Whats Wrong — Greed, Corruption, Incompetence, and .GOV Officials —
- And we have to start thinking differently as to how we eat, where we eat, and what we eat because it will all be different as we are finding out. Some of the challenges to those who don’t cook, lazy, and always eat out might feel the pressure.
- We have in the United States problematic new issues, some that are restaurant related believe it or not, and are posted here as a public service — We need to close the Senate and get new people, the gray heads Republican-nots took their Elephant and turned it into a Wooly Mammoth. They a lock-stepped followers of McConnell and not fit for the job. Their greed will kill, ruin or displace millions, it already has. They take millions in bribes from food companies and you get screwed.
- Hepatitus, Measles, MonkeyPox, and ChickenPox and Ebola fro Uganda is back, can be carried in food items — All are preventable by vaccines except Ebola as it is fluid contractable even sweat. Unless someone who knows nothing about immunology tells you otherwise. There is however no Vaccine for Stupidity… and conspiratorialists love selling lies and misdirection and telling you vaccines are bad —
- The FDA approved the vaccine but also dis-approved Hydroquinone which did more harm than good after Donald Scumbag T-RUMP threatened to fire it’s chairman. Finally they said it had no usage nor was applicable to COViD cases, just another T-RUMP lie that caused delays and DEATH — With COVID-19 and no vaccines one million died, simple and unfortunately my prediction came true.
- Being stupid and listening to crackheads and politicians and not the scientist is what killed so many people. In addition some of our food services even before COVID-19 were not up to snuff or safe. So shortages and contamination are on the upswing. You can’t get good safe Romaine and it’s been that way for three years now… All from California and will not stop till they move the cows, humans and their pooping from the fields
- Puking, heaving, throwing up, barfing, diarrhea, the runs are usually signs of food poisoning but do not make the front page of your paper if you get one of those symptoms and the TV never tells you unless it’s an epidemic or your computer is silent unless you ask for information. Use the sites I use on the previous page
COVID-19 Survival and Bar Food… Avoid No Matter What They Tell You
No Buffets — The newer buffets may offer selection but unless they are turning food, I think of it as leftovers, and maybe I’m not a fan of taking food others have had their hands all over picking and choosing each piece and some of those places really let them get away with it.
COVID: Food that sits out on a steam table all day long till you select it has been exposed to the lunch crowd, yesterdays leftovers, and mixed for evening meal, people sneezing, coughing, air conditioning blowing things around, people picking at the food, using utensils from tray to tray and the leftovers mixed with fresh called “ marrying”in the business. Thats why we do not recommend buffets.
CRABS: Those which offer crab legs with the meal; usually you can count on one selfish person grabbing more than his share; Some couples grabbing the whole tray; or you wait till they bring out more since the last guy took it all. By the way, most of those free crab legs are class two, rejects, cheap from the parts that fell off after capture in the holds of the boats — and if you ever were in ALASKA and had the real thing you might get a clue you are getting the losers, if you get any at all.
CRAWFISH: Same thing happens with the crawfish. Its common at these buffets especially if they have a far east crowd who main diet was shellfish and I told one owner since the one family took turns taking all the seafood why should I have to pay for seafood I never got. Most of the buffets buy the shell and crabs, as seconds and offer it as a come on. It’s really poor or old quality. But it brings them in — Barnum syndrome.
AVOID BUFFETS PERIOD: Because at most I have seen, “ UNAUTHORIZED FOOD HANDLING” especially where people you don’t know are handling food and many of the patrons like to stir and check every piece in the tray and sometimes handle it. Then they take the same spoon to another tray. We call that cross contamination. Thats the way things were done in Pan-Asian far east countries.
There’s a huge potential for illness there, especially when those foods aren’t kept at the proper temperature.
- Again the problem is that bad , aside from improperly cooked or stored foods — which can be a danger anywhere, not just at buffets — the other big danger is cross-contamination from “MARRYING” which is mixing trays of food open and exposed for hours with and handled by many people, now with new food in the same tray. Same as open air markets, just think COVID-19 and Hunan China has just shut all open-air markets with live food.
- I’m not picking on specifics but when six out of seven Asian based restaurant buffets in Tampa Bay are dirty, or do not pass inspection month after month, and some foods are days old on the buffet…time to leave. I do not eat in any buffets here in Tampa Bay. Worse they do not police themselves. They get away with whatever they can, and after they get closed down the open with a new name and a new owner, their cousin — It’s a game —
- When it comes to dangerous or critical temperature foods like seafood, you might want to consider giving some of the seafood (particularly raw things like oysters and sushi) a miss for the time being as they require hands on handling. And if you follow the CDC and the World Health organization ( On our list) you will see just how contaminated seafood really can be bought and sold throughout the world.
- Long sleeves making contact with the food or serving line is bad, and that’s not even mentioning people who might pick up a dinner roll, change their mind and put it back. Look out for servers coughing or sneezing into their elbow and then bringing you you plate in the crook of your arm. Refuse the dish!
