how Putin probably really thinks. His thinking is a synthesis of Dugin — the leading figure of today’s global far right — and Ilyin, Russia’s Christian Fascist from the 1920s and 30s.
That synthesis — modern far right with classical fascism — is especially dangerous. It is way, way beyond the Cold War’s Marxist Leninism.
If you put all that together, and really try to understand Putin, where do you end up? In a very, very dark place indeed. You end up with a picture of a mind and a regime which wants to reconstitute a Reich. A Reich which liberates itself from the West, and brings a new order on the world. Humans — in this case, not pure-blooded Germans, but faithful and persecuted and superior Russians — in their rightful place, above, and subhumans, who are the rest of us, in theirs, below.
For such a mind, this isn’t a war on Ukraine. No, not at all. It is the beginning of something much, much bigger. All that is why the West is right. Putin must be stopped. Every indication is that he is a figure much much closer to Hitler, Stalin, or Mao than to anything remotely understandable in modern terms. He is alien to us because he is not like us. He is — or has turned into, anyways — a monster from history.
We struggle to understand him because it’s hard for modern eyes and minds to relate to any of that, a metaphysics which justifies mass murder, a morality of supremacy, a contempt for human life, an indifference to mass death, the glorification of violence and suffering as ennobling, the wish for an empire of supremacy, which is a Reich, the craving for a world war.
None of us are like that. None of us. Nobody you will ever meet really wants a world war. Except the most hardened fanatics. That is who we are dealing with. And he has Nukes. The West is right to pull out all the stops to contain him. His wish is our annihilation. He will make a big mistake one day and it will not be good — for the world.
President Trump once described those deals more modestly. “ I have had dealings over the years where I sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago. I had the Miss Universe pageant — which I owned for quite a while — I had it in Moscow a long time ago. But other than that, I have nothing to do with Russia,” he said in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt in November 2017.
Accepting cash for real estate is legal, but the practice — along with buying under a shell company, obscuring the identity of the buyer — raises red flags at the Treasury Department for potential money laundering. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign has reportedly broadened to whether Trump’s real-estate businesses helped Russians launder money.
The size and scope of these cash purchases are deeply troubling as they can often signal money laundering activity,” Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told McClatchy. “There have long been credible allegations of money laundering by the Trump Organization which, if true, would pose a real threat to the United States in the event that Russia were able to leverage evidence of illicit financial transactions against the president.”
The progressive group American Bridge 21st Century compiled the data by examining real-estate records for 2,769 condo units at 10 luxury buildings that the Trump Organization either develops or licenses in Miami or New York City. They include Trump Soho, Trump Place, Trump World Tower and Trump International Hotel & Tower in New York. Some of the buyers appeared to spend above market value for their properties, another red flag for investigators.
“We’ve long suspected that Donald Trump’s businesses were a front for money laundering and our research suggests it could be true,” said Harrell Kirstein, communicators director for the Trump War Room at American Bridge. “The millions of dollars in previously unreported, all-cash real estate deals we discovered raise troubling questions about who is funding his businesses, why, and what they’re getting in return.”
If the others like Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary and the Baltic and Ural states do nothing, Putin will knock them off one by one. Germany now understands that. All the former Soviet UNION states have to show solidarity and destroy the bully, which of them will be next, like Poland —
Let NATO declare an invasion of a solid state and let's send that Russian Army back in body bags. Do it now before we have to do it on our land. Thats where T-RUMP comes in. He needs to be removed. T-RUMP and his bastard allies in this country are the basis of : Nazism and Fascism are two faces of the same coin of totalitarianism. Although both Nazism and Fascism reject the ideology of liberalism, democracy and communism, there are some fundamental differences between the two.
Nazism and Fascism have their origin in the 20th century. Fascism and fascists are commonly associated with the rise of Mussolini in Italy while Nazi and Nazism are associated with Hitler in Germany (Weimar Republic). Both ideologies played a key role in igniting the Second World War which led to an untold amount of destruction and chaos. As of today, both Nazism and Fascism are looked at in an unfavorable light by a vast majority of the world’s population.
