Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway
The gal who is the Grand Champion of the Alternative Facts Universe and sang the songs of the Wannabe Emperor defends her years as one of Donald T-rump’s primary enablers. Passed down through the ages Native Americans put a high value on truth, they called lies a “ forked tongue” and said, “ He who sings the songs of the forked tongue liar is indeed a liar themselves “. In that case all we can say is she’s pretty forked up—

Conway was infamous as a Trump spokesperson for a range of emotions that ran from contempt to rage, and she had a knack for contemptuously shrugging off every excess committed by her boss and his gang.
This memoir demonstrates all of that and more. Snarky from the get-go—“By every imaginable metric, I should have been a Democrat. Probably a man-hater, too”—she writes with abundant self-congratulation about having risen above her blue-collar past to embark upon “the wildest adventure of my life,” namely tossing out alternative facts while attempting to explain away the many misdeeds of the Trump White House.
Unsurprisingly given her track record, Conway has plenty of venom to go around: She despises Steve Bannon (“No one…did less work—less actual work—while he was there”), Paul Manafort (“He literally fell asleep during my PowerPoint on how to close the gender gap with Hillary”), and Jared Kushner (“He misread the Constitution in one crucial respect, thinking that all power not given to the federal government was reserved to him”).
Her undisguised rage lands hardest on her husband, George Conway, an erstwhile Trump supporter who began to tweet, a couple of years in, anti-Trump views that she took personally—without, it appears, ever considering that Trump was manifestly unqualified for the job.
On her offending husband, the author has dark thoughts aplenty: “Democracy will survive. America will survive. George and I may not survive.” Of course, she has plenty of jabs for Joe Biden and other Democrats. As for Trump, it’s nothing but a love fest: His people may have led him astray, she growls, but “he always put America first.”
Bilious, querulous, and preposterous: everything a Trumpian apologia is meant to be, suited for true believers alone.Can this marriage be saved? That was the name of a long-running couple’s counseling column in the defunct magazine Ladies’ Home Journal, a onetime client of Kellyanne Conway’s. And it’s a question that hovers over Conway’s new memoir, “Here’s the Deal,” its title seeming to assure the kind of straight dope that her former boss Donald J. Trump’s ghostwritten chest-thumper, “The Art of the Deal” (1987), did not deliver. There is some of that, but also familiarly dizzying spin.
Encouraged in her telling by Trump himself (“Write a great book, honey”), this is but the latest of the squazillion accounts to splash down from his presidential administration, for which the author was campaign manager, senior counselor and frequent media representative in what she calls, as if it were a rocky theme-park ride, “the wildest adventure of my life.” Conway clutches policy like a flotation device, but keeps drifting back to the home front in this book.
Here’s the Deal, surely the nastiest Trump administration memoir yet, and possibly, given Conway’s track record, the most flagrantly dishonest. In other words, she writes, “a feminist. A man-hater.” That’s one of the more surprising passages in the book, because for someone who professes not to be a man-hater, Conway sure does hate a lot of men.
Except for one man, of course: former President Donald Trump, who hired her to run the first successful presidential campaign managed by a woman and, she insists, “treated me and other working moms with respect.” But in 500 pages packed with more score-settling than a Quentin Tarantino movie, Conway gives free rein to her contempt for Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Brad Parscale, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, and countless other unnamed male Trump staffers. They condescended to her. They underestimated her. They stole credit from her. They sidelined her. And now she’s going to make them regret it.
EDITOR— She does not knock T-RUMP as knocking T-RUMPS lies knock her lies for one but worse T-RUMP might be the only one ever to hire her again, thats why thye write books — food on the table.
KELLYANNE CONWAY (born January 20, 1967) is an American political consultant and pollster, who served as Senior Counselor to the President in the administration of Donald Trump from 2017 to 2020.

- She was previously Trump's campaign manager, having been appointed in August 2016; Conway is the first woman to have run a successful U.S. presidential campaign.
- And congrats as she established lying as a full time job in the WhiteHouse.
- She has previously held roles as campaign manager and strategist in the Republican Party, and was formerly president and CEO of the Polling Company / WomanTrend.
- Conway lived in Trump World Tower from 2001 to 2008 and conducted private polls for Trump in late 2013 when he was considering running for governor of New York.
- In the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, picking losers and scumbags like initially endorsing Ted Cruz and chaired a pro-Cruz political action committee.
- After Cruz withdrew from the race, Trump appointed Conway as a senior advisor and later campaign manager.
- On December 22, 2016, Trump announced that Conway would join his administration as counselor to the president.
- On November 29, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Conway would oversee White House efforts to combat the opioid overdose epidemic.
T-RUMP CAMPAIGN — On July 1, 2016, Trump announced that he had hired Conway for a senior advisory position on his presidential campaign. Conway was expected to advise Trump on how to better appeal to female voters.

- On August 19, following the resignation of Paul Manafort, Trump named Conway the campaign's third campaign manager.
- She served in this capacity for 10 weeks, through the November 8 general election, and was the first woman to successfully run an American presidential campaign, and the first woman to run a Republican general election presidential campaign.
- Since October 2016, Conway has been satirized on Saturday Night Live, in which she is portrayed by Kate McKinnon. In a January 2017 interview, Conway acknowledged the SNL parody by noting that, "Kate McKinnon clearly sees the road to the future runs through me and not Hillary.”
- After Trump's inauguration, Conway was embroiled in a series of controversies:
- Using the phrase "alternative facts" to describe fictitious and disproven attendance numbers for Trump's inauguration.
- Speaking multiple times of a "Bowling Green massacre" that never occurred
- Claiming that Michael Flynn had the full confidence of the president hours before he was dismissed.
- Members of Congress from both parties called for an investigation of an apparent ethics violation after she publicly endorsed commercial products associated with the president's daughter, Ivanka T-RUMP.
- In June 2019, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel recommended that Conway be fired for "unprecedented" multiple violations of the Hatch Act of 1939.
- In August 2020, Conway left the administration. This came after months of a public feud between herself and her teenage daughter, Claudia, who lambasted her in the media, politically and personally, and threatened to seek legal emancipation.
- Kellyanne Conway, senior advisor to President Donald Trump, will leave the White House at the end of the month, saying she wants to spend more time with her children. An administration official told NBC News that Conway told Trump about her decision Sunday evening in the Oval Office.
- The official said the president expressed support for her decision.
- “This is completely my choice and my voice,” Conway said in a statement.
- “In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.”
- Conway, who has four children, was one of Trump’s longest-serving senior advisors, serving as his campaign manager in 2016.
- Her husband, George Conway, is also leaving his role at The Lincoln Project, a group run by Republican operatives who oppose T-RUMP. He also emphasized his desire to “devote more time to family matters,” while reiterating his support for the organization. A frequent vocal critic of the president, also said he would be taking a Twitter hiatus.
- While George has persistently condemned Trump on Twitter, Kellyanne has been one of the president’s most ardent defenders. The couple’s contrasting views have often become the subject of media attention.
- “We disagree about plenty but we are united on what matters most: the kids ... As millions of parents nationwide know, kids doing school from home requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times,” Kellyanne Conway said in her statement.
- The couple’s 15-year-old daughter, Claudia, said she was “devastated” that her mother would be speaking at the RNC. In a flurry of tweets criticizing her parents, she also said she and her father “agree on absolutely nothing” politically, before announcing she would be taking a mental health break from social media.