- So to keep yourself safe, avoid buffets at all costs, many are going broke, and will not return, In closing…look for telltale danger signs like spoon handles touching food, other customers returning with dirty plates, and dishes that don’t have their own individual serving spoon or set of tongs. Avoid those things, and maybe let an employee know what’s going on. Just don’t go there…
- Since you’re already thinking about buffet safety, let’s touch on the sneeze guard. The invention of the sneeze guard came about solely because the inventor couldn’t stand the thought of anyone sneezing or breathing their germs on food that other people were going to eat, and he succeeded in revolutionizing food safety. Only when they are installed properly — most aren’t. And most are never wiped down with a strong Clorox solution or disinfectant —
- If you’re trying to eat healthy and pay more attention to what goes from the kitchen to the plate to your fork, visiting the expansive temptation of a buffet might seem like a daunting challenge. But here is something I have found to be true before COVID most of the people I interviewed were sick from Salmonella, And E. Coli in many forms. COVID just topped the list of what can get you sick or kill you.
- Check your plates and utensils for cleanliness. If it it s a Chinese style buffet, learn to use chopsticks and then throw them away. Never ever use a plate twice — best bet is avoid all buffets and salad bars.
Clearwater POLICE Area Task Force On Human Trafficking - Great Job
- The restaurant trade is notorious for cost cutting but when it involves degradation of life, I declare war. Human trafficking is the exploitation by force, fraud or coercion of vulnerable people - often immigrants - for forced labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sex operations. Human trafficking has become a multi-billion dollar global crime impacting nations - and neighborhoods - around the world.
- Florida is one of the highest destination states for women and children trafficked into the United States. In the past 5 years, law enforcement and social service providers have identified multiple cases of human trafficking in the Tampa Bay, Florida area.
- As far back as October 2006, the Clearwater Florida Police Department was awarded a Department of Justice grant to fund the creation of the Clearwater Area Task Force on Human Trafficking (CATFHT).
- The mission of the task force is to identify and rescue victims, create a coordinated law enforcement system to investigate and prosecute these crimes, and to deliver social, legal and immigration services to human trafficking victims in the Tampa Bay area. The three below were charged, one went to jail, probation, and fined and are now monitored.
- Human trafficking from Central America to the US generates hundreds of millions in revenue, according to a new RAND report—but the widely ranging estimate, $200 million to $2.3 billion, speaks to the opacity of human-trafficking networks, the authors write.
- Transnational criminal organizations are involved, RAND’s researchers found, but they may not be the main culprits: Independent actors, ad-hoc groups, loose networks of smaller groups, and more-formalized networks are all involved in a landscape of human smugglers that’s difficult to counter.
All in the Pinellas and Pasco County were Pan-Asian operations — in Buffets —
Pinellas Florida Arrests - Trafficking 2016 — Three Biggest Were Chinese Buffets --
Shrimp And Enslavement
🍤 Last year, the Guardian shed light on an uncomfortable — and unfortunate — truth about much of the shrimp sold in North America, Europe, Japan and elsewhere around the world. A six-month-long investigation revealed that torture, wage-theft, beatings and various other illegal practices were a reality in the production chain of the world's
🍤 If you buy prawns or shrimp from Thailand, you will be buying the produce of slave labor. The investigation followed a 2013 report by the Environmental Justice Foundation, a nongovernmental organization, which chronicled the abuse in the Thai shrimp industry. It also spurred a flurry of corporate responses: Walmart said it was "actively engaged" in the issue; Costco said it was telling its suppliers "to take corrective action;" and Tesco, the largest supermarket chain in Britain, called it "completely unacceptable.” In some places it still exists today.
🍤 But almost two years later, the problem persists. A new report published on Monday by the Associated Press holds that such abuses are still rampant in the Thai shrimp industry. What's more, major markets around the world aren't doing a good job of keeping shrimp peeled by modern-day slaves out of their food system. The AP investigation, which has led to the freeing of thousands of indentured fishermen, dozens of arrests and millions of dollars in seizures, found that the United States has been particularly poor in this regard.
🍤 U.S. customs records show the shrimp made its way into the supply chains of major US food stores and retailers such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, Whole Foods, Dollar General and Petco, along with restaurants such as Red Lobster and Olive Garden. It also entered the supply chains of some of America's best-known seafood brands and pet foods, including Chicken of the Sea and Fancy Feast, which are sold in grocery stores from Safeway and Schnucks to Piggly Wiggly and Albertsons. AP reporters went to supermarkets in all 50 states and found shrimp products from supply chains tainted with forced labor.
🍤 The conditions aren't helped by countries, such as the United States, which allow slave-peeled shrimp to enter the domestic supply chain. A near-century-old exemption contained in the US tariff code stipulates that companies can bring goods into the country that don’t meet domestic labor laws, if there is a supposed shortage of that goods.
Connected With The Food Industry And Vaccinations

Vaccinations Save Lives - Conspiratorialists and Nutcases Kill People —
- We have the largest number of fast food establishments in the world, it’s a cultural thing... We also have many unskilled and untrained workers in the food industry. The turnover, seasonally and corporately is definitely a problem for the business owner or store corporate manager. Many are foreign to our soil and have never had vaccinations
- Many of these workers are not trained in keeping a business sanitary, some don’t follow instructions, some should not be hired, some have language problems and some bring some really bad problems to bear. Some may even bring Hepatitus or Measles from another place. Since I visit many places, I have my vