The Number One T-Rump Acolyte Liar For Injustice,  Hatred, And Incompetence, 

During The T-Rump Administration… He Is An Evangelical Fraud Who Is Not 

Righteous With God…  And You Can’t Lie And Be On God’s Team…

He Made Ass-Kissing, Cowardice and

Sycophantic Activities An Art Form —

Vice President Pence was in hiding from a violent mob of Trump supporters in the Capitol last Wednesday when the presidential tweet attacking him posted.

“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” President Trump wrote at 2:24 p.m.

Trump never called him that day or in the days following to make sure Pence was okay — or to discuss a governmental response to the deadly riots the president incited.

The remarkable break between the two men — played out over a tense few days as the country convulsed from a riot spurred on by the president — is a startling capstone to a relationship long defined by Pence’s loyalty and subservience. 

If T-RUMP is impeached, resigns, quits, or run out of town by vigilantes, meaning hanged then tried… the successor would be VP Mike Pence who couldn’t run a coin laundry with self-service coin changers.  

Code named “ Sycophantically Weak ”  by the Secret Service, he is a T-RUMP follower with accolades of praise and talk of T-RUMPS leadership. The only thing T-RUMP and Pence have in common is when both speak I have to take a nausea pill to prevent throwing up.  Some refer to him as T-RUMPS Sphincter muscle… he head is so far up… Pence has finally “ Gotten a glimpse of POTUS’ vindictiveness," one source said.  Two sources familiar with the matter say T-RUMP is angry at his vice president and Pence is disappointed and saddened by the President

Preparation H Man of the Year  —  And even the greatest gas passers in the world think highly of him…PREPARATION H  Americas premier rectal formula voted Pence ‘ Man of The Year”. When you are up to your neck in sh*t, do what Mike Pence does he takes his right hand the one he swore to tell the truth in his oath, and reaches for PREPARATION H. 

The Mantra of Religious Truth

The more they tell you how faithful and godly acting they are, 

the more you do not trust them… the good do not sell themselves,

their silent deeds do… from a 2000 year old text…    Al Jacobs


After a local phone call to God,  (We the Chosen People dialed direct) others need to use long distance, we asked for guidance.  

We Asked God, Three Posed Questions:

  1. “ Has Donald J. T-RUMPS pastorization at the WhiteHouse from  those fake preachers in the pictures actually made it to heaven for your approval ?”
  2. “ Can the self-proclaimed chosen one, Donald T-RUMP offer salvation to Mike Pence, for extolling Donald’s lies and false promises”.
  3. “ Was Donald’s claim to be the next chosen one or messiah legitimate” and can he walk on water to recover errant Golf balls… ?”

The Lord Replied Via A Burning Bush # 43 -11.26.2020 - 10.00 A.M…

Saith the Lord …“ Mark my words on a tablet… We are using Apple tablets, the rock tablets were getting too heavy.  We had fifteen commandments, Moses dropped one and now there are only ten…. Oh well…

  1. The application for Donald…no,  it never got here. Big fire, the FAX machine burnt up trying to receive it…  The answer is NO.   Send it Fedex next time….
  2.  I don’t think he really fits in here, but we have to first stick Donald on a cross, and then set it on fire and I’ll call the Mestopheles Fire Department to clean up the mess since they do fire so well…   Then if he lives,  we’ll talk about it…  but I doubt he will…
  3. Actually I should defer this to Jesus to handle as T-RUMP is using his fake apostate love as an excuse for his sins… and that troubles me also with Pence, I’ll let Jesus handle Pence.   As far as walking on water, Moses never told him where the rocks were…he’d drown…

Jesus Replied:  Boss, Do I have to?  I want a piece of Pence’s butt since he’s been using my name for  lot of things that aren’t true.

Lucifer thinks he can use him, he likes liars… but if you insist,  I’ll call Lucifer Mestopheles and ask a favor to take these two…

Lucifer Replied:  More than happy to oblige you Jesus… Hell is going to be a very busy place soon… if you find any other T-RUMP-pets make your reservations early as air conditioning is very hard to come by here.  We are limited in scope when it does work, which is rare… last time was right after the Dinosaurs… Maybe with Donald and Mikes help we could build more hotels here.  I have plenty go Gargoyles sitting around looking for work…  as long as T-RUMP doesn’t call them immigrant workers… they get pissed easily…

Thanks to www.IdiotsGalore.Com

Once A F*Ck Up Always F*Cked-Up…
Time and time again, Pence dutifully implemented Trump’s disastrous COVID-19 agenda.  “The American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country,” Kamala Harris said, referring to T-RUMP and Pence’s approach to Covid-19.

Starting in February, Pence was made the head of the White House’s coronavirus task force, which was charged with coordinating the federal response to the pandemic on a day-to-day basis. This put Pence in a leadership position for everything dealing with the coronavirus: testing, scaling up production and distribution of protective equipment, creating public health guidelines, spurring production of a vaccine, and so on — none of which, save the potential future success of a vaccine, went well.

Pence And The Task Force Still Answered To President Donald T-Rump… 
As Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, said upon Pence’s appointment: “He is uniquely qualified for this because of his close relationship to the president. Basically there’s no confusion that the president’s in charge.”   Just like Hitler and Himmler…there is no other opinion, T-RUMP or get dumped.

It was an admission that Pence would be a yes-man, spearheading and implementing Trump’s Covid-19 agenda — an agenda that has focused on downplaying the pandemic and urging the country to reopen rather than containing a disease that’s so far killed more than 210,000 Americans.

Pence is “basically just a parrot for the president,” Céline Gounder, an epidemiologist at New York University and CNN medical analyst, told me. “He just comes across as a more sane adult.”

