LOOKING BACK AS A KID — EDITOR - I grew up with Abbott and Costello on my first TV, a Crosley twelve incher and I loved their comedy, especially the “Whose on First Baseball Routine” which was a classic routine during the war years of the 40’s and 50’s and especially when Costello was in trouble, he’d yell “ Hey Abbott”—
But this new “Hey Abbott”, the TEXAS Governor is a disaster and more children died in Texas —Thats a whole new Ballgame, and there is nothing comedic about it. And most of what he is suggesting is and frankly a stall, trying to make it look good for him. Most of it is useless and bandaids on severe trauma and bleeding. Just another stall and feel good proposal that will probably go no where. I believe Abbott and Costello could do a better job of running Texas — the present Governor is not funny at all. And certainly qualifies as a scumbag with Kemp, Desantis, and a few other wussies.

🤡 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Friday he was "misled" by inaccurate accounts — from authorities about the massacre and he is demanding a full account of what happened. Look in the mirror schmuck — there’s your problem!
🤡 How can you mislead a moron? Well — Their thinking is misleading to begin with — Simple, Governor Abbott is a moron and listens to morons — they kind of connect — It’s a Texas thing! Morons are always surrounded by morons so they don’t look bad and have other morons to blame.
🤡 Just look at the picture of the Press Conference they are holding on to each other for dear life! Nineteen dead children and Abbott, that frikken idiot is promoting gun sales and telling everyone about open carry. At that moment I prayed someone would walk up and put a bullet in his head — Uvalde is a clear cut example Of moron political for greed and not the people leadership, morons on the police job and resulting in a tragedy.
🤡 A US Border Patrol tactical team shot and killed the gunman, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. While an off-duty agent said he rushed to the scene with a borrowed shotgun, he clarified in televised interviews that he didn’t kill the gunman or go inside the classroom where the shooting took place. he was not allowed to enter, we learned.
🔘 Gov. Greg Abbott’s suggestions for limiting mass shooting deaths in Texas include a bevy of changes to state law, a culture shift in how law enforcement officers patrol their communities, increases in mental health practices at schools and help for educators who want to improve their abilities to remove potentially dangerous students from classrooms. Here’s what you need to know about the 40-page “School and Firearm Safety Action Plan” that Abbott released in Dallas —
🔘 While Abbott’s plan doesn’t call for any new state statutes that directly limit who can buy guns, it does aim to close some loopholes in laws that already bar some people from purchasing or owning firearms. And it does call for lawmakers to strengthen existing criminal penalties for some people whose guns are used to injure or kill people.
“I can assure you I will never allow Second Amendment rights to be infringed, but I will always promote responsible gun ownership,” Abbott said Wednesday.
🔘 The governor wants courts to report felony convictions, mental health adjudications and protective orders that can block people from buying guns within 48 hours instead of 30 days.
🔘 In Texas, parents can be criminally prosecuted if they don’t safely store loaded guns that end up being used in certain crimes by children who are 16 years old and younger. Abbott wants to include 17-year-olds in that law, remove the provision that only allows for prosecution if the guns were loaded when children accessed them and increase the criminal penalty from a Class A misdemeanor to a third degree felony. The plan also calls for requiring gun owners to report when their firearms are lost or stolen.
🔘 The plan mentions a potential “red flag” law that would allow judges to temporarily take guns away from people deemed to be dangerous if there is legal due process. Abbott didn’t call for legislators to pass such a law — he instead wants to “encourage” lawmakers to “consider the merits” of adopting it. Outgoing House Speaker Joe Straus took him up on that late Wednesday and instructed a committee of the lower chamber to study such legal provisions. "In the coming days, I will issue other interim charges designed to help prevent another school shooting," Straus said in a prepared statement.
🔘 Abbott’s proposal also calls for encouraging voluntary use of gun locks. It mentions that Ohio requires dealers to also sell access prevention devices and that Maine requires dealers to demonstrate how to use trigger lock devices. The plan says “Texas could emulate these laws,” but does not list them as an explicit recommendation for lawmakers.
🔘 The safety action plan says that schools and local law enforcement agencies should work closer together to increase how often officers are at schools. That includes making campuses regular stops on officers’ patrols and giving them rooms inside schools to stop and file reports while on duty.
