I get a little rough here


THE SMMOOSSHHH!  — Brides spend sometimes a few hundred dollars on their day getting everything perfect and in some cases lots of time in preparation.  I have a friend who has videoed 100's of weddings and wrote a piece on the Seven Signs of Marital Disasters.  One of his pet signs is the celebration of the sharing of cake.

I can tell you, the groom picked the wrong time to act like a kid.  he thought it was cool, she didn't.  Nothing more needs to be said. This was not staged and the shots speak for themselves. She advised him not to do this and he did. He got more than he bargained for and less for longer than he thought.

BACK TO THE FORUM  —   https://forums.theknot.com/categories/wedding-boards   The Professional Brides at this site, I call them “professionals” because though they were married four plus years ago they are reliving their wedding ceremony years after it’s over, day after day, week after week, ad nauseam. 

They keep telling their “story” to the future Brides who crank in thinking if it’s in print on the web it’s real.  It definitely is the highlight of their social lives and total frickin bullsh*t and boredom of ours.

I wrote one back and asked if she lived in a cabin in the woods all her life?   She said this was her first trip into the big city and married.  Better they should be paying attention to banging her husband instead of banging the keyboard because they live in a fantasy world. 

Here as a public service are the most commonly used codes in the Newsgroup Bridal Pages.  We broke the codes into groups; 


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