While Putin's propaganda speaks of rescuing Ukraine from Nazism, in realty he, besides
Donald T-RUMP, is the closet thing to Hitler we have seen in seventy years.
- According to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, a war crime is any act by which combatants and commanders fail to ensure respect for the civilian population, or illegally subject civilian objects to hostilities. Many other duties flow from this baseline, such as warning civilian populations "unless circumstances do not permit" and obligations to take "all feasible precautions" to minimize harm to civilian lives or property.
- War crimes law relies on the foundational principle that fighters must "at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants -- and between civilian objects and military objectives, and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.”
- The laws of war apply in Ukraine because the Russian invasion is real. Despite the Russian label of the war as a "special military operation," the Geneva Conventions on armed conflicts apply "even if the state of war is not recognized" by Russian officials.
- Hitler ( Controlling the Axis powers with Hirohito and Mussolini) was one man who ended the lives and families totaling sixty-million plus dead through the Second World War. When we mention six million we are referring to those of the Jewish Faith only.
Total carnage from the entire AXIS in WWII exceeded 60 million plus. I repeat it twice because when I hear a modern day NAZI speak of the “ Holocaust as a fabrication” , I pray he’s not in my neighborhood because I would seek and destroy him, her or them without any other cause. - USING GENEALOGY TRACKING — These leaders intend to destroyed the world order as it exists and are planning their own diversions as the core beliefs in all of them came from and inserted, induced, implanted by their parenting or predecessors. (THEY NEED TO DIE TO SAVE THE WORLD)
My family generations back to the beginning suffered through the slavery of the Egyptians “ Pogroms”by the czars of Russia, they escaped the Nazis and the “ Holocaust” by Pig boat from China to the US —
President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus is emerging as a key player to watch in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Ukrainian intelligence suggests Belarus is showing a “ Readiness to maybe participate directly" in Russia's invasion, “ in addition to allowing Russians to use their territory as well as letting them cross the border" into Ukraine, a Ukrainian government official told CNN.
Belarus and Russia have close military ties, and Russian troops recently deployed to Belarus for extensive military drills.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said last week that Belarusian troops could join the invasion “ if it becomes necessary.”
In that case if Belarus engages our Nato Force they will become fair game and we should destroy them.
Maybe we should entertain the thought of treating Belarus as an enemy and kick this fat bullies ass clear off the map. Sooner or later Vladimir Putin will go off the track and make a mistake. At that point in time take all of Belarus toys of war away from this most hated scumbag bastard associate of the great hated scumbag leader.
Elected president in Belarus' first democratic election in 1994 after the fall of Soviet Union, he has ruled for more than a quarter of a century. But subsequent elections have been marred by allegations of strong-arm tactics and voting irregularities and were won by suspiciously wide margins.
Late 2020 was marred by months of protests and violence across the country after a disputed election as riot police fired warning shots into the air, used stun grenades and arrested more than 200 people to deter tens of thousands of Belarusians who marched through Minsk on Sunday to demand the veteran leader leave power.
"Europe's last dictator” — Called "Europe's last dictator,” and about100 other names, his iron grip on his country has become increasingly forceful. His public appearances are tightly controlled and he is generally surrounded by fawning countrymen. Lukashenko has increasingly strengthened his alliance with Putin, who has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in financial aid — Kremlin support that is likely to come with strings.
In an exclusive interview with CNN in 2021, Lukashenko told CNN what could happen if there's ever a provocation against the two countries:
Lukashenko Said: "If we need to, Belarus will turn into one military base for Russia and Belarus in order to withstand your aggression, if you decide, or if any one country decides to attack. And you should be clear on this, I have never made any secret of it.”
What fat schmucks who are bullies don’t understand is just how fast their troops really do not have a stomach for stupid wars with no cause or reason other than power.
