Donald T-RUMP set us back ten years when he put us in the toilet of education with Mrs Betsy DeVos — Another donor of two million dollars to T-RUMP re election and she got the job, to get the job —I termed it new in my dictionary, just a “ FINANCIAL BLOWJOB” And insult to injury, took Congressional education money for Donalds Wall — the world has moved on —
Now when you go to a Doctor — Or watch a spelling Bee Contest, see what country he or she is from — when you watch the spelling bees and other contests see what ethnicities and obviously their parents were immigrants enlightened with the freedoms and opportunitythis country offers, with extremely educated children, they are winners and I congratulate them who wins -

Our courts from Appellate to the Supremes have been loaded with McConnell acolytes — Women already lost their rights — what next ? Our corrupted officials are doing what the GOP has done for years —Basically nothing and stone walled education, they want a nation of idiots controlled by the two percenters and a Supreme leader —
We became aware during the Clinton rise to the Presidency — Bill Clinton didn’t ring a bell with me till I did some research on education and discovered his ticket and rise to fame in Arkansas was based on education values. And not his philandering - Many people of power philander — If we really investigated the 535 members of both houses in Congress, some 400 or better apartments would be up for new tenants — Some are more crooked than others — He ran in Arkansas on a ticket that said one thing —
“ The key to the future of this country is education— an enlightened society is who we are and without education we will be overtaken by fiends and enemies alike — He made dramatic improvements in Arkansas that he really never got credit for" — Then after being elected Arkansa was followed by Mike Huckabee and his intellect guided by his GED diploma — the first in the Huckabee ass clown family to graduate High School and eighth grade intelligence — ARKANSAS are rated 41st out of 50 states in education, with rural islands and out lands only ranking lower, and the corker is Mike Huckabee's the press corps biggest douchbag daughter Sarah Huckabee is running for Governor -
- Without education we will be overtaken by friends and enemies alike —
- Without education the poor, lower class’s will never walk out on their own from the hole they are in —
- Without education - the future will bypass them in jobs of the developing frontiers of science—
- We already in math and science moved backwards in the world by twenty or more places —
- We are making idiots of our kids - idiot parents produce idiot children with little or no future —
- Texting aids in manual finger dexterity - Good for picking coffee beans — when they can’t get a job —
- Our courts from Appellate to the Supremes have been loaded with McConnell acolytes — Women already lost their rights — whats next ?

Poor Little Rich Girl Played Everybody and Got Played In the End
Looking Just Like The Fool She Is, Rich But Quite Weird
(CNN) Enough of Her — Rich and very stupid, never a teacher, never been in public schools, never wrote an OP-ed or paper, Mrs. Betsy DeVos, served as former President Donald Trump's Secretary of Education. Selected after donating two million dollars to his re-election fund to get the job — is acknowledging publicly for the first time that she discussed the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment with other Cabinet members who were looking for the door, and then a discussion with Vice President Mike Pence following the January 6 US Capitol attack. Wow!
And thats because he would not defraud the electoral ballots count. Because legally and morally he could not, and that would kill him in relationships with other Republicans as he thinks he can lead the party in 2024. He couldn’t lead the midnight shift at a Burger KING with only the drive-in open.
Pence almost got hung on January 6th. T-RUMP called it a good idea for the Jan. 6th people to act. “ Hang Pence, Hang Pence" was the battlecry of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers — And it echoed clear out to the gallows constructed outside.
Homophobic and against LBGT, both Devos and Pence are Evangelical nutcases and both did great harm to the line drawn by Church and State which affects every American and not their convoluted beliefs. T-RUMP used them for the Evangelical vote. She’s just making statements covering her ass after her vivid and dumbass run as Secretary Of Education, the worst America has ever seen. Interviewing hundreds of teachers, they think she’s a frikken moron.
DeVos resigned from her post on January 7, the day after pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol. Before she left, she told USA Today in a new interview on Thursday, she explored whether using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office was a viable option before departing the administration.
