4/12/2022  History Repeats It Self —  Russia had czars and “ Pogroms"at the time of the first World War —  The target was Jewish citizens and just like today in Ukraine they had to leave the country — And their hamlets and small towns burnt to the ground.   

Two generations ago, just before the first World War, part my family immigrated from Odessa, in a small hamlet twenty miles from the center of the city escaping the Pogroms.

In the second World War, the Nazis had Death Camps, Genocide, the Gestapo, and the Children of the Hitler Youth Corps!   And the noted Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s  right hand man writing the propaganda.   

All for the Third Reich and the Second World War —  Our other side of the family also left Europe escaping the Nazi’s.   The Children of the Nazi's structured and brainwashed from the beginning, and finally sacrificed in the end.  I saw enough tattoos.  Things I will never forget nor ever forgive.

But consideration during these times has to be applied to the future minds of our children.  Especially during displacement and the Covid-19 episodes —  what do we want our children to know and believe in — one word stands out TRUTH, and we can add honor and mutual respect.  They are not

They went after children just as Putin does today.   Just like the Japanese teaching twelve to fifteen years old how to kill Americans if Japan was invaded,  with a bamboo spear.   The NAZI’s indoctrinated kids as young as ten to fifteen into the Youth groups and in the end of the war old men and kids were used to “ Panzerfaust"  American tanks, a suicide mission.  Hitler did not care, neither does T-RUMP Putin, Hirohito.  

When we poison our kids with lies and deceit, whats next getting them to report to the party? Thats what those folks heralded into usage —  Where are we going as a country — starting to look like hell —  

👺  T-RUMP Nazi’s Like Mike Huckabee Have Climbed Out Of Their Ratholes 

This “ Huckster Jerkoff’  says he’s a man of God, which God, T-RUMP? Excuse me, Lucifer Mestopheles is not my compassionate style of leadership.  Huckabee is a grifter.  But I give credit to Lucifer for one reason because his kingdom takes out the garbage every day and never complains.  And with the Reptilian agenda there is plenty of garbage and now the scumbags are targeting kids—  

Fox News is running advertisements for “ The Kids Guide to President T-RUMP, " a children's book that will “ help your kids to understand everything President Trump has already accomplished for America."   The book was released by EverBright Media, a company run by former Republican Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.  What the f*ck were they smoking there?

 EverBright has been accused of pushing “ Conservative Propaganda " to children.  Just like the Nazi’s telling you what a nice guy Adolf was. Please tell all those Biblical Babbling Idiots trying to take good books off the shelves to start with EverBright  if they have a brain in their frikken biased ignorant Evangelical heads to start with this crock of sh*t!  I’ll  bet if Jesus, supposedly a man of love and compassion would love Harry Potter books as it taught more kids to read than all the school systems in the US together.

“ Total And Irrevocable Failure”  An Accomplishment?  —  The Ad Starts —  
"Hey parents and grandparents," the ad began, “ As we wait to see what's next for President Trump, Mike Huckabee's Education Company wants to help your kids learn all about President Trump's greatest achievements during his first term.”   Mike’s Education Company?  From a frikken lying idiot T-RUMP ?  Whats next should be a public hanging by his heels since he faked his feet injuries claiming heel spurs.  Years later he didn’t remember that.  

The doctor later on who wrote the draft board said he never saw T-RUMP but needed work done on the store he was renting from T-RUMPS dad.  T-RUMP never had heel spurs.  He was a draft dodger and beat the draft.  I lost five friends in that war, it should have been him.  Once a day on a bended knee,  I make peace for the world and hope God is listening  and finds a way to remove these corrupt people. 

The website URL promoted on the ad leads to a website that states, "The mainstream media has been no friend to President Trump, and they'll never admit that he did a great job leading our country and making the changes that America needs”.  Why?

SIMPLE REASON:  If havoc, hatred, misogamy,  secularism, anti-semitism, stupidity,  destruction of women's rights, sacrilege, prejudice, stealing, crooked deals, bribes, corruption,  and lying  constitute a great job, this dude Huckabee is out of his frikken mind.   What does this mini-me Pr*ck smoke.   He needs to be silenced,  “ But, as future voters, our children and grandchildren deserve to understand the truth about President Trump and what made him a great president.”  