He might be out there alone and he is as big a target as T-RUMP — I see things sooner or later with folks who have just too much to swallow from these animals and we eventually will have to take the garbage out. So go ahead you oversized fat bastard and see what happened when the sh*t falls from the sky.
THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE, VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY IS JEWISH — Volodymyr Zelensky was born to Jewish parents on 25 January 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, then in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. His father, Oleksandr Zelensky, is a professor and the head of the Department of Cybernetics and Computing Hardware at the Kryvyi Rih State University of Economics and Technology; his mother, Rymma Zelenska, used to work as an engineer.
His grandfather, Semyon (Simon) Zelenskyy, served in the Red Army (in the 57th Guards Motor Rifle Division) during World War II; Semyon's father and three brothers were murdered in the Holocaust. Prior to starting elementary school, Zelenskyy lived for four years in the Mongolian city of Erdenet, where his father worked. At the age of 16, he passed the Test of English as a Foreign Language and received an education grant to study in Israel, but his father did not allow him to go.
He later earned a law degree from the Kryvyi Rih Institute of Economics, then a department of Kyiv National Economic University and now part of Kryvyi Rih National University, but did not go on to work in the legal field. In September 2003, Zelenskyy married Olena Kiyashko, with whom he had attended school. The couple's first daughter, Oleksandra, was born in July 2004. Their son, Kyrylo, was born in January 2013.
Zelenskyy was noted to have been the first Jewish President of Ukraine and with Volodymyr Groysman as Prime Minister, Ukraine was the second country to have both a Jewish President and Prime Minister. Zelenskyy has been outspoken about his Judaism and his Jewish roots were widely known on the campaign trail. The Ukrainian president said, “ He grew up in an ordinary Soviet Jewish family,” not a very religious one since “ Religion didn’t exist in the Soviet State as such.”
A Short Song For Peace
What A Wonderful World It Would Be!
— Adapted From The Great Louis Armstrong Hit —
Russians Are Red, Ukrainians Are Yellow and Blue ,
Attacked By Vladimir Putin and Endorsed By T-RUMP Too —
They both are Scumbags, counting we have two —
Just killers and murderers, nothing new —
If they were dead, what a wonderful world it would be!
I remember green trees, red roses too,
With no bombs falling near me or nearyou —
I see the blue sky clear, clouds so white,
Birds flying again, not scared and within our sight —
Yes I think to myself we had a wonderful world
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night,
And no Russian murderers bestowing fright,
The colors of the rainbow were so pretty in the sky
Before T-RUMP and Putin brought hatred
and death on those faces going by —
And I think to myself what a wonderful world it could be —
Taunted, tortured, scared and running
from a man T-RUMP called very cunning —
I see friendly nations saying what can we do
They're really saying, “ We love you"
and when I hear, The babies crying,
I want to watch them grow instead of dying —
And I think to myself we had a wonderful world —
I’m tired of seeing the poison spread by a few —
Putin, T-RUMP and their followers too
The answer is simple, time to stop giving in,
when one takes out the garbage, Death is not a sin —
Then we will have a Wonderful world!
Al Jacobs

Social realities like war aren’t hard physics. A haze of uncertainty surrounds them. The most a thoughtful person can say right about now is something like this: this could be the beginning of another World War. And that is not a particularly nice conclusion to have to reach. The question of whether Putin will push the nuclear button or escalate all this into a new world war is perhaps the question right about now. How far will he go?
The short version of the answer is: Putin will go all the way, if he’s allowed to. Right to the point of nuclear war, world war, and right up to annihilation. The situation we are dealing with here is much, much worse than you probably think. The long version, if you want the scary, gory details, goes like this.
- Putin does not care about human life
- He wants to build a grand new empire, Russians are supreme, and everyone else is subhuman, a Reich.
- The thinkers he admires fanatically crave world war to make that happen
- Putin does not care about human life. At all. In that respect, he is very much like Hitler, and the comparisons are apt, not overblown.