She said Pence told her he would not support using the 25th Amendment and that his backing would be necessary for such an effort to be successful. Pence is just another another T-RUMP patsy and weak kneed enough who supported T-RUMP all the way and the Native Americans would try him and say, “ He who sings the songs of the liar is indeed a liar too”.
"I spoke with the vice president and just let him know I was there to do whatever he wanted and needed me to do or help with, and he made it very clear that he was not going to go in that direction or that path," DeVos told USA Today. "I spoke with colleagues. I wanted to get a better understanding of the law itself and see if it was applicable in this case. There were more than a few people who had those conversations internally."
DeVos said she ultimately determined that using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office was almost certainly not going to be a viable option and resigned later that day. DeVos did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNN. She should just vanish.
They just don't get any worse than her, singularly she as the Secretary of Education literally destroyed education in this country because of her Right-Wing Ultra Orthodox Evangelical Brain-washing. Her commitment to T-Rump for the job came after she donated two Million Dollars to his Election fund. She bought the job and misplaced funding for education for Donalds failed wall.
She proves the most important point in life, money and wealth have nothing to do with being a good person. Overdone Evangelicals are basically people with defined prejudices and positions. Being a believer is OK but this is not the “ United States of Jesus" and never will be.
But failures just like T-RUMP — Four years of failures — Betsy DeVos reported at least $225 million — and potentially well over $414 million — in outside income while working as Donald Trump’s education secretary, according to an analysis of DeVos’s financial disclosures by CREW. It is impossible to know the exact amount because DeVos’s income is reported in broad ranges, but we do know for a fact that she made nine figures during her four years in office.
The totals are derived from three different yearly financial disclosures that she filed during her tenure in the Trump administration, along with her final termination report. Many assets she reported are simply listed as “over $5 million” or “over $1 million.”
At least $75 million of that massive sum came from Alticor, the parent company of Amway, her late father-in-law’s multilevel marketing behemoth. Amway has enjoyed decades of political power and connections, boosted by the family’s $100 million in political donations during the last 20 years to conservative candidates and groups like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.
As Donald Trump’s wealthiest cabinet member, DeVos’s financial entanglements and her family’s political giving raised ethical questions. She maintained a stake in Neurocore, a brain performance company targeting children, and failed to recuse from matters related to the company despite the potential for conflicts of interest. She pledged that her husband would stop making political donations for the duration of her tenure, but he continued to donate throughout the 2018 and 2020 election cycles.
DeVos gestured at resolving those ethical questions by pledging to donate her taxpayer funded salary while she served in government, which amounted to around $800,000. Of course, that was merely a fraction of a percent of her total income over the past four years, and did nothing to substantively resolve concerns about her appointment as education secretary.
In the Trump administration, Devos wasn’t alone in making meaningless gestures to paper over the conflicts of interest that come with raking in hundreds of millions of dollars as a public servant. Former President Trump himself reported making more than $1.6 billion while in office, while Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner netted up to $640 million.
For Betsy DeVos, decades of political giving paid off in the form of a four-year term as the head of the agency in charge of public education. Meanwhile, her outside income continued to accumulate at a staggering rate. In the end, DeVos likely made more money as education secretary than cities like Ann Arbor or Grand Rapids in her home state of Michigan spend on public education in a year.

Elisabeth Dee DeVos Prince ; Born January 8, 1958 is an American politician, philanthropist, douchbag and former government official who served as the worst 11th United States secretary of De-education from 2017 to 2021.
DeVos is known for her support for school choice, school voucher programs, and charter schools. As long as they are Private Christian Schools. No Synagogues or Mosques allowed! She is about all that wrong with the rich.
She was Republican national committee woman for Michigan from 1992 to 1997 and served as chair of the Michigan Republican Party from 1996 to 2000, with reelection to the post in 2003.
She has advocated for the Detroit charter school system and she is a former member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education.
She has served as chair of the board of the Alliance for School Choice and the Acton Institute and headed the All Children Matter PAC.
DeVos is married to former AMWAY CEO Dick DeVos. Her brother, Erik Prince, a former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, is the founder of Blackwater USA.