LIE OF THE YEAR — The website adds that the book will truly present an 
“ Unbiased" portrayal of  “ Everything there is to know, from his election in 2016 and his greatest accomplishments as President.

THIS IS AN UNBIASED OPINION — You have got to be kidding me!  Most of T-RUMPS accomplishments could be summed up on a napkin and then used to wipe your ass with if you support T-RUMP and Huckabee.

Hitlers Writers Were Unbiased Too —   At the wars end, in the  Fuhrerbunker beneath the bombed-out Chancellery,  Joesph Goebbels Hitlers writer of propoganda had his doctor knock his children out cold with morphine and then crushed cyanide tablets between their teeth.   They killed their children because they were so “ UNBIASED" before Nuremberg.

The Huckabee book includes Trump's campaign pledge to “ Stop radical Islamic terrorism which was hurting America and many other countries throughout the world," and how Trump wanted to prevent "dangerous people" from entering the US by “ Building a giant wall to help stop them from entering illegally,”  

The Daily Beast Reported — Thats when we awarded him the coveted ‘ Neanderthal Man of The Year Award”.  The Beast accused Huckabee of “ aggressively pushing conservative propaganda for over a decade" through his companies, including  EverBright Media.  

EverBright Media's other Propaganda  Kids Guides titles:   :

👺 "The Kids Guide to Cancel Culture,  Freedom of Speech,

👺 "The Kids Guide to Media Bias & Fake News

👺 "The Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism.

👺 "Kids Guide" titles covering President Joe Biden
👺 America's veterans, civil rights — 

👺 "America's Greatness,” 

👺 The Declaration of Independence

👺  "9/11 and The War on Terror,” 

👺  COVID-19 and vaccination, as well as Easter and Christmas.

In an interview, Company CEO Bradley Saft said that he wanted to develop education products that "excite, entertain and engage "children and help them retain more knowledge about US history through "a visual learning experience.” He’s just another T-RUMP NAZI,  just another looser pushing propaganda for the money because the truth won’t sell. Liars with enough money buy lies to support their being a jerk, they buy lies.

HUCKABEE — AN EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION THAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY! I co-founded Learn Our History in 2011 with a simple mission—to make it fun for kids to learn American history. Today, more than 500,000 families have already tried Learn Our History and millions of video lessons have been enjoyed by smart children across the United States. 

What’s more, we’re a three-time recipient of the prestigious Mom’s Choice Awards, demonstrating our passion and commitment to quality education. We look forward to you becoming part of our family—patriots who love America and who want to share the fascinating stories of our nation’s history with our children, and parents who want to give our kids the most entertaining way to learn our history. Enjoy the journey!

PROFILE -  Mike Huckabee —  The newest jerkoff  who has been a shining star in failure and stupid moronic philosophy guided by the Southern Baptist Doctrines and Dogma is two time Presidential Candidate and practicing idiot as the former Gov. of Arkansas.  Which did not exactly thrive under his doctrines. 

Luckily he was the first in his family to graduate HIGH SCHOOL, truly exemplary considering he came from a family of idiot level people.   His family,  devout Bible thumpers and then he went to Theological schools where his skills in bullshitting increased ten fold.  

No one fails in Southern Baptist Theological Seminaries or Universities. You pass all tests, and memorize the secret answer —  The key is start what you say, your answers with “ Jesus Said’,  pay the tuition and you graduate with a sheet of paper you can wipe your nether-lands with.

Read about the fraud and fakes in the  THEOLOGY SECTION with the proof and you see why I place them in the same position as politicians.  They lie, they cheat, crooks, pedophilia, using God’s name, mysterious practices and a truly sick bunch of followers who need professional help not babbling bullsh*t  and they steal using God’s word as protection.

And this moron has once again stepped into the limelight with a sheer act of blatant scumbag up thinking.  Even as the Governor of Arkansas never moved up on the charts.  He talked a good talk but never put the shoes on the feet.


ASK THE EX-GOVERNOR, HE’LL TELL YOU WHAT A GREAT JOB HE DID FOR THE ILLITERATES IN ARKANSAS -  He kept them quite stupid, even his own daughter — stupid people believe anything. 