- Remember what Putin helped Assad do in Syria? He armed the government with extreme weapons of war. Not just heavy weapons, but extreme ones. Ones which were prohibited under the Geneva Convention. Putin had absolutely no problem seeing these extreme weapons of war — from chemical weapons to cluster bombs — used to kill innocent civilians.
- He was completely indifferent to death on a mass scale. What happened in Syria is probably the closest thing the world has seen to total war on a mass scale since World War II. Putin was Assad’s armourer and key ally. He didn’t care whatsoever about death on the scale of a genocide or an emerging Holocaust.
- So let me say it again, because it is the single most salient fact that we in the West have to contend with right about now. Putin does not care about human life at all.
- It’s not speculation to imagine that Putin is the kind of man who will inflict death and misery on an entire country of millions, and watch it stony-eyed.
- That is true on his side, too. Putin appears relatively indifferent to the scale of death his military misadventures cause for Russia. He’s already lost several thousand soldiers in Ukraine, and appears totally unmoved.
- Putin is a kind of especially cold-blooded leader, then. The only figure developed nations can really relate to at this level is his underling Trump — who turned a blind eye to almost a million Americans dead of Covid. Putin appears totally unmoved by mass death. Human lives appear to just be pieces on a chessboard to him, if even that much. Their only objective is power. They are only means to an end.
- Psychologically, clearly, as in, is this person capable of such a thing, the answer is a resounding yes. Most of us are not capable of pushing the nuclear button. It takes a special kind of person to be indifferent to mass death, and that is the kind of person the West is dealing with now.
- Now the question becomes a deeper one. Why would a person end up indifferent to mass death? What makes someone a Hitler, Mao, Stalin — or, like Putin, aspiring to be one? The answer to that question is simple enough too. Money, power, and hate. Philosophy, sadly, used to justify it all. What made Hitler a mass murderer? An idea. The “Final Solution.” What made Stalin a killer of millions upon millons? Ideology. Russians must be purified by suffering, committed to the communist cause. Mao? Ideology, again. An entire nation had to be “reeducated.”
- So what is Putin’s ideology? Putin is a hardened fanatic of figures like Alexander Dugin. Dugin is often called “Putin’s Brain.” He’s to Putin what Bannon was to Trump. What does Dugin have to say about this war? “This is not a war with Ukraine. It’s a confrontation with globalism as an integrated planetary phenomenon. It’s a confrontation on all levels — geopolitical and ideological. Russia rejects everything in globalism — unipolarity, Atlanticism, on the one hand, and liberalism, anti-tradition, technocracy, Great Resetization in one word, in another. Of course all European leaders are part of the Atlantic liberal elite. And we’re at war with just that.”
- But it has a logic all its own, which is internally consistent. For Dugin, this really isn’t just a war with Ukraine. He’s telling you flatly and in plain English that this is a war on us. On the West. On “European leaders” and “the Atlantic.” A “confrontation.” A “war” on “all levels” of epic and historic proportions. On which takes place around the world — that’s “geopolitical” and “planetary.”
- Dugin is talking about a World War. It…literally…doesn’t get more literal than that. And Putin is his fanatical student. Now. You should also note how Dugin uses exactly the same language and concepts as our far right — all this bizarre nonsense about “liberal elites” and “globalism” and “tradition.” Why is that? He didn’t learn it from them. He invented it.
- They learned it from him. Bannon studied Dugin. And Russian propaganda spread all this nonsense — “globalism as a planetary phenomenon” — so much that our far right effectively got completely brainwashed by it, having been bombarded with it a billion times to the point they were conditioned into repeating it mindlessly. That was the first front of this war — the disinformation and radicalization front, the sociocultural front.
- So. How do you end up being indifferent to killing on a mass scale? You get radicalised. Into being an ideological fanatic. You buy into a philosophy which calls for a grand “confrontation” of “planetary” proportions between factions or sides which can’t coexist. So you need a Final Solution.
- He is a persona far, far closer to Stalin or Hitler than a modern leader. His psychology — and the philosophy which created it — are completely alien to most of us. Imagine if ISIS’s most hardened fanatic controlled half the world’s nukes. That’s the kind of problem we’re dealing with now.
