EDITOR OP-ED: Leaves Congress having passed one law, and enough personal gas to choke the entire Capitol building into submission to even listen to him as they lie writhing on the floor in agony, cramps, and horrific nausea —
True to his family colors of Black and Blue, his Bullsh*t outshined all the other Bullsh*t on the sacred house floor. Distinguished members of Congress left the room because his remarks were so stupid, no one wanted to be around. He was not a very good stand up comic — If you watched the C-SPAN when he spoke, the room was practically empty members choosing that time to use the bathroom.
They excused themselves claiming they needed a shoe shine, an emergency dental appointment, their hairdresser just got in town, Ivanka is wearing a see-thru blouse next door, and Duck season just opened. When he said, “ Mr. Speaker”, those on the podium ducked.
He spread so many countless falsehoods and lies, the court scribe ran out of Squid Ink and paper. They called him the “ Toast of the town” by Republicans, many Democrats wanted him to be the “ Roast of the town” in crankcase oil, since every word was on fire against some one else, a trait he picked up from Donald T-RUMP
Gohmert was a precursor to former President Donald Trump’s brand of populist, establishment-bucking conservatism that delights in offending progressives and makes no apologies for spreading fricking lies and misinformation. A true to form SCUMBAG.

THE GOHMERT CHARM — Loved by only one Presidents like T-RUMP — Even Obama began his remarks about Louis, "I, by the way, have always found Louie to be unbelievably gracious every time I've see him," Obama said. "Now, I don't watch TV.
Gohmert has been one of the president's more vociferous critics since Obama moved into the White House in 2009, insinuating he was a “ Chicago thug," accusing him of keeping members of the Muslim Brotherhood in his administration, and flirting with the idea of impeaching him. He even once proposed legislation that would stop Obama from going on golf trips. But did not say that about T-RUMP.
Gohmert compared Obama to Santa Claus, joking about his decision to wear a Christmas-themed tie to the State of the Union. "Then I realized, we're going to be listening to Santa Claus tonight promising whatever anybody wants they can have," he said.
But Gohmert's language Thursday morning veered far from his usual critical rhetoric. "This is the time we come together in one heart, one accord," he said of his Democratic colleagues.
The president echoed that sentiment in his remarks as well. "Here we put aside labels of party and ideology, and recall what we are first: all children of a loving God, brothers and sisters called to make his work our own," he said.
We simply bestow upon him the Gremsky-Freebish award for service to the country in a time when chaos almost brought us to insurrection caused by those who worked with him. And those who were stupid enough and severe mental illness was apparent, praised Louis for stirring the pot.
WASHINGTON — In 2010, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert warned the nation from the floor of the House of Representatives about a looming threat: terrorist babies. He described — without providing evidence — a diabolical and far-fetched scheme in which foreign enemies were sending pregnant women to the U.S. to birth babies that would emerge decades later as terrorists.
He found out about it, he said, from a conversation with a retired FBI agent on a flight, even as the FBI said it had no information about any such plot. He would go on to fight with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper in an interview that went viral as he for nearly 10 minutes refused to answer questions or provide evidence of the claim, while yelling at Cooper for “ attacking the messenger.”
It was a breakout moment for the Republican congressman from East Texas, who had been in office for about five years at the time and whose profile was growing as a member of the newly founded Tea Party. He was something of an outlier in Congress for the ease with which he was willing to make unfounded and offensive pronouncements. But it would prove to be a harbinger of what was yet to come.

This January, Gohmert, who turned 69 on Thursday, leaves office having defined his 17-year congressional career with conspiracy, conflict and fomenting anger.
✿ Some of his most memorable controversies include the time he compared homosexuality to bestiality.
✿ Or when he said Hillary Clinton was “mentally impaired.”
✿ Or when he speculated that wearing a mask is what caused him to catch COVID-19.
✿ Or when he compared former President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler.
✿ Or when he said the canceling of a television show for homophobic remarks by its hosts was Nazism.
✿ Or when he said he was grieving over the arrests of rioters involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection.
Gohmert was a precursor to former President Donald Trump’s brand of populist, establishment-bucking conservatism that delights in offending progressives and makes no apologies for spreading misinformation.
✿ “He fostered angry, finger-pointing, conspiracy-theory-laden politics that now defines American politics," said Brandon Rottinghaus, a political scientist at the University of Houston. "He was the original congressional antagonist.”
✿ Now he’s leaving Congress because he opted to run for Texas attorney general instead of reelection for his seat — which he presumably would have won easily. He entered the Republican primary for attorney general last November — months after the other candidates, including incumbent Ken Paxton — and raised by far the least amount of money. He came in last place.