Just a Bunch Of Bullsh*t And Lies, tests and Schools
At first, Pence’s position put him at the forefront of the T-RUMP administration’s botched rollout of COVID-19 tests. The White House effectively punted the issue down to the states and private sector, calling the federal government merely “a supplier of last resort” — which the New York Times described as “perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations.”

Pence claimed “any American could be tested” in March only to acknowledge days later that “we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.” The US struggled for months to build up testing — it still doesn’t have enough, many experts argue — and Pence was often the public face of that failure, like when he had to call governors to talk them down from fiercely criticizing the administration.

As the epidemic continued, Pence’s positions were often an echo of Trump’s. When Trump pushed for places to reopen quickly, Pence called on states to implement phased reopening plans. When T-RUMP denied coronavirus cases were spiking over the summer, 

Pence said the rise was a result of more testing and wrote an op-ed titled “There Isn’t a Coronavirus ‘Second Wave’” — an argument that was proven wrong within weeks. As T-RUMP attempted to bend public health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to do his political bidding,  Pence’s staff led the push to get the CDC to loosen its guidelines for reopening schools.

The Bottom Line…
The results speak for themselves. More than 254,000 people have died from Covid-19 so far in the US — the highest death toll in the world. Among developed countries, the US has the fourth-highest death rate relative to its population, with America recently surpassing everyone,  Americans continue dying of the COVID-19 each day.

But Pence closely tied himself to Trump’s response, as the chair of the White House task force and a constant advocate for the president. So far, Pence hasn’t publicly criticized the administration’s response to Covid-19 once — but he has defended it plenty as one of the administration’s leaders on this issue.

He is as close to this mess as anyone but T-RUMP can get. This is true as many feel he kisses T-RUMPS fat ass twice daily as a sign of  devotion and his remarks like “ under the leadership of our great and wonderful compassionate leader  Donald T-RUMP we are winning the war”.   In forty nine of the fifty states this caused severe vomiting and diarrhea.

T-RUMP Had Help…  Pence is an Accomplice not a Vice President…
The White House put Pence in charge of fixing the mess. So the President had someone to blame.  

😳 It’s not clear why, given Pence’s bad record on public health issues. 

😳 When he was governor of Indiana, parts of the state saw spikes in HIV cases, largely because Pence refused to allow needle exchanges — a public health intervention with decades of evidence behind it — in the state. The epidemic only subsided once Pence, under public and expert pressure, eventually gave in and allowed needle exchanges.

😳 Before that, in 2001, Pence wrote an op-ed claiming that, “ Smoking doesn’t kill” — flouting the decades of scientific evidence proving otherwise.

😳 One of Pence’s first tasks on the coronavirus task force was to muzzle officials that contradicted Trump’s positive spin. For much of February, T-RUMP claimed that the US had kept the COVID-19 under control and even said at one point that it would soon disappear “like a miracle.”

😳 They were warned about the spread and did nothing.   But a CDC official, Nancy Messonnier, on February 25 contradicted Trump’s magical thinking, telling reporters that Americans should prepare for community spread of the COVID-19  social distancing, and the possibility that  “ disruption to everyday life might be severe.”

“It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses,” Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on Feb. 25. 

According to the Journal, Trump was angry with Messonnier after her statement resulted in a dip in the stock market. The same day, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said the virus was “contained” in the US.

😳 Democrats have speculated that Trump was unhappy with Messonnier, who has not appeared at White House briefings since February. Ron Klain, a former aide for former Vice President Joe Biden who served as former President Obama’s Ebola czar in 2014, said Messonnier faced “ Immediate blowback” for sounding the alarm about the coronavirus. It was the right call, as we now know, but the negative outlook reportedly angered Trump.

Bullsh*t  Plus an Ass-kissing Sycophant Equals Death

  • Two days later, the New York Times reported, the White House moved to take control of public messaging on the COVID-19  requiring federal public health officials and scientists to “coordinate all statements and public appearances with the office of Vice President Mike Pence.”  Media Marshall Law
  • As the summer’s coronavirus surge began, Trump and his administration pushed back on the possibility of a spike, arguing that any increase was an artifact of more tests picking up more cases. Pence put that into writing in his op-ed denying a “second wave,” boasting that Covid-19 cases and deaths were in decline across the US in “a testament to the leadership of President T-RUMP.” Within days, it was clear that Covid-19 cases were rising. Within weeks, the US hit records for daily new COVID-19 cases as new outbreaks popped up in Southern and Western states, particularly, Arizona, Florida, and Texas, and eventually the rest of the country.
  • Once again, Pence dutifully implemented what Trump asked for: As the Times reported, Pence’s staff, including his chief of staff, pressured the CDC to relax its guidelines. The agency eventually gave in.
  • In a similar scenario, Trump said he told his people to “slow the testing down, please,” because, in his view, more tests made the US look bad. It’s unclear how personally involved Pence was in this, but, at least under his watch, the White House task force pushed the CDC to in effect recommend less testing: 
  • The agency no longer said people without symptoms should get tested if they come into close contact with someone known to have Covid-19. The CDC later reversed course — once again recommending testing for people without symptoms — after experts nearly universally condemned the politically motivated change.
  • The result of Trump and Pence’s leadership: The US leads the world in Covid-19 deaths. If you control for population, the country is still among the worst: The US is now in the top 15 percent for Covid-19 deaths per capita among developed nations, with seven times the death rate as the median wealthy country. If the US had the same Covid-19 death rate as Canada, more than 125,000 more Americans would likely be alive today.
  • It’s this record, one in which Pence consistently stuck with Trump’s botched response, that followed the vice president and also to be charged eventually with Negligent Homocide….✞
 12-07-2020 aljacobsladder.com