- That kind of mind divides the world up into humans and subhumans — to metaphysically justify killing on a mass scale. Who’s Putin’s second favourite thinker? A dead Russian philosopher called Ilyin. “Putin routinely quotes Ilyin, has instructed Russian elites to study his writings, and has brought Ilyin’s archives from Michigan State University and his remains from Switzerland to Russia.”
- Ilyin was essentially a philosopher of Christian Fascism. Yes, really. Essentially, he believed that a successful country “rejects representative democracy and the rule of law as direct threats to Russian purity. Instead, what’s needed is an indomitable leader, fortified by strong Russian Orthodox spirituality, who is unafraid to take brutal action to repel foreign enemies and root out domestic ones.” And “for Putin and his followers today, Ilyin has become something of a guru with a road map to a fiercely proud, spiritually pure, unconquerable Russia of the future.”
- Here’s how Timothy Snyder puts it. “Ilyin used the word Spirit (Dukh) to describe the inspiration of fascists. The fascist seizure of power, he wrote, was an ‘act of salvation.’ The fascist is the true redeemer, since he grasps that it is the enemy who must be sacrificed. Ilyin took from Mussolini the concept of a ‘chivalrous sacrifice’ that fascists make in the blood of others.”
- Ilyin’s bizarre philosophy — again, completely alien to modern eyes — is why Putin and his regime divide the world up into humans and subhumans. Who’s a human, an ubermensch? The ethnically pure Russians, who are genetically superior and pure of faith. Who’s a subhuman? Everyone else. From Ukrainians to Syrians to us in the West. We aren’t like good Russians, who are chosen by God, given superior virtue and genetics, and are going to liberate the world. From what? From us.
- We in the West are especially dangerous subhumans. We’re decadent and corrupt “globalists” who have persecuted the superior Russians, who should reign supreme over the world, liberating it from “liberalism” and “Atlanticism” and “unipolarity” after a “planetary confrontation.”
- That is a tiny window into how Putin probably really thinks. His thinking is a synthesis of Dugin — the leading figure of today’s global far right — and Ilyin, Russia’s Christian Fascist from the 1920s and 30s.
- That synthesis — modern far right with classical fascism — is especially dangerous. It is way, way beyond the Cold War’s Marxist Leninism.
- If you put all that together, and really try to understand Putin, where do you end up? In a very, very dark place indeed. You end up with a picture of a mind and a regime which wants to reconstitute a Reich. A Reich which liberates itself from the West, and brings a new order on the world. Humans — in this case, not pure-blooded Germans, but faithful and persecuted and superior Russians — in their rightful place, above, and subhumans, who are the rest of us, in theirs, below.
- For such a mind, this isn’t a war on Ukraine. No, not at all. It is the beginning of something much, much bigger. All that is why the West is right. Putin must be stopped. Every indication is that he is a figure much much closer to Hitler, Stalin, or Mao than to anything remotely understandable in modern terms. He is alien to us because he is not like us. He is — or has turned into, anyways — a monster from history. We struggle to understand him because it’s hard for modern eyes and minds to relate to any of that, a metaphysics which justifies mass murder, a morality of supremacy, a contempt for human life, an indifference to mass death, the glorification of violence and suffering as ennobling, the wish for an empire of supremacy, which is a Reich, the craving for a world war.
- None of us are like that. None of us. Nobody you will ever meet really wants a world war. Except the most hardened fanatics. That is who we are dealing with. And he has nukes. The West is right to pull out all the stops to contain him. His wish is our annihilation.
- And he has the means, too, to bring it about.
How A Draft Dodging Coward And Liar Can Change A World Forever…
This past week, on US President Donald Trump’s watch Russia and China have effectively re-aligned the coming world order. They didn't do it together, but both took advantage of uncertainty and unpredictability that Trump has helped create.
It’s far from clear that the next US President will be able to roll back the consequences of this week, which leave both Presidents Vladimir Putin in Moscow and Xi Jinping in Beijing more decisively in control of their own countries and more able to act assertively. In other words, T-RUMP has made an indelible mark on the world — and it may not be for the good. basically he failed as his two competitors saw him for what he is , a weak coward…
This past week, in a referendum on constitutional revisions so predictable that copies were on sale before the vote, Putin has effectively been made President for life. As Xi has done last year and moved equally ruthlessly, taking control of Hong Kong through a new national security law, while telling US allies Canada, Australia and the UK to keep out of China’s internal affairs.
Both seem to be of the view the US has neither the will nor the consistency to put up resistance. Indeed, Trump's White House gave evidence of exactly that this week, floundering for a coherent response to allegations Russia paid the Taliban to kill US forces in Afghanistan. The Russian Embassy in Washington and the Taliban have both denied the claims.
Russia Is His Bank — As David Ignatius wrote in The Washington Post Putin “ is in the payback business. He believes the United States destroyed his former country, the Soviet Union. He likes the United States to feel pain."
Now you know the Russian connection, so he paid Putin with Syria, Crimea, Black Sea Ports for the Russian Navy, Ignored attacks on the Ukraine, and laundered money in the T-RUMP towers for the . Oligarchs who are Putin friends.
This is the collusion and the main reason T-RUMP befriends Putin so willingly. Sort of a scumbag to Scumbag love affair. In return Putin can launder any money he wishes that he robbed from the Soviet allies when Russia was a confederation. Most of the T-RUMP tower in NY is owned by the Russians who live there, and serve as an escape if they have to leave Russia due to assassination, killing, bombs or anything else Putin dreams up. VRB is a partnership with Vietnam being most of their weaponry is furnished by them and China.
" Trump gives away the advantage that was hard won in the Cold War," said one of the officials -- in part by "giving Putin and Russia a legitimacy they never had," the official said. "He's given Russia a lifeline -- because there is no doubt that they're a declining power ... He’s playing with something he doesn’t understand and he's giving them power that they would use aggressively." Eg. Syria, potentially Ukraine, Crimea, Black Sea ports etc…done deal
Both officials cited Trump's decision to pull US troops out of Syria -- a move that benefited Turkey as well as Russia -- as perhaps the most grievous example. “He gave away the store," one of them said.
T-Rump Allows Russia — Trump’s " Fawning over authoritarian strongmen, his ignorance of history and lack of preparation" jeopardized US national security. Whether it's Putin's payback or Xi's decision to violate and chip away at the Hong Kong agreement signed with the UK in 1984, both leaders appear to see opportunities.
Go back three years. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dropped into the Oval Office the day after Trump fired James Comey as FBI director. Comey was overseeing the investigation into allegations of Russian election meddling. An official Russian photographer caught the bonhomie, as Trump told his visitors: "I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job."
Two months later, Trump met Putin -- alone -- on the margins of the G20 summit. The White House trumpeted the encounter as a success, highlighting a new ceasefire deal in Syria. The Russians cynically used the deal to freeze the conflict, allowing the Assad regime backed by Russia to pick off rebel-held areas one-by-one.Should You Still Exercise While Training in Martial Arts?

• In 1975, Putin joined the KGB and trained at the 401st KGB school in Okhta, Leningrad.
• After training, he worked in the Second Chief Directorate (counter-intelligence), before he was transferred to the First Chief Directorate, where he monitored foreigners and consular officials in Leningrad.
• From 1985 to 1990, he served in Dresden, East Germany, using a cover identity as a translator. Masha Gessen, a Russian-American who has authored a biography about Putin claims, “ Putin and his colleagues were reduced mainly to collecting press clippings, thus contributing to the mountains of useless information produced by the KGB."
• According to Putin’s official biography, during the fall of the Berlin Wall that began on 9 November 1989, he burned KGB files to prevent demonstrators from obtaining them.