Their father is billionaire industrialist Edgar Prince, founder of the Prince Corporation. In 2016, the family was listed by Forbes as the 88th-richest in America, with an estimated net worth of $5.4 billion.
On November 23, 2016, then-President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would nominate DeVos to serve as Secretary of Education in his administration. Proves a valid point “ Dumbass frikken moron people in power promote dumbass frikken morons to do their bidding or as we say in Yiddish, “ Oy Vay, another schmuck” — thats so they do not countermand anything the big idiot does - another phrase for yes man—
On January 31, following strong opposition to the nomination from Democrats, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions approved her nomination on a party-line vote, sending her nomination to the Senate floor.
On February 7, 2017, she was confirmed by the Senate by a 51–50 margin, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking the tie in favor of her nomination. This was the first time in U.S. history that a Cabinet nominee's confirmation was decided by the vice president's tie breaking vote.
On January 7, 2021, DeVos tendered her resignation as education secretary as a result of the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, saying to President Trump in her resignation letter, "There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation.” Her resignation took effect on January 8, 2021, twelve days before her term would have ended.
Throughout the three-hour-plus exchange between DeVos and members of the Senate’s Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, DeVos—who has never taught public school, never attended public school, and never held elected office—sidestepped questions about everything from how she will ensure that groups she has backed financially in the past will not feel pressure to behave a certain way to whether guns belong in schools.
At one point, she seemed to suggest that a federal law governing how students with disabilities are educated could be left to states, prompting Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan to express concern about her grasp of the department’s obligations.
Noticeably absent from the hearing were substantive discussions of the Common Core standards, which Trump has lambasted; how DeVos would handle racial inequity and school segregation, which have been priorities of the Obama administration; and issues around standardized testing, accreditation, and for-profit schools.
She offered little clarity around her views on higher education and early childhood education, broadly. But she did push back at the idea that college is the only pathway to success, and indicated that she would support vocational schools and career-training programs—a nod to Trump’s voter base. Except the money never got there.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper, another T-RUMP acolyte sent a letter to military officials which outlined the items scrapped by the Department of Defense in order to pay the estimated $3.6 billion needed for 11 construction projects that, “ Are necessary to support the use of the armed forces in connection with the national emergency" declared by President Donald Trump in February.
In the letter, Esper approved the funding requested by Trump to curb illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and included a list of 127 projects lined up at US military bases around the world that will be postponed as the money is rerouted to erect 175 miles of fencing at 11 different points along the border.
DeVos was educated at the Holland Christian High School, a private school located in her home town of Holland, Michigan.She graduated from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in business economics in 1979.
During college, DeVos was involved with campus politics, volunteered for Gerald Ford's presidential campaign, and attended the 1976 Republican National Convention to participate in a program for young Republicans
DeVos grew up as a member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. She has been a member and elder of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids. Former Fuller Seminary president Richard Mouw, with whom DeVos served on a committee, said she is influenced by Dutch neo-Calvinist theologian Abraham Kuyper, a founding figure in Christian Democracy political ideology.

On January 31, DeVos's nomination was approved by the committee on a 12–11 party-line vote and was due to be voted on by the Senate.Later on February 1, 2017, two Republican U.S. senators, Susan Collins from Maine and Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, came out against the confirmation (despite supporting DeVos in committee when both of them voted to move her nomination to the floor), bringing the predicted confirmation vote on DeVos to 50–50 if all Democrats and independents voted as expected, meaning Vice President Mike Pence would have to break the tie. During an unusually early 6:30 a.m. vote on February 3, 2017, cloture was invoked on DeVos's nomination in the Senate, requiring a final vote on the confirmation to happen after 30 hours of debate.
The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation was launched in 1989. The foundation's giving, according to its website, is motivated by faith, and "is centered in cultivating leadership, accelerating transformation and leveraging support in five areas", namely education, community, arts, justice, and leadership.
In 2015, the DeVos Foundation made $11.6 million in charitable contributions, bringing the couple's lifetime charitable giving to $139 million. Forbes ranked the DeVos family No. 24 on its 2015 list of America's top givers.
The DeVos Foundation has donated to hospitals, health research, arts organizations, Christian schools, evangelical missions, and conservative, free-market think tanks. Of the $100 million the foundation donated between 1999 until 2014, half of it went to Christian organizations.
Organizations funded by the foundation include: Michigan's Foundation for Traditional Values; Center for Individual Rights; Acton Institute; Institute for Justice; Center for Individual Rights; Michigan's Pregnancy Resource Center; Right to Life Michigan Educational Fund; and Baptists for Life.
With respect to educational-focused donations, the foundation from 1999 to 2014 supported private Christian schools (at least $8.6 million), charter schools ($5.2 million), and public schools ($59,750). Specific donations included $2.39 million to the Grand Rapids Christian High School Association, $652,000 to the Ada Christian School, and $458,000 to Holland Christian Schools.
Her dream was to make all schools in the US Evangelical based. And use Federal funds to do it. DeVos in 2001 listed education activism and reform efforts as a means to "advance God's Kingdom”. In an interview that year, she also said that "changing the way we approach ... the system of education in the country ... really may have greater Kingdom gain in the long run”
DeVos believes education in the United States should encourage the proliferation of charter schools and open up private schools to more students via financial assistance programs, often called vouchers. She has stated that education is "a closed system, a closed industry, a closed market. It's a monopoly, a dead end.” DeVos believes that opening up the education market will offer parents increased choice, a view that critics call a drive to privatize the American public education system.

In February 2017, DeVos released a statement calling historically black colleges "real pioneers when it comes to school choice", causing controversy as some pointed out the schools originated after segregation laws prevented African-Americans from attending others.
DeVos later acknowledged racism as an important factor in the history of historically black colleges.
On March 24, 2017, during a visit to the Osceola County campus of Valencia College, DeVos said she was considering the extension of federal financial aid for students that were year-round and interested in placing more focus on community colleges.
DeVos delivered her first extended policy address on March 29, 2017, at the Brookings Institution which included the topic of school choice which has been her main advocacy issue for more than 30 years.
She stated an interest in implementing choice policies directed toward children as individuals and criticizing the Obama administration's additional funding of $7 billion for the U.S.'s worst-performing schools as "throwing money at the problem" in an attempt to find a solution.
On May 22, 2017, DeVos announced the Trump administration was offering "the most ambitious expansion" of school choice within American history. DeVos cited Indiana (which has the US's largest school voucher program) as a potential model for a nationwide policy, but did not give specific proposals.
In a May 2017 House of Representatives committee hearing, Rep. Katherine Clark, said an Indiana private school which takes publicly funded vouchers maintains it is entitled to deny admission to LGBTQ students or those coming from families with "homosexual or bisexual activity." Clark asked if she would inform Indiana that it could not discriminate in that way if it accepted federal funding, and asked her how she would respond in the event a voucher school rejected black students but a state "said it was okay.”
DeVos answered: "Well again, the Office of Civil Rights and our Title IX protections are broadly applicable across the board, but when it comes to parents making choices on behalf of their students..." Clark stopped her saying, "This isn't about parents making choices, this is about the use of federal dollars. Is there any situation? Would you say to Indiana, that school cannot discriminate against LGBT students if you want to receive federal dollars? Or would you say the state has the flexibility?" DeVos responded: "I believe states should continue to have flexibility in putting together programs ..."
CBS reporter Lesley Stahl questioned DeVos, in a March 2018 60 Minutes interview, about the documented failure of the DeVos programs to demonstrate a positive result, in Michigan, her home state: "Your argument that if you take funds away, that the schools will get better is not working in Michigan ... where you had a huge impact and influence over the direction of the school system.”
Stahl added, "The public schools here are doing worse than they did." DeVos was unable to provide any actual examples of improvement, but stated there were "pockets" where schools had done better than public schools.
On June 6, 2017, DeVos said states' rights would determine private schools being allocated funds by the federal government during an appearance before members of a House appropriations committee.
👺 SHE DESTROYED STUDENT LOANS — On April 11, 2017, DeVos undid several Obama administration policy memos issued by John King Jr. and Ted Mitchell which were designed to protect student loan borrowers.
On July 6, 2017, Democratic attorneys-general in 18 states and Washington, D.C., led by Massachusetts attorney-general Maura Healey, filed a federal lawsuit against DeVos for suspending the implementation of rules that were meant to protect students attending for-profit colleges. The rules, developed during the Obama administration, were meant to take effect on July 1, 2017.
On September 12, 2018, DeVos lost the lawsuit brought by 19 states and the District of Columbia, which accused the Department of Education of improperly delaying implementation of regulations protecting student loan borrowers from predatory practices.
👺 COVID-19 PANDEMIC — During the coronavirus pandemic, DeVos directed millions of dollars of coronavirus relief funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act intended for public schools and colleges, to private and religious schools.
DeVos pushed for schools to re-open while coronavirus cases were still surging in large parts of the country. She said that the Trump administration was considering pulling funding from public schools unless they provided full-time in person learning during the pandemic.
On July 12, 2020, she said "there’s nothing in the data that suggests that kids being in school is in any way dangerous to them", an assertion that public health experts disputed. She also refused to say whether schools should follow guidelines laid out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on reopening schools.
OTHER DOUCHBAG MOVES — On June 2, 2017, DeVos announced her support of president trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement the prior day.
On July 13, 2017, Candice Jackson, who is a sexual assault survivor, organized a meeting with DeVos, college sexual assault victims, accused assailants, and higher education officials, and said she would look at policies on sexual assault accusations on campuses from the Obama administration to see if accused students were treated within their rights.
Asked by cbs 60 minutes reporter Lesley Stahl about her repeal of Obama administration guidelines for colleges dealing with reports of sexual assaults, she said her concern was for men falsely accused of such assaults. "survivors, victims of a lack of due process, and campus administrators have all told me that the current approach does a disservice to everyone involved," said DeVos.
However, some survivors of sexual assault and harassment and organizations which advocate on their behalf oppose the changes and say they would make schools more dangerous.
In October 2017, DeVos revoked 72 guidance documents of the office of special education and rehabilitative services which outlined the rights of disabled students under the individuals with disabilities education act and the rehabilitation act.
In a January 2018 speech, DeVos said that the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) found that “ 60 percent of its teachers reported having moderate to no influence over the content and skills taught in their own classrooms." in response, AFT noted that in the same survey of around 5,000 educators, 86% felt that devos had disrespected them.
In march 2018, devos announced a school safety commission, to provide meaningful and actionable recommendations. members were four cabinet members, including herself. The organization held a meeting on March 28 and a gathering of school shooting survivors and families on April 17.
NEUROCORE — DECEPTIVE CLAIMS AND NOT MEDICALLY APPROVED — Betsy and her husband Dick are chief investors in and board members of Neurocore, a group of brain performance centers offering biofeedback therapy for disorders such as depression, attention deficit disorder, autism, and anxiety.
The therapy consists of showing movies to patients and interrupting them when they become distracted, in an effort to retrain their brains. According to The New York Times, a review of Neurocore's claims and interviews with medical experts suggest that the company's conclusions are unproven and its methods questionable.
Democratic senators raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest and questioned whether she and her family members would "benefit financially from actions" she could take as the U.S. Secretary of Education. DeVos announced that she would step down from the company's board but would retain her investment in the company, valued at $5 million to $25 million. In November 2019, Truth In Advertising filed complaints against Neurocore with the Food and Drug Administration for unapproved medical devices and the Federal Trade Commission for deceptive marketing.
Truth in Advertising. — May 23, 2020. is not the first to challenge Neurocore’s unsubstantiated health claims. In 2017, the National Advertising Division recommended that Neurocore discontinue several disease-treatment claims after it found evidence proffered by the company in support of the claims “insufficiently reliable” to substantiate them.
“ Neurocore, LLC's Unapproved Medical Device" . Truth in Advertising. Archived from the original on May 24, 2020. Retrieved May 23, 2020. We write to file a complaint with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration against Michigan-based “brain training” company Neurocore, LLC1 for its marketing, use, and sale of unapproved medical devices.
