Let us give the President a full Military Sendoff that he so much desires, he requested it with a band and music and a twenty-one gun salute . I want seven of the best Marine Sharpshooters with three rounds apiece which will not only give him a 21 gun salute but will make sure it’s his last living tweet —
I want that in accord of the fact both he and his grandfather were draft dodgers and never served with falsified testimony and documents. No military sendoff for draft dodgers. He denigrated our soldiers by calling them “ Losers and Suckers’ here at Arlington and in France on the Anniversary of D-day — He made bad remarks to Gold families and against Sen. John McCain, a national hero.

I would like the families of the passed COVID victims to attend the man whose words had meanings and those words were wrong. 1,000,000 Americans lost at his bloody hands through stupidity, arrogance, and his alternate universe mental illness and lies…31,000 times he lied to the public as certified by WSJ and Politico.
What? I Agree ! A Bigly Parade For The Bigliest Liar —
- If so, we will give his funeral the biggest funeral parade in history, remember he wanted a parade for himself —
- Starting with fifty trucks filled with all his proclamations, executive orders, written lies over flowing and decorated with Ragweed, Poison Ivy, Sumac, and Oleander Bushes one bush for each state.
- With his friends like Putin attending with a spectacular flyovers by the Russian Air Force in their new MIG-35 —
- North Korea and China will send high stepping soldiers to perform spectacular dance routines —
- Hamas will add an awe inspiring rocket show by the by the Palestinians, just like what they feature in Israel —
- His eulogy will be delivered by his friend and co money launderer Vladimir Putin —
- Ivanka will speak about her Dad in a Black Topless dress designed by Olga Faduci. Covering her beautiful breasts will be Black Chrome Chain Mail Matching earrings connected to Nipple rings by chain made by Fred’s Horse shoeing who got the job by proclaiming “ What a rack she got”.
- Melania’s request to pave the entire landfill so she could walk on solid ground with six inch stilettos was denied.
In her place will be a life size stuffed doll of Melania standing by her man till the end — She sure as hell hasn’t been sleeping with him so a concern was made if the doll is real, did he stuff the real Melania? - Lucifer Mestopheles and others not so sympathetic to T-RUMP starving, no jobs, evictions and other reasons had recommended moving him to the giant landfill thirty miles from Mar-A Lago. I agree, Thats where we’ll build the T-RUMP Presidential Museam —
- Instead of flying him there we will bring him there in a brand new Hell Corporation Super Front Loader provided by Mr Lucifer Mestopheles . I love big trucks and these new Hell loaders are the bong. I foresee a parade Donald always wanted followed by a Caravan of Garbage trucks, one from each state garnished and filled with Ragweed, Oleander and Poison Ivy — Death flowers reminding us of his role in the pandemic as the super-spreader —
Tickets For The Parade — This super Hell model is cool, it picks up the casket or can, tilts it into the container on the front and the when filled, overheads it into the holding tank. Faster and quieter than the older types. And safer with a dangerous cargo like T-RUMP and COVID-19. And the new model performs with greater mileage and sustainability. Just what he needs… Great Company — Great Ride —
His coffin before being dumped in the hole will sit sideways in the hopper fitting the black indentations shown…
FIRST: Everything that ever came from Donald’s mouth was trash, lies and full of garbage.
These trucks are built strong to handle garbage, he has embarrassed us world wide, misinformed us and the world with lies and innuendos about the COVID-19 and justice would be if he were to have a long and unhealthy recovery as those who have suffered under his negligence.
FACT: There are 1,000,000 families suffering a lot more with a loss they had nothing to do with and those who died, had no chance when he ignored their needs. Over 1280 nurses and Doctors died so far in the process and you want me to show sympathy for this man.
You need to wake up, this schmuck has killed people and takes no blame nor shows compassion. He has been the Angel Of Death for too many, who did not deserve it, they were better people than him…
Breaking News ! The T-RUMP Legacy Museam Planned Ahead

Are presidents guaranteed presidential libraries? — Not exactly, although every president since Herbert Hoover has a library in his name that is run by the National Archives and Records Administration. But it is not a guaranteed thing.
The legislation that allows for libraries has been changed over the years since it first passed into law in 1955 after Franklin D. Roosevelt established the first presidential library, using private funds, and then gave it to the National Archives. The legislation was amended in 1986 to cut down on costs, according to the National Archives.
Do taxpayers pay for these libraries? — The legislation requires private funds to set up a presidential library, which can then ultimately be run by the Archives, through the Office of Presidential Libraries.
But the concept and execution of the library must come from private sources before it is taken over by the government. Plans for the T-RUMP Legacy Library have already been formed. He has declared himself the “ President of Law and Order.” We understand only a few books will be shown there because the President is a poor reader, combining it with poor judgment, poor ethics, poor intelligence, we see this as a simple request… Oh, Hitler was a reader and a writer, he actually left notes to his ghost writer, T-RUMP is not.
Only thing he reads are scripts written by “ White Nationalist and Flowery NAZI Stephen Miller”. Thats why, when he is on TV, live on TV, he cannot talk on his own unless he is denigrating someone. He is a true bastard cliff note nut, read aloud yes of the speaking circuit.
Most good speakers have notes, yes but he has to read everything written for him and has a look about him that says , “Who wrote this sh*t”… couldn’t they use shorter words and sentences …like bigly and greatly. Wonderful , strong, incredible… repeated time after time she gets the lie right…

Breaking News ! A Born Cheat From The Day His Egg Hatched —
- T-RUMP was born and raised in Queens, a borough of New York City. He attended Fordham University for two years after a long search ( I guess he was happy at Fordham and could pull strings. His sister had to help him find a school — and probably produce a bribe ) and received a bachelor’s degree in Wreck-O-Comics from the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania. Great school, loved Dads money and covered so far Donalds fat ass.
- One of his teachers ( kept anonymous fearing retaliation, by T-RUMP as did his hair doctor who was threatened by large ugly men ) thought T-RUMP was the “ most arrogant stupid student he ever taught”.
- Now Read This: A professor at the University of Pennsylvania has renewed a request to investigate how President Donald T-RUMP was admitted to the school in 1966, citing what he called “ New evidence” on secretly recorded tapes in which Trump’s sister says a friend took his entrance exam.
- That is an insult to anyone whoever attended Wharton and the schools integrity is threatened. Large transfers called donations to the school by Daddy Wracks , T-RUMPS corrupt father allowed T-RUMP to graduate “ MAGNA CUMS LOUDMOUTH” . The highest award any jerk off can get and it helped him beat the draft with his phony bone spurs. Six or seven deferments for bone spurs and he played on seven teams in school.
- The professor, Eric W. Orts, is one of six faculty members who asked Penn's provost earlier this summer to launch an investigation into how Trump transferred into the school. He noted that the president’s niece, Mary T-RUMP wrote in her book published in July that the president paid someone to take his SATs.
- One of his teachers ( kept anonymous fearing retaliation, by T-RUMP as did his hair doctor who was threatened by large ugly men ) thought T-RUMP was the “ most arrogant stupid student he ever taught”.
- In one tape, Barry said she did her brother's homework for him and that "I drove him around New York City to try to get him into college." She said Donald T-RUMP " Went to Fordham for one year actually two years and then he got into University of Pennsylvania because he had somebody take the exams.”
- In their initial letter, the six professors wrote that “failing to investigate an allegation of fraud at such a level broadcasts to prospective students and the world at large that the playing field is not equal, that our degrees can be bought, and that subsequent fame, wealth, and political status will excuse past misconduct.” The school’s rejection of the July request was reported by the Daily Pennsylvanian, a student-run publication.
The T-Rump Legacy Library —
- Instead he will build a theatre legacy of his great rallies on huge TV screens activated by remotes, supporting his claim as to being the greatest liar of all times and the most insulting denigrating ignorant President of all time… In Yiddish slang translated he would be… “ Oy Vay, A Gonser Mishuganer Schmuck With Earflaps”
- The question now is what state wants that library? Not NY, if they had a chance they would hang him for all the bankruptcies he took and the banks he put under, the Sicilian Mafia guys would love to get Giuliani, he was an $800,000 hit…no one canceled that bounty thats alive — 3500 lawsuits and the Fifth Districts Investigations—
- So we look at Florida which has an affinity toward corrupted Governors, a lots of T-RUMP supporters. Scumbags friends we call Scumbirds, he has a T-RUMP-Peter close to Mar-a-lago in Florida… In journalistic terms Gov. DeSantis is nothing but a T-RUMP lap dog and just as stupid.
- But he’s not long for the job either. he wants Donalds job — One good thing is he is for himself and if the battle goes for the nomination, he’ll fight with T-RUMP — As we say in the press: “ He is a self made scumbag and can take care of things”.
- If he goes against T-RUMP he will be slaughtered by T-RUMP — Just like T-RUMP does to any opposition — So he kisses T-rumps ass for the time being — Option — maybe a VP position — with T-RUMP —
- Herr “ Oberdouchenbaggen" DeSantis is waiting for the time he can stab Donald in the back. He will try swing the ticket. It’s easy to do as Republicans are the known “ Dumbest Voters In The World”. They live for the bullsh*t, the dumber the rhetoric, the more the hatred brews and we have a party of hate, prejudice, immigration lies, mis-information, mis-direction, and mass shootings —
- Since Pence, T-RUMPS biggest co-liar is out, reality since he was honest only once - at the election — It took guts, from Pence to defy T-RUMP (OK fish guts), he had no choice and the only honest words Pence ushered during the four years he kissed T-RUMPS sphincter — the irony of it — T-RUMP threatened his only “ Friend” . OK T-RUMP has no friends, he only knows fiends.
- T-RUMP wanted him assassinated after four years of selling his soul to Lucifer and lying for T-RUMP — Nothing new T-RUMP does that to almost everyone who works for him, sooner or later he screws them — no one is exempt from his wrath — Once he has used you, you are in trouble, disloyal, you are gone, make a mistake, you are gone, don’t kiss his ass, you are gone, one wrong comment and you are gone —
- Hitler did the same thing - he murdered millions, Putin does the same thing — He poisons people — When T-RUMP was President and in control of the NUCLEAR Deterrent force I really worried — so did the Generals who disclosed they might have to stop it.
Pardon my French, NY can have him back …please… but if the T-RUMP Legacy Museam is in a Florida City, we’ll probably burn it down… when the Seniors who live in the Villages find they are being screwed, when their Social Security Medicare and their kids insurance is gone… and now they are screwed into a bank plan.
They’ll come relentlessly with their canes and walkers, wheelchairs and powered scooters from miles around to curse him with dirty words — 🦼🩼🦽🛴
🐊 And a great suggestion came in from Alfred E. Neumann as to where to place the T-RUMP Legacy Museam. On a mound or small island deep in the Florida Everglades — with Pythons and Gators keeping guard. And 🐾🐾 appropriate to not bury him in a swamp, he got rid of the swamp and created a series of cesspools in all Federal Agencies, he built one in his cabinet. So make it like a cesspool and people can sh*t on him like he sh*t on them —

