The new song in the WhiteHouse, obviously will be “Scaramucci, Scaramucci can you do the Fandango”.   Can he reel in the Don and can they make music together?  

Scaramucci who looks like the Joker in Batman took the podium**, in the White House briefing room on Friday afternoon in a breezy debut that seemed intended to smooth over the brusque relationship that Spicer and Sanders have had with the White House press corps.  He is the best Con the Don ever put forth, little substance, communicates (could be lies) extremely well with lots of personality.  We’ll call him Don Corleone Scaramucci.  

** Actually we call it the throne because so much sh*t comes out of it.

He thanked Spicer for leaving so that Scaramucci could start the communications director job fresh and said he hopes that the former press secretary goes on to “make a lot of money.”  Thats what the rich do, not well wishing, not good health, not fond wishes, help, not aid, for anyone, not anything but ‘make a lot of money’.

One source with direct knowledge of the situation told NBC News that Spicer had informed people on Thursday night that he would quit if Scaramucci were hired. Good move Sean, the Donald disease has caught up with many who stayed and people still like you.  Spicer had doubts about Scaramucci’s ability to do the job, the source said. Another source said Spicer didn't present an ultimatum, but indicated that he was not happy about the president's decision.  

During Trump’s bid for office, Scaramucci helped with fundraising and often appeared on FOX cable TV ( Faux News) to defend the candidate.  Scaramucci had first supported Scott Walker and then Jeb Bush for president.  Like a fart, he goes with the wind and coining a phrase Donald uses, “He just loves everybody”.  He used it six times in twenty minutes just like Donald. They throw out love like the passengers on a cruise ship throw up during a hurricane.


Some administration insiders viewed the appointment of Scaramucci as a blow to the White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus. Two sources said that Priebus took his objections about Scaramucci to Vice President Mike Pence but found no support.   Really?  Support from Pence, you gotta be kidding me. He adores Trump and is on the sidelines till TRUMP gets dumped.  

Publicly, however, Priebus backed the new hire. He told the Associated Press that he supports Scaramucci 100 percent,  as suck ups properly do and Reince is well into the game.  “We go back a long, long way and are very good friends,” Priebus said of Scaramucci, in comments to the AP.  “All good here.”  I’m surprised Reince’s teeth haven’t fallen out, he lies through them so much.   He fought against him and now best friends...spoken as a true suck-up.

Scaramucci also made a point of denying any friction with the chief of staff.   We call that “birds of a feather During the press briefing, he noted that he had even offered Priebus a top job at his firm, SkyBridge Capital, after the 2012 election. Scaramucci described their relationship as "a little bit like brothers, where we rough each other up once in a while" while still maintaining a close friendship.   One official, speaking on behalf of Priebus, told NBC News that Priebus “was not trying to block (Scaramucci’s) hiring, he was only trying to slow down the process.”  

Priebus will be around a little longer, about a week,  he’s the best suck-up T-Rump has besides Mike Pence and verbal blowjobs come to Pence ad nauseam. He follows T-Rump better than Christie did and thats a challenge.

Scaramucci, a 53-year-old Long Island native is now a billionaire, and is the co-founder of SkyBridge Capital.  He took the job once held by Mike Dubke, who resigned in May.  Multiple White House officials told Politoco that Scaramucci was chosen despite resistance from Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and others. In fact, The New York Times reported that Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned because he thought hiring Scaramucci was a “major mistake.” NBC News is reporting that Steve Bannon said Scaramucci will get the job “over my dead body.”

Scaramucci is married to Deidre Scaramucci and his brother is David Scaramucci. He is a graduate of Tufts University and Harvard Law School.  In addition to his work on Wall Street, Scaramucci was a frequent contributor to Fox News and Fox Business, even co-hosting the weekly show Wall Street Week.  

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