“ Neurocore, LLC's Use of Unsubstantiated Medical Treatment Claims” — Truth in Advertising. Archived from the original on May 24, 2020. Retrieved May 23, 2020. Neurocore’s deceptive marketing is used to attract vulnerable consumers, many of whom struggle with difficult psychiatric disorders, are caring for children who struggle with such disorders, or are seniors dealing with age-related memory loss, to its Brain Performance Centers. The consumer harm associated with deceiving these susceptible populations is of great concern and must be stopped.
ELIZABETH HOLMES — DEVOS BACKFIRE — Devos was not especially bright in the business world and her Evangelical bullsh*t thinking instead of helping people went to waste.
“Over the entry to one of our buildings was a sign that read, ‘Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion—you must set yourself on fire,’” Holmes said in a 2015 commencement speech, describing her motivating philosophy. And her passion was catching: investors poured $1.4 billion into Theranos, never suspecting that a humiliating series of damning headlines, federal investigations, and failed pivots would eventually drive the company into the ground. Because it was all a scam.
Now that Holmes has settled with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which accused her of “massive fraud” for raising more than $700 million in a years-long scheme “in which they exaggerated or made false statements about the company’s technology, business, and financial performance,” said cream of the crop is S.O.L.—and thanks to documents unsealed in an ongoing lawsuit against the company and obtained by The Wall Street Journal, we now exactly how much each sunk into the failed venture.
Perhaps the most notable individual on the list is Education Secretary Betsy DeVos,whose family invested $100 million—literally 100 times the lifetime earnings of the average American—in Theranos between 2013 and 2015. (DeVos had previously disclosed that she was a Theranos investor, though the size of her investment was not known.)
DEVOS IN ALASKA IN AUGUST 2019 — In late May 2018, Devos said that she believed it was "a school decision" on whether to report a student's family to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if the student or their family are undocumented immigrants.
However, under Plyler v. Doe, the American Supreme Court ruled under the American constitution, schools are obligated to provide schooling irrespective of immigration status. The American Civil Liberties Union has said that because of this, it would be unconstitutional for schools to report students or their families to ICE.
👺 DeVOS WANTED TO CUT SPECIAL OLYMPICS FUNDING - In 2019, DeVos unsuccessfully attempted to cut federal funding for the Special Olympics from her department's budget, which she had also attempted to cut in her previous two annual budgets. No way bitch —
PROTESTS AND SECURITY — DeVos has been a controversial figure throughout her tenure. In her first official appearance as Secretary on February 10, 2017, dozens of protesters showed up to prevent her appearance. The protesters physically blocked her from entering through the back entrance of Jefferson Academy, a D.C. public middle school in Southwest, Washington, D.C. DeVos was eventually able to enter the school through a side entrance.
Subsequent to the incident, the U.S. Marshals Service, rather than Education Department employees, began providing security for her. Education Department officials declined requests for information about the deployment of marshals or the current tasks of the Secretary's displaced security team normally assigned to her.
Many of those security personnel are former Secret Service agents who have worked at the department for many years. Regarding the withdrawal of the department's team, former Education Secretary Arne Duncan said, "That's a waste of taxpayer money.”
During her first visit to a public university on April 6, 2017, DeVos was confronted by around 30 protestors. She was touring an area designed to resemble a hospital ward at Florida International University. The following day, the U.S. Marshals Service said after a threat evaluation was conducted in February that DeVos would be given additional security, projecting a cost of $7.8 million between February and September 2017.
On May 10, 2017, DeVos gave a commencement speech at Bethune–Cookman University, a historically black college, and during her speech a majority of the students booed DeVos, with about half of them standing up and turning their backs to her. She also received an honorary doctorate from the university.
LEGAL ISSUES — According to DeVos's 2018 financial disclosure form certified by the Office of Government Ethics on December 3, 2018, she had not divested from twenty-four assets required under her signed ethics agreement nearly 22 months after being confirmed in February 2017.
In May 2019, the Education Department inspector general released a report concluding that DeVos had used personal email accounts to conduct government business and that she did not properly preserve these emails.