✿ He exits office as Texas’ ninth most senior member of Congress, having made a mark — but not legislatively. In nine congressional terms, he’s passed just one bill into law, a measure in 2017 that simplified the process for calling 911.
✿ Gohmert will perhaps be better remembered for his penchant for going against the majority. He was the only member in the House to vote against a bill last month to suspend tariffs on baby formula imports during a national shortage. (He said the bill was rushed.)
✿ He single-handedly delayed for a day the passage of an emergency coronavirus relief package that funded free COVID-19 tests, two weeks of paid sick leave and a billion dollars in food aid. (He later withdrew his objection to allow the bill to pass with unanimous consent.)
✿ And he was one of four members to vote against making lynching a federal hate crime. (He said the bill’s maximum sentence was not harsh enough.)
✿ “He's gone from something of an outlier that people chalked up to some combination of region and personality, to someone who is more representative of a big faction of a big share of Republican voters and even Republican elites.”— Jim Henson, director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin
✿ His retirement will be less of the end of an era, and more of a changing of the guard — as the House is attracting a new, younger class of like-minded firebrands who similarly seek conflict over policymaking and who came into office during Trump’s presidency. In recent years, Gohmert’s found allies in the House Freedom Caucus including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Matt Gaetz of Florida.
✿ Last year, they attempted to visit a Washington, D.C., jail where rioters from the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol are being imprisoned. Greene recently urged the GOP to become the party of Christian nationalism and has made comments supportive of QAnon, an unfounded conspiracy theory and far-right political movement that claims Trump is waging a secret war against Satanic pedophiles.
✿ “He's gone from something of an outlier that people chalked up to some combination of region and personality, to someone who is more representative of a big faction of a big share of Republican voters and even Republican elites,” said Jim Henson, the director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin.
✿ Asked in a brief exchange on Capitol Hill last month about his time in Congress, he said: “ I got a lot done, wish it would have been more, but I didn't care who got the credit. Got a lot of things passed on, changed, amended, fixed behind the scenes.” He did not answer a question about what he considers his signature achievement. there was none.
✿ In his deep-red congressional district, voters have rewarded Gohmert for his combative reputation. He’s never faced a serious electoral challenge, and in his bid for attorney general, he placed first in the 17 counties near his hometown, despite placing last statewide. His supporters say he’s never wavered in his principles — unlike other Republicans they say care too much about appeasing party leadership.
✿ Bills on which Gohmert has been the lead sponsor have passed the House six times. Only one was ever signed into law. Of the 118 House members still in office who started before 2010, just 10 have passed fewer bills in the House than Gohmert — three Republicans and seven Democrats — according to a Texas Tribune analysis. None of those members were Texans. Six members have passed the same number of bills.
✿ That has become a growing mantra of today’s Republican Party. More Republicans are focusing on fighting for their constituents and party loyalty, while villainizing efforts to negotiate across the aisle to pass laws. “It’s been very alarming to see the Republican Party become more about performance,” U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-El Paso, said. “It is becoming more and more like Louie Gohmert and less and less serious about legislation and public policy and solving real solutions.”
✿ Gohmert started making waves in 2009, when he and 11 other Republican members of Congress cosponsored the so-called “birther” bill that would have required presidential candidates to produce a copy of their birth certificate — pressing a false narrative that Obama was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible to be president. (Obama was born in Hawaii, and his father was born in Kenya.)
The birther saga was among the first of several instances in which Gohmert leaned into racist conspiracy theories and took on the role of an instigator. He co-led an effort in 2012 calling for the State Department to investigate the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and Huma Abedin, a former top aide to Hillary Clinton.
✿ “If there was one more Louie Gohmert, John Boehner would have a heart attack,” Gohmert said. Boehner was a staunch Republican but faced pressure from hardline conservatives who felt he wasn’t doing enough to stand up to Democrats.
✿ The feeling was mutual. In “American Carnage,” a book about the modern Republican Party, Boehner told author Tim Alberta, “Louie Gohmert is insane. There’s not a functional brain in there.”
Gaetz, the Florida congressman and whoremonger, the other pillar of Prickdomania , a world they live in and Gohmert ally, loudly commended Gohmert for bucking the party. “ He warned against bad decisions Republicans made that lost them majorities and he inspired some of our best moments,” Gaetz said in an interview.
Last month on Newsmax, Gohmert said it “ grieves me to see the vendettas” against the Capitol rioters who have been imprisoned. He said he’d have no problem imprisoning some of the rioters, but that “most of them committed misdemeanors.” He tried to visit the imprisoned rioters last year at a Washington, DC, jail but was not allowed a tour without receiving prior approval.
Louis, you fricking moron, nine people are dead as the result of January 6th —
you should rot in the jail cells with them for lying —