🐍Considering he wrote presidential edicts for coal and polluted our rivers sh*t from anything T-RUMP does is not unusual. No 🦨 worry about being easily accessible, not that many will visit him…so the design of the building could be as a clone of the greater Miami sewer plant number seven. Save Architectural costs.
🦧 If T-RUMP designs it it will cost billions — we’ll have Ivanka and Donny as guides on the tour of the museam, it’s Florida and Ivanka can go summer bikini topless… thats going to bring in the business, good girl use your ass-ets — she’s a cunning linguist with great breasts — Oron the Orangutan has a crush on her —
🦜Donny who is nothing but a parrot of his dad can be the caretaker removing graffiti off the walls covered with words like D*e You M*ther F*****, R*t in H*LL… and other tributes to the man who killed a million with sheer ignorance and stupidity…in one year.
🏦 Alternative : Build a mausoleum at Mar-A-Lag-O since Donald can’t read and there won’t be many books, nor good memento’s, keep it small so when someone blows it up, ther won’t be too much to bulldoze. Great Plan B —
🍋 The ART of The DEAL by Herr Donald T-RUMP and the real author Tony Schwartz —
🥫 HOW I BEAT THE DRAFT With Dad’s Help
🌶 MEIN KAMPH By Herr Adolf Hitler ( In English)
🌶 MEIN KAMPH In German for some of T-RUMPS NAZI friends and White Supremacists —
🍺 THE “ FARTS IN HIS SPIEL” BY THIS AUTHOR SOON Late Summer 2022 Right After The Hanging —
🌮 OLD MARVEL SUPERMAN COMICS with Pictures of Bizarro Land where T-RUMPS Secret Acolytes live —
🫖 THE ART OF HOT TEA POISONING BY Vladimir Putin — In six languages —
🍷 MUSSOLINI’S BIOGRAPHY - “ JUST HANGING AROUND, The real story of a heel” —
🧊 JAIR’S BOLSONARO - HIS BIO- “ Hydrochloiquine and Population Control” intro by Donald T-RUMP —
🎭 “ BAD HAIR DAY” —PENCE’S NEW BOOK on hanging with the wrong people —


ED. Note: We Now Have 31,000 lies Recorded at Politico
And The Debt He Will Leave Your Kids — A Note For the Fake Evangelicals
Obama left office with 16. 4 trillion in NDP debt up only 1.5 trillion from when he took office from Bush. Today the T-RUMP administration is at almost 28 trillion and another five or six to be announced as soon as he goes on a rampage. Thats money T-RUMP borrowed for the Tax Cuts, someone had to pay for keeping it open. The Tax cut benefitted the rich to four billion dollars and we have people starving, being evicted, out of work.
But that money that went to the airlines and big business made the stock market great… but it did not buy a loaf of bread for those on food lines like the recession.
The GOP base elected a born again liar and failure, an incompetent, a TV reality star and crook promoting his lies, to address their personal failures, of many industries like coal looking for the cheap way out. T-RUMP promised, and delivered 26,000 recorded lies and twitts, but never delivered ninety percent of promises.
His weakness toward Putin by handing him the Crimea and Syria led Putin who sees weakness as a benefit to him to get stronger and attack the Ukraine — There is the real truth —
We got photo-ops and lies. Bad ones, many times at that were failures and backfired. And a bunch of poor choices bring his cabinet, the largest turnover in history of quacks, morons and jerks but they all gave money ( In Millions) to his campaign. Like a country club you pay to get in.
You can’t run a nation based on lies, ignorance of the core liberties of the United States and who we are, and turn it from a democracy into a dictatorship. You voted him in because of slogans that hurt, voting based on facial and name recognition instead of truth. Then the collusion finally produced and TRUE. The bastard cheated, his friends, cohorts and fellow scumbags and those he pardoned worked with the Russians. This will be the beginning of legal actions as soon as he is out of office.