🔘 Abbott also wants to increase the number of school marshals legally allowed at each campus, streamline the 80-hour training course required to become a marshal and repeal the legal requirement that marshals safely store their firearms. And he’d like to see schools prioritize the hiring of retired police officers and military veterans as resource officers.
🔘 A litany of the recommendations would require legislative action. But that may not begin until the next regular legislative session begins in January.
Abbott hasn’t ruled out calling a special session before then. But he attached a key caveat that didn’t apply to last year’s special session: Lawmakers must reach consensus on what bills they plan to pass before he’ll convene them in Austin. “A special session is not a debating society,” he said Wednesday.
🔘 Several school officials could spend the summer being trained in ways that Abbott hopes will prevent more deaths. The state is paying to train campus staffers who want to become school marshals. Educators and other school officials can also participate in free training for responding to active shooters, a workshop for emergency planning and courses on how to teach emergency incident response to others.
🔘 Two state agencies are also increasing the amount of mental health first aid training they provide this summer. And the Texas School Safety Center is partnering with SIGMA Threat Management Associates to train staffers on behavioral threat assessment, a technique used to identify potentially dangerous students and determine the best ways to intervene before they become violent.
🔘 Abbott wants teachers to have the power to immediately place students in alternative classrooms if they threaten violence. He also wants lawmakers to expand the criminal offenses that allow school officials to expel or put a student in disciplinary classrooms. Current felonies that can prompt removal from regular classrooms include murder, kidnapping, sexual offenses, assaults and aggravated robbery. Abbott wants that list to include stalking, cruelty to animals, any weapons-related felony and any organized crime offense.
🔘 But when students are placed in alternative classrooms, Abbott’s plan recommends that officials use what’s called restorative practices to identify underlying mental health issues that influence behavior. Some Texas schools are already using similar practices, which encourage students and teachers to talk through problems and build stronger bonds to prevent conflict and violence.
🔘 A key tenet of the proposal relies on expanding use of behavioral health programs and increasing the number of mental health professionals at schools.
🔘 Abbott wants his office and lawmakers to identify $20 million in state funds to begin expanding a mental health screening program operated through the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. One major change proposed would create two classes of school counselors — one that focuses on academic issues like college acceptance and one that concentrates on students’ mental health.
🔘 “This plan puts the state on a pathway to ensure healthier families, safer schools and safer communities,” Abbott said Wednesday.The Texas Department of Public Safety next month will launch an app called “iWatch Texas,” which allows Texans to report suspicious behavior or criminal activity statewide. The safety plan recommends increasing awareness of the app among teachers and students.
“Using a single, statewide reporting system, as opposed to a school-specific system, ensures that tips from different parts of the community are all integrated linking critical data,” the plan says. Reported information is then supposed to be disseminated to relevant law enforcement agencies.
🔘 “For example, a student may report strange behavior and statements made by another student,” the report says. “Later that day, a citizen reports that the same student was attempting to purchase ammunition at a sporting goods store and became belligerent when refused. The iWatch system would link these separate incidents, and all future reports involving this student on or off campus would be monitored by law enforcement.”
Abbott’s plan also suggests linking that data to a proposed increase in existing social media monitoring programs.
“Several recent perpetrators of mass shootings had left clues as to their potential homicidal or suicidal intent on publicly accessible social media sites in the months before committing their crimes,” the plan says.
🔘 The safety action plan doesn’t detail how much it would cost to implement all of the suggestions. Some may not come to fruition. The price tag for others may depend on how many school districts buy in to voluntary proposals.
The plan says the state already has access to $70 million for some of the recommendations and that the Texas Education Agency is working with school districts on how to prioritize $62.1 million in federal funds for several of the suggestions. State agencies are also seeking federal funding for mental health first aid training.
The plan notes that “additional funds” could be “offered by the Legislature.” But when the legislature convenes for the 2019 regular session, lawmakers will be about $7.9 billion short of what they need to fund current programs, services and policies, according to a recent report. And in Texas, lawmakers are already largely criticized for decreasing the amount of state spending per student in recent years.
GOV. ABBOTT is not fit for the position he holds, he is weak, and owned by the GOP who decides for him, the Reptilian party. A supporter of stupidity in a state that T-RUMP worshippers and scumbags should be removed. and restore pride in Texas not their politicians — The best show in Texas are the Fish and Game Wardens on TV.