• After the collapse of the Communist East German government, Putin returned to Leningrad in early 1990, where he worked for about three months with the International Affairs section of Leningrad State University, reporting to Vice-Rector Yuriy Molchanov.
• There, he looked for new KGB recruits, watched the student body, and renewed his friendship with his former professor, Anatoly Sobchak, soon to be the Mayor of Leningrad.
• Putin claims that he resigned with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on 20 August 1991, on the second day of the 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt against the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
• Putin said: “ As soon as the coup began, I immediately decided which side I was on”, although he also noted that the choice was hard because he had spent the best part of his life with “ the organs".
• In 1999, Putin described communism as “a blind alley, far away from the mainstream of civilization”.
Re-engined for better mileage, and upgraded with new electronics.
Unfortunately the Soviet Aeroflot Fleet crashes a lot… hopefully with Putin on board
The current presidential state car is an Aurus Senat limousine, which replaced a Mercedes-Benz S 600 Guard Pullman. The car is equipped with many life-saving, offensive, and defensive measures, and is built to the Federal Protective Service's standards. The Aurus Senat was developed in Russia by the NAMI as part of the "Kortezh" project. The Senat was publicly presented for the first time at the Fourth inauguration of Vladimir Putin in 2018. NOTE: And they made it clear and announced it is bigger than the BEAST that Donald Trump rides in - Russian upsmanship and Putin played it to the hilt.
Russia is currently holding its biggest military exercises in decades. Its invitation to China might not mean much in purely military terms, but the message Moscow is sending should resonate well beyond Russia’s borders, argues The Moscow Times. The man who stood next to Stupid in Helsinki, sits next to the new world Power of China.
“Both militaries still plan to rely on their own resources when it comes to defending their countries, and the only theaters where Moscow and Beijing may be developing joint operational plans as of now are Central Asia and the Korean Peninsula.
However, the signals China’s participation send should not be underestimated. What the Kremlin wants to say is that it no longer sees China as a military threat bordering the vast unpopulated regions of Siberia and the Far East,”
“These signals should cement trust between Moscow and Beijing…The message here is very simple: if the US continues to push Russia into a corner, it will be forced to fall deeper into China’s firm embrace. Probably deeper than it wants to.”
But our scumbag President who is useless and finds friends and fiends in all the wrong places cares less, his supporters brain dead from drinking all that Mountain Dew only care about the economy and rallies since they get free hats and signs.
A POEM BY AL JACOBSON From My Book Of Poems About Assholes
To Donald with Love From Vladimir
Your twits and stones won’t break my bones, and twitter names will never harm me
But nukes, troops, ships, and cruise missiles might possibly alarm me.
Your claims and bravado from one who draft-dodged his countries service,
I laugh, you’re bragging, self adornment falls just short of making me nervous...
Spew all the junk, the flim, flam, and the twitts, Go back to playing with those porn queens t*t’s
Please keep twitting and claim fake if thats all that you can,
Since my GRB’s superb hackers just delete all your spam...
Be aware, my friend, I was trained by the elite KGB,
And we got all the hacks free by perusing the DOD
So be kind to me and keep kissing my ass...
For a scumbag like you, I’m way above your class
In the midst of all your trials, tribulations and talk of defense,
You nether-lands are well protected by your stooge Mike Pence
And to think you can be my friend and imitate me, thats your quirk…
A simple coward pretend bully like you will always be a simple third grade jerk…
A tough guy, a military school boxer you had claimed to be,
and a certified Draft Dodger you really are, doesn’t count in my book…
I trained with the Spetnatz, Systema, I am a Black belt in Judo,
and World Class Sambo fighter who could take you down with a really strong look…
A poem like this might seem quite funny but I realize in reality…
You do serve me well by laundering my money… You ask why this session has got me quite bored,
I keep my opinions, close even though it’s wasting my time on this total fraud…
The answer is so simple, He gave me the Crimea, Syria and soon Ukraine… without a yelp…
I am moving forward in making Russia strong again, world domination thanks to T-RUMPS help…
Have a bigly day.... Your Fiend, Vladimir