  1. Arkansas is unique and is at the bottom of the thinking intelligent list— nor exactly first in education it is ranked forty-first, with fifty states thats near the bottom. Since the rest are islands or totally rural.

  2. When it comes to raising a family, Arkansas ranks poorly for its separation and divorce rate, infant-mortality rate, and median annual family income --

  3. .According to WalletHub's report on 2022′s Best & Worst States to Raise a Family, Arkansas ranked 7th among the worst states.

  4. Arkansas ranked the worst among the health and safety metrics. Along with Louisiana, New Mexico, Tennessee and Alaska,   ( Alaska, you’ll remember Sarah Palin bragging, about what she did for  Alaska, another scum-bitch)

  5. Arkansas was one of the states with the highest number of violent crimes per capita, WalletHub reported

  6. Remember this,  “ Communities that are supportive and provide access to quality health care, a range of human services, quality education, affordable and healthy food, and safe neighborhoods and homes may positively impact the well-being of children and family life,” Theresa J. Russo, a professor at State University of New York at Oneonta, said.  These states do none of the above.

OUTSIDE COMMENTARY’S  — There is no truth ever from T-rump and this SCUMBAG moron Huckabee who uneducated probably couldn't spell truth, he should read the t-rump 31,524 lies plus lies recorded, on Politico and the Wall Street Journal Newspaper  — All available on line and growing daily . I would say it right o his face — he’s a liar and 2nd only to Rudi Giuliani as a full blown pr*ck.

Opinionated Research:  Our native American friends have a very simple understanding — I wrote a piece on their thinking and theology from four different tribes —  Seminole's, Lakota's, and Dakota's of the Sioux Nation AKA  The Sioux or Oceti Sakowin are groups of Native American tribes and First Nations peoples in North America.
The modern Sioux consist of two major divisions based on language divisions: the Dakota and Lakota; collectively they are known as the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ.  

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Then we froze in Alaska and the three major Indian tribes in Alaska, all of these nations have smaller sub-tribes, which make up one of the three indigenous ethnic groups of Alaska. The other ethnic groups in Alaska are referred to as Eskimos (Inuit in Canada) and Metis.  
Read more at: of Alaska.

Because the Huckabee's Sara and Mike and T-RUMP share lying and cheating together and both fake their religious beliefs, you can’t be ordained  or claim you are saved, or live a sanctimonious  life behaving as if you are morally better than other people, in a way that is annoying.  It shows or used to show disapproval, self-righteous and most common amongst sanctimonious politicians preaching about family values who live as a cheat and a liar.

Unbiased Opinions From Conversations with Friends:

🕍  From our Jewish friends, in his case when he was circumsized they simply threw the wrong part away—  

🕌  Our favorite Muslin friends would boil him in water since boiling him in oil would be a sacrilege as it would taint the oil —  Olives aren’t cheap so we would compromise and use used engine oil — 

⛪️  Our favorite Christian Friends — lets raise some money, pretend to save him like we did for T-RUMP and buy a new car or airplane if we score.

🕋  The Romulans Supporting the Borg —  Perfect for making into a Borg.  The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek fictional universe. The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called "the Collective”.

🎸Ted Nugent — Hey he’s a Bass player, I could use him at the T-RUMP rallies or the NRA, us Scumbags do play well together  — Hee hee, no pun intended.  Another fricking moron — 

  T-rump and his rallies looks all-to familiar as being a clone  and he really fits in being he’s homophobic and maybe only a 10% Christian for a photo -op - which are so bad - It makes the crooks in the Theology business look good —   



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  • American politician, 
  • Southern Baptist Minister
  • Political commentator
  • Bassist Musician
  • 44th governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007
  • He was a candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination in both 2008 and 2016. and Failed Miserably in both — 
  • He is the host of the talk show Huckabee, which ran on the Fox News Channel from 2008 to 2015, and has run on TBN since October 2017. He paused the show in January 2015 in order to explore a potential bid for the presidency. 
  • Has a show on TBN, along with the other TV scammers — You go to these stations for salvation and the olny thing that salivates is the person cleaning your bank account.
  • From April 2012 through December 2013, he hosted a daily radio program, The Mike Huckabee Show, on weekday afternoons for Cumulus Media Networks. 
    It did not last long
  • Huckabee is the author of several best-selling books,  surprising, we didn’t know his following could read?
  • An ordained Southern Baptist minister noted for his evangelical views, some so far out the live audience was  given a GPS to find their cars.
  • He was also a political commentator on The Huckabee Report. Voted number one by my staff as a  “ Wonderful Working Crock Of Sh*t” 
  • He was not loved  —  In the 2008 Republican presidential primaries, Huckabee won the 2008 Iowa Republican caucuses and finished second in delegate count and third in both popular vote and number of states won, behind John McCain and Mitt Romney. 
  • Huckabee ran again for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election, but withdrew early in the primary following a disappointing finish in the Iowa caucus.  Basically after being on TV with his nutcase carousel of other losers, he missed the ring.