His comment “ I hate to say this, but there are more people who were shot every weekend in Chicago than there are in schools in Texas," Abbott said on Wednesday, arguing stricter gun laws are not a solution. There are indeed a horrific number of gun deaths in Chicago each year. But that is because of greater population density , drugs, and gang violence, with states nearby feeding the gun needs with excess weapons illegally purchased or stolen — It’s a thriving trade —
This man GOV. ABBOTT is a certified frikken idiot — And his statistics are bullsh*t — Texas suffered 4,164 gun deaths in 2020, the most recent year for which the CDC has published data and that's a rate of 14.2 deaths per 100,000 Texans. California, by comparison, saw 3,449 deaths, a gun death rate of 8.5.
You have a right, the 2nd Amendment to own a firearm, not a weapon of war, not if it is an illegal or modified version, not if used for crime or you have a record of mental instability or illness. But you can keep a one shot flintlock on your mantle — normal hunting weapons or weapons of self defense.
I covered many, then many more, and photographed scenes I want to forget. But the aftermath intrigues me, the search for the why’s and they are coming more apparent as the list gets bigger in heinous acts. We tie it together in detail with the true story of why we have mass murders in the United States.
The big player is the corruption of Congress, the corruption of the NRA, Our corrupt politicians, Gun Lobbyists,. The false charity of the NRA ( IT IS TAX FREE AS A CHARITY) that makes millions from its members, and divides the pot amongst its favorite members , the Gun Lobbyists and Gun Sale’s bribes and is corrupt facing bankrupsty and needs to lose its fraudulent status as a charity. Its partners are the corrupt Senators and Congressmen to take those bribes. They should be thrown out of Congress — and charged with Bribery.
🔘They tout policy proposals including the total shutdown of the border and the elimination of property taxes, while mercilessly attacking the governor for his handling of the pandemic. ( which killed many Texas with no shots)
🔘Those two, along with others from the roster of seven Abbott challengers on the March ballot, often campaign together as a united, and somewhat interchangeable, alternative to the two-term governor.
“I've not been a fan of Abbott for a year and a half because he's not getting things done that he promised he would,” said Richard Kilmer, a Lake Travis resident who plans to vote for one of the primary challengers. “He's proven he's not an effective leader of this state and he needs to step aside and let other leaders step up.”
The intra-party knock against Abbott comes in spite of his endorsement from Trump and on the heels of what he’s celebrated as one of the most conservative legislative sessions in modern Texas history.
This past year, Abbott shared the glory of passing one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws, relaxing gun laws so most Texans can carry a handgun without a license and changing election rules to prevent local officials from expanding voter access. RESULT : THEY ARE DYING IN TEXAS.
The root of the anti-Abbott sentiment on the right stems from the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 when the governor used his executive authority to implement a statewide mask mandate and a shutdown on certain businesses. Since Abbott lifted those measures, he’s pivoted hard and promised that there would be no more local safety precaution mandates allowed for masks, vaccines or businesses. However, he continues to face criticism within his party, especially in comparison to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who in 2021 passed anti-mandate legislation for COVID-19 vaccines and masks.
Abbott’s handling of COVID-19, including efforts to block vaccine and mask mandates, was “worthless,” said Julie McCarty, director of the True Texas Project, one of several grassroots organizations hosting candidate forums on behalf of Abbott’s challengers.
THE LINCOLN PROJECT — The Lincoln Project said on Friday that it would be filing an ethics complaint against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) for allegedly taking part in a Breitbart News interview this month at a university football stadium.
The anti-Trump organization claimed that the University of Texas at Austin allowed conservative news outlet Breitbart News to conduct an interview with Abbott this month at their football stadium.
The Lincoln Project said that one month earlier, they were allegedly told by the university that an ad critical of Abbott’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was supposed to air on ESPN during a university football game, could not air due to “an undisclosed policy against running political advertisements.”
The Lincoln Project said in a statement they would be filing an ethics complaint with Texas Ethics Commission against the Republican governor “for misuse of official time and resources in furtherance of his re-election campaign.”
The organization also said in their announcement that they had filed FOIA requests with both parties over whether there was any communication over the PAC’s ad.
“As his approval continues to sink, Greg Abbott has become more and more extreme in his use of state power to achieve his political goals,” Reed Galen, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, said in a statement. “We aren’t surprised he would deny free speech to his opponents. We’re also not surprised that Abbott, a former Supreme Court justice and Texas Attorney General, would so flagrantly violate state law by using the Longhorns’ hallowed ground for his venal and cynical political purposes.”
Earlier this year, The Lincoln Project saw itself mired in a similar controversy, claiming that an ad that was critical of Fox News amid the COVID-19 pandemic was not aired by Comcast. The Hill has reached out to Abbott’s office and the university for comment. None came.
Initial complaint and litigation filings in American Oversight’s lawsuit against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seeking the release of records of certain communications, including official messages sent using personal accounts or devices.
Aug. 11: Attorney General Ken Paxton’s answer to American Oversight’s lawsuit
Aug. 11: American Oversight’s motion for default judgment
July 28: Gov. Greg Abbott’s answer to American Oversight’s lawsuit
June 30: Initial complaint
1. ABBOTT IS A MISOGYNIST AND WANTS TO TAKE AWAY REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOMS FOR WOMEN IN TEXAS — Amid Maternal Death Crisis, Texas Reproductive Rights Coalition Condemns Governor Abbott’s Cruel Anti-Abortion Agenda — When It Comes to Misogyny, Texas Republicans Practice What Donald T-RUMP Preaches — Texas GOP Get Back to Basics: Shaming Women with Fetal Burial Laws — Governor Abbott Is Trying to Force Women to Bury Fetal Tissue — Texas GOP Passed A Scarily Cruel Bill to Force ‘Fetal Burial’ & Ban Abortion After 13 Weeks --
2. ABBOTT DOES NOT WANT EQUALITY FOR LGBTQIA+ TEXANS — Til Death do They Part, Abbott and Cruz Vow to Block Marriage Equality — Abbott Appeals Marriage Ban, Refuses Petitions — NBA Player Jason Collins Comes Out, Greg Abbott Denies Texas Same Sex Couples Rights — Abbott Ruling Allows GOP to Deny Gay Conservatives — The Resistance Killed Gov. Abbott’s Special Session Bathroom Bill — 300 Republicans Write Brief Supporting Marriage Equality - Zero Texas Republican Leaders Sign On — How the Texas GOP Uses “Religious Freedom” to Discriminate Against LGBT Texans — Freedom to Marry Petition Outnumbers Republican Delegates —
3. ABBOTT IS NOT WILLING TO DO WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP OUR SCHOOLS SAFE FROM GUN VIOLENCE — Governor’s school shooting prevention plan misses the mark
4. NOT ONLY IS ABBOTT ANTI-IMMIGRATION, BUT HE’S ALSO A STRAIGHT-UP RACIST — Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Equality Platform Reflects Rhetoric of Abbott, Patrick — Here’s Everyone That’s Suing Texas & Gov. Abbott Over ‘Papers Please’ SB 4 — Trump, Abbott, Patrick and the Tragedies of Mass Deportations — Would Greg Abbott Defend Interracial Marriage Ban? — Abbott and Cruz Celebrate Divisive Ruling on Immigration — Perry, Cruz and Abbott Speak Before Sexists and Bigots
5. ABBOTT DOES NOT THINK WOMEN DESERVE EQUAL PAY — Greg Abbott: Pays Women Less Than Men for Same Job — Can We Trust Abbott to Support Equal Pay? —
