—  Tucker Carlson — 

Das Goo-ten Far-ten Medal By Adolf Jewelers

NOTE:  I am diverging on this one.  I do not like this lieing bastard.   We are comparing Tucker Carlson and his behavior to a modern day Nazi Newspaper person or personality since they did not have TV in those days.   He is just like his predecessors a Moron Shock Jock poisoning our Country on a daily dose of lies and conspiracies on FOX TV.  And his audience loves him because they think he gives a sh*t about them.  You just don’t get any stupider, it’s all about ratings and money.

Well exampled,  and supported by out-standing,  and out-Shinning,  past Gargoyles, Acolytes and Sycophants —  The likes of former Gestapo chiefs and NAZI party members like Heinrich Himmler,  and Dr. Paul Goebbels, whose degree was in Philology  (Languages)  Carlson ranks right up there in dumb hate language.  In other countries he would have been hanged a long time ago — by his heels like Mussolini was.



Heinrich Luitpold Himmler 7 October 1900 – 23 May 1945) was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron; SS), and a leading member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) of Germany.  Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and a main architect of the Holocaust.   From 1943 onwards, he was both Chief of German Police and Minister of the Interior, overseeing all internal and external police and security forces, including the Gestapo (Secret State Police). He controlled the Waffen-SS, the military branch of the SS. Himmler held an interest in varieties of occultism and Völkisch topics, and he employed elements of these beliefs to develop the racial policy of Nazi Germany and incorporated esoteric symbolism and rituals into the SS.

Himmler formed the Einsatzgruppe  (Death Squads) and built extermination camps. As overseer of the Nazi genocidal programs, Himmler directed the killing of some six million Jews, between 200,000 and 500,000 Romani people, and other victims. The total number of civilians killed by the regime is estimated at eleven to fourteen million people. Most of them were Polish and Soviet citizens.

Paul Joseph Goebbels 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German Nazi politician who was the Gauleiter (district leader) of Berlin, chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted acolytes, known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust.

ED:  Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson —  is an American paleoconservative television host and political commentator who has hosted the nightly political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News since 2016. Carlson became a print journalist in the 1990s, writing for The Weekly Standard. 

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He is the biggest F*CKING MORON on FOX challenging SEAN HANNITY for the top spot and relative new comer and underage sex trafficking accused Matt Gaetz .  Hi’s lies, conspiracies, and conclusions carry the weight of dogshit after a tropical storm. He is an insulting,  berating,  nobody, and very important should be thrown off the air right after being thrown off the roof of the world tower for the harm his mouth has caused many.

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Made An Explosive Claim On His Show Monday  —  That he had learned through a whistleblower that the National Security Agency is spying on him and planning to leak his communications in a bid to take him off the air.  "The Biden administration is spying on us," Carlson declared to millions of Fox's viewers. "We have confirmed that.”  But Carlson's own colleagues don't appear to be buying what he is selling.

Barring an unusual circumstance, if a reputable news organization had confirmed that the NSA — or any arm of the US government — was spying on one of its top employees, it would be a story of significant consequence.

When The Washington Post, CNN, and The New York Times recently learned that the Trump Justice Department had seized the records of its reporters, the revelation led to weeks of coverage and a commitment from the Biden administration to end such practices.   

Carlson not only alleged that the NSA was spying on him, but that it was conspiring to take him off of the air and engaging in the conduct for "political reasons."

But the morning after Carlson delivered his bombshell claim, none of his colleagues covered it. A search of Fox's transcripts did not reveal any coverage on Tuesday morning. Even "Fox & Friends," the right-wing morning show on Fox News that has latched on to several of Trump's conspiracy theories, passed on the story. And the Fox News website also did not appear to carry coverage of Carlson's claim.

Fox's top executives, such as chief executive Suzanne Scott and president Jay Wallace, had also not released statements condemning the NSA's supposed behavior by Tuesday afternoon. In contrast, newsroom leaders at the New York Times, CNN and Washington Post strongly condemned the Justice Department's actions as soon as they learned that it was secretly obtaining their reporters' records.

Picking On The Wrong Guys  —  Carlson had The Balls* * *  — to insult our Chairman of The Joint Chiefs, highest ranking American Officer.  And the entire Military leadership. Fox News host Tucker Carlson referring to Gen. Mark Milley as a stupid pig after Milley's forceful rebuke of renewed efforts from Republican members of Congress to question the Defense Department's diversity efforts and alleged embrace of "critical race theory.”

* * *  Hopefully those balls will be hanging from the same tree as his neck when finally someone has had enough of his mis-information and bullsh*t, which is destroying our tenets of honesty and integrity and most important the truth.

The most senior general in the US military, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, offered a forceful rebuke of renewed efforts from Republican members of Congress to question the Defense Department's diversity efforts and alleged embrace of "critical race theory."

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Responding to a question by Rep. Mike Waltz about the appropriateness of a seminar at the United States Military Academy at West Point called "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage," Milley responded: "I want to understand White rage. And I'm White. And I want to understand it."

Tying the question to the January 6 insurrection, Milley asked: "What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here."

Milley called it "offensive" that service members were being called "quote, 'woke' or something else, because we're studying some theories that are out there."

"I've read Mao Zedong. I've read, I've read Karl Marx. I've read Lenin. That doesn't make me a communist," Milley said. "So what is wrong with understanding, having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?"

Milley's forceful pushback came as military officials have faced a chorus of GOP voices questioning the Defense Department's efforts to promote diversity and combat extremism in the ranks. 

The exchange took place during a House Armed Services hearing on the Defense Department budget, where Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin faced similar questions on "critical race theory," a decades-old academic concept that recognizes systemic racism as part of American society, that has become a political talking point for Republicans nationwide.

Embattled Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, who was seen shaking his head during Milley's comments, later tweeted a video of Milley's remarks, writing in the tweet: "With Generals like this it's no wonder we've fought considerably more wars than we've won.

Florida’s Favorite Pervert —  Under investigation,  pervert and possible child trafficker  DIU  holder and son,  a Florida politician who bails him out of trouble Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida... had earlier asked Austin about the stand down he ordered regarding extremism, claiming he had heard complaints from service members from "majority minority" units, as well as what Austin thought of critical race theory.

Austin responded by calling the GOP-driven conversation about critical race theory "spurious" and said that he had received far more positive feedback on the stand down than Gaetz's "anecdotal" negative feedback. 

Our survey indicated 90 percent of folks we asked knew nothing about it “ Critical Race Theory"  and goes with the flow that Gaetz makes thing up as expected and is a moron rapidly approaching the Carlson class of morons.  

He lies and is rapidly trying to re-image himself from one of a sex trafficking pervert…  We hope his new wife, obviously just as bad as he, to accept such a UN-NORMAL person gets enraged when his next address might be a jail cell—   With his previous unclean record how in the hell did Florida residents elect him?  Well frankly they are not the brightest voters…  they let T-RUMP live amongst them...

 "I have gotten 10 times that amount of input, 50 times that amount of input on the other side that have said, hey, we are glad to have had the ability to have a conversation with ourselves and with our leadership, and that's what we need," said Austin.

Gaetz questioned whether Austin was only receiving feedback from subordinates "concerned about criticizing your decision," which led to Austin speculating that the feedback Gaetz was receiving were from people who "are telling you what you want to hear.”  

"I trust my leadership from top to bottom that they will give me fair and balanced and unvarnished input," Austin said.

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Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday  — The strong responses from Milley and Austin come a week after fired back at Republican members of Congress who criticized his recommendation of the book "How to Be an Antiracist" by Ibram X. Kendi on a voluntary reading list for Navy sailors.

"What this is really about is trying to paint the United States military, and in this case, the United States Navy, as weak, as woke, Adm. Gilday said. "We are not weak."

Gilday further defended his recommendation as part of a national security concern, arguing that conversations about racism and diversity in the military are necessary to combat misinformation by US adversaries.

"Everybody has to be in a position to weigh fact from fiction, even our sailors. They're bombarded every day by misinformation -- much of it comes from China and Russia -- on this issue that's getting at our national psyche," said Gilday. "I'm trying to get after it in the Navy.

New York (CNN Business)Fox News Host Tucker Carlson —  made an explosive claim on his show Monday night: That he had learned through a whistleblower that the National Security Agency is spying on him and planning to leak his communications in a bid to take him off the air.

"The Biden administration is spying on us," Carlson declared to millions of Fox's viewers. "We have confirmed that.”  But Carlson's own colleagues don't appear to be buying what he is selling.   Barring an unusual circumstance, if a reputable news organization had confirmed that the NSA — or any arm of the US government — was spying on one of its top employees, it would be a story of significant consequence.

When The Washington Post, CNN, and The New York Times recently learned that the Trump Justice Department had seized the records of its reporters, the revelation led to weeks of coverage and a commitment from the Biden administration to end such practices.

Carlson not only alleged that the NSA was spying on him, but that it was conspiring to take him off of the air and engaging in the conduct for "political reasons.”   But the morning after Carlson delivered his bombshell claim, none of his colleagues covered it.

A search of Fox's transcripts did not reveal any coverage on Tuesday morning. Even "Fox & Friends," the right-wing morning show on Fox News that has latched on to several of Trump's conspiracy theories, passed on the story. And the Fox News website also did not appear to carry coverage of Carlson's claim.

Fox's top executives, such as chief executive Suzanne Scott and president Jay Wallace, had also not released statements condemning the NSA's supposed behavior by Tuesday afternoon. In contrast, newsroom leaders at the New York Times, CNN and Washington Post strongly condemned the Justice Department's actions as soon as they learned that it was secretly obtaining their reporters' records.

He makes up a lot of sh*t, it’s his basic DNA composition and it spreads, specifically,  he is full of sh*t!  And should be off the air which would disappoint the morons who listen to him. They too are full of sh*t as they repeat his sh*t.  “ He who sings the songs of the liar is a liar”  that comes from the ancient tribes some dating 1000 years as proverbs and parables.

The Scumbags Of News — Tucker Carlson,  and NewsMax —  Both Morons —  For conservative media looking to throw Joe Biden for a loop, these are lean times. It's not for lack of trying.  Tucker Carlson scraped the bottom of the partisan-attack barrel a couple of days after Valentine’s Day, insinuating that Joe and Jill Biden’s love story was nothing more than PDAs: “Pretend Displays of Affection.”   

Well, what can one say when a stupid moronic remark comes from a lying FOX news scumbag like Carlson…  nothing new… we are used to those scumbags… I have said before at his funeral I will send a bouquet of Oleander, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and a growing pot of radioactive soil from Chernobyl hoping we’ll get some of his followers.

He said the first couple's devotion was "as real as climate change." I guess for some people, denial springs eternal. In response, the President’s granddaughter Naomi said she thought Carlson “needs a hug.”  We suggested a grizzly bear.

NEWSMAX  —- The new FAUX news scumbags launched as competition for FOX news.   

And what they call news  only proves what scumbags they really are  —  NewsMax went after the Biden’s German shepherd, Champ.  It aired a segment claiming that he was dirty, and “ Un-presidential” and looked like a “ Junkyard dog.”  In that case I guess Greg Kelly looks like a scumbag, talks like a scumbag, and most likely is a scumbag   junkyard dog, takes one to know one…  he recently passed after thirteen years of loyalty...

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