  • The Worst Presidential Secretary,  Liar and Incompetent In History Sarah Huckabee Is His Daughter — “ If We Truly Had Free Speech Sara Huckabee Would Set A Record For The Most Cursed B*tch Ever, Worse Than Sean Spicer As A Press Secretary —  
  • Huckabee is the father of former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is currently running for Governor of Arkansas.  She was voted the worst Presidential  Press Secretary since 1303 BC:   When Pharaoh Ramesses  called upon his secretary to write  “ So it shall be written, so it shall be done”. the secretary replied “Hold that thought chief”  I’m  out of squid ink   ” Be right back” — 
  • Sarah Huckabee holds the record for an absolute tragedy in the White House Press Corps.  The worst and voted most likely to be hit by a car if crossing the street near the house by a car with a Press Parking Sticker.
  • If lynching was acceptable she would be the first for her insulting douchbag demeanor, no one besides Sean Spicer was hated more than her by the press.
  • She did so bad she is known as SARAH NOT-A-WARA , the one person who never gave an answer willingly, using  “ I was not aware of that” and if she did it was a lie.
  • They did not find anyone else till they found McEnany another loser extrodinaire. 
  • T-Rumps newest scumbag embarrassment to America proving once again that history repeats itself,  lets have a round of applause and find a hangman's rope for Mike Huckabee the man whose sperm produced SARA HUCKABEE his daughter and now the disgusting T-RUMP Youth Corps.
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  • Sarah, the most pathetic excuse for a press secretary press was hated by every member of the press.   
  • Her fat can like her lies linked by Crainial Rectal Dyslexia ( Street slang translates as “ Sh*t for Brains)  easily demonstrated her weaknesses and  poorly represented her father in losing his elections and failed.   
  • Thats how she got her job as press secretary, and blew it so bad, the press stopped sending reporters to the official press meeting in the press room.  They called her  SARAH-NOT-AWARE-A or that “ Dumbass" for short —   What a frikken mistake that was.  The family motto of the Huckabee's is to keep stupidity in the family.  For them it’s a ass-set, their asses are set in stone like their brains.
  • Science tells us certain genes run concurrent in our DNA and produce similar characteristics in people and their progeny.  In this case science is correct.  Frikken moronicness is congenital and they' re the only father and daughter team I have on my entire website beside the T-RUMPS who prove bad sperm is the cause of many of our problems, starting with Friedrich T-RUMP, Grandpa who ran whorehouses in the west during the gold rush, the real beginning of the T-RUMP fortune.  Pimping and whoring run well in Trumpland.
  • Especially with the running contest between T-RUMP Jr.,  Donny the “ Dork",  and Eric the “ Dumb”  his brother.  Ivanka is the smart one obviously not thinking with a penis is truly an advantage, she bogged out when the heat started showing up with her corrupt schmuck husband and the 640 million dollars they scammed out of the phony tax scam T-RUMP pulled off during the Covid pandemic. What a crew, America at its best.


  • The first male member of his family to finish high schoolOuachita Baptist University , Huckabee graduated from in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 1975 and received a master’s degree from the Southwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryHe is a true master-bationalist! in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1980.    
  • The school accepts only 75% of applicants, only 47% ever graduate, and our kinder-garden kids  have a higher IQ's than most of their attendees because it’s a diploma in religion school — All tests have the same answers — Jesus said ! 
  • He then became an ordained Baptist minister and spent the next decade as a pastor in various Arkansas churches and as an executive in local media companies. Huckabee’s interest in serving a larger public role was stoked in 1989 when he was elected president of the Arkansas Baptist Convention. 
  • He turned to politics in 1992 but lost his bid for the U.S. Senate. The following year Huckabee won a special election to fill Arkansas’s vacant lieutenant governor’s seat after the previous tenant, Jim Guy Tucker, became governor following Bill Clinton’s ascent to the presidency. 
  • Tucker’s resignation in 1996 made Huckabee only the third Republican governor of Arkansas since Reconstruction (1865–77). He was reelected to full terms in 1998 and 2002.
  • Arkansas voters are very xxxxxxxx not smart so he was perfect.

GOVERNOR OF MERCY   ( Baptists Like That) — 

  • As governor, Huckabee commuted and accepted recommendations for pardon for twice as many sentences as his three predecessors combined; in total: 1,033 prisoners.
  •  Twelve had previously been convicted of murder.  Though Huckabee pardoned more than his predecessors, the state prison size and number of people executed were greater as well,   and Huckabee denied 92% of all clemency requests during his 10.5 years as governor.  Most pardons and commutations were not for prisoners but those whose sentences had ended and were seeking work.
  •  Huckabee's pardons and commutations became an issue during the 2008 Republican Primary, with most of the controversy focusing on Wayne Dumond.  Huckabee's handling of clemency petitions received national attention in November 2009 with the case of Maurice Clemmons, who had committed burglary without a weapon at age 16.
    The Prison Transfer Board unanimously requested a sentence commutation for Clemmons as did the trial judge. Clemmons's 60-year sentence was commuted by Huckabee to 47 years, making him eligible for parole if approved by the parole board.
    After parole in 2000, Clemmons was arrested for multiple offenses including child molestation and aggravated assault but was released after prosecutors declined to file charges. After Clemmons murdered four police officers in Lakewood, Washington, a two-day manhunt ensued, and Clemmons was shot and killed by a Seattle Police Department officer after refusing police orders to stop charging the officer.
  • In his book about the shooting, The Other Side of Mercy, Jonathan Martin of The Seattle Times wrote that Huckabee apparently failed to review Clemmons's prison file, which was “ thick with acts of violence and absent indications of rehabilitation”.    Huckabee defended his actions, stating that the recommendation to reduce the sentence was unanimous and supported by the trial judge, that the decision to parole him was made by the parole board, not him, and that Clemmons had been re-arrested and the decision not to file charges then had nothing to do with him.
  • Always blame the other people, accept no remorse for not doing the research or your job as Governor.  and that is rule one of Trumpism


 Huckabee went on and on about the great job that Dr. Atlas performed in the White house and at the same time prestigious STANFORD UNIVERSITY threw this jerkoff, radical nutcase off staff.  then the press went after him —  and found out only the pillow guy was a bigger fraud.  Known as Dr. Creep, Quack-Quack, “ Bigly dangerous”, Death dealer, just another star appearing on huckabee. 

SIDEBAR:  A T-Rump Pick:  Based On Flakeology —  The newest fake and scumbag flake Dr. and killer, the one that has to be exterminated,  executed, extrapolated, excommunicated, eradicated, dis-emboweled… and burnt at the stake alongside his promoter  is leaving and whats good for him,  is before someone sends him out feet first from the White House.

Thank goodness he is leaving before he kills innocent people with his quack Herd Mentality theories… his name is Dr. Scott Atlas and has no credentials in Immunology or Virus containment,  he is however certified as an X-ray reader… and possibly tea leafs because he got a lot of money to like and counsel T-RUMP who is also an idiot.

And we have surmised, more than just a few and his own Stanford University affiliates could not wait to get rid of him… he is the Joseph Mengele of the T-rump Fourth Reich… praising the drafting, and infecting the masses to cure the virus… by hoping we develop our anti-bodies to ward off the disease.  It does not work with this spore since the anti-gens do not have a long  immune life.  It could kill half the population of elderly.

It is nothing but MURDER… and he has had an audience with the stupidous Governor,  and it’s a very tight race amongst six of them as to who is the most ignorant dumbest ass leader of state, and Florida, wins again Mr. Bungle It—Von De Santis… Heil T-RUMP… all had considered the Herd mentality theory of the sick doctor as we listen intently to the frickin idiot at the podium.

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