6. THE MAN IS CORRUPT — Greg Abbott Should Return $85,000 in Dirty Money — Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick Double-Down on Their Support for T-RUMP — Perry and Abbott Allowed $222 million to Companies that Did Not Ask for It — In the Locker Room with Trump – Where Abbott, Patrick and Other State Leaders are Hiding 2017: Trump, Abbott, Patrick Obscene Grabs for Power — Greg Abbott Takes Additional $87,738 from Predatory Lenders Greg Abbott is Campaigning With a Sexual Predator — Abbott Defends Predatory Lenders, Not School Kids — Greg Abbott Lets Bank of America Use Texas Taxpayers Like ATM — Greg Abbott Ignores Requests for Legal Rulings - Unless He Personally Benefits — Another Abbott Predatory Lender Crony Fined $10M — Politifact: Abbott Paved Way for Nearly 200% Predatory Lender Growth — Ten Facts About #Briberygate and the Cancer Research Center Scandal — Top Ten Texas Stories Slamming Abbott on Chemicals — It Doesn't Seem Right That Gov. Abbott Only Paid $100 Bucks in Taxes — Cancer Funds Funneled to Abbott Donors — Abbott Protects His Payday Lenders’ Payday —
7. REMEMBER THE TERRIBLE 2017 SPECIAL SESSION? ABBOTT WAS TO BLAME FOR THAT — 5 Ways Texas GOP Will Try to Screw Texans Over During Governor Abbott’s Special Session — Call Gov. Abbott Today to Stop Attacks on Texans' Fundamental Rights — The Resistance Killed Gov. Abbott’s Special Session Bathroom Bill — Women’s Reproductive Rights Thrown Under Bus (Again) in Gov. Abbott’s Special Session — Open Letter to Gov. Abbott and Texas Lawmakers: An Attack on Any Texan Is An Attack on All Texans
Gov. Abbott Uses Fake Videos to Jeopardize Health of Real Texans — Greg Abbott Needs to Admit the ACA is Working Nationwide — 734,000 Texans Sign-Up for Health Care Despite Perry, Abbott —
9. ABBOTT DOESN’T WANT YOU TO VOTE AND IS NOT INTERESTED IN MAINTAINING THE INTEGRITY OF OUR ELECTIONS — Peeking in Putin’s Bathroom Window, or Will Greg Abbott Get Serious About Election Integrity? — Court Strikes Down Voter ID As A Poll Tax - So Greg Abbott Vows To Defend It — Greg Abbott Destroyed Evidence of Possible GOP Voter Suppression — Greg Abbott Doesn't Want Fair Remedial Redistricting Maps— Blake Farenthold, Greg Abbott and the mess in Texas’ 27th Congressional District
10. BOTTOM LINE: ABBOTT’S YEARS IN OFFICE HAVE NOT BEEN GOOD FOR TEXAS — There is a much better choice for governor on the ballot this year — More Teachers Leave Texas Schools Than Are Hired —Conspiracy's, Manifestos, and —
YOUTUBE: SEE 9 Weird Things From Greg Abbott’s First Year — Greg Abbott's (Not So) Greatest Hits — Greg Abbott's (Not So) Greatest Hits - Volume 2 — Greg Abbott: Against Raising Minimum Wage — Progress Texas Anti-Endorsements — Greg Abbott Pals Around With Some Creepy People — 8 takeaways from the only #TXGovDebate between Lupe Valdez and Greg Abbott —
Abbott’s corruption and extremely conservative positions do not align with the increasingly progressive values of Texans throughout the state.
🔘 Uvalde Residents Question The School District’s New Safety Plans For First School Year Since Mass Shooting
🔘 Families Of The Uvalde Shooting Victims Denounce Gov. Greg Abbott’s Inaction On Gun Reform —
🔘 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Joins Other Key Republicans In Supporting Repealing The “Tampon Tax” —
🔘 Greg Abbott, Texas Republicans Face A Complex Election Landscape After Abortion Ruling, Uvalde Shooting —
🔘 Abbott Says Raising The Age To Buy An Assault-Style Rifle Is “Unconstitutional” Based On Recent Court Rulings
🔘 El Paso Joins Gov. Greg Abbott In Busing Migrants To New York City —
🔘 Five Department Of Public Safety Officers Face A Formal Investigation Over Uvalde Shooting Response —
🔘 Texans Who Perform Abortions Now Face Up To Life In Prison, $100,000 Fine —
🔘 A Conservative School District And Texas Lawmaker Outmaneuver Efforts To Subvert “In God We Trust” Law
🔘 Gov. Greg Abbott Said Rape Victims Can Take Plan B. But Isn’t Widely Available For The State’s Poorest People
🔘 Almost 600 Texas Youths Are Trapped In A Juvenile Prison System On The Brink Of Collapse —
🔘 Texas’ Law On Gun Background Checks Plagued By Critical Omissions Of Minors’ Mental Health Records—
🔘 “Systemic failures” in Uvalde shooting went far beyond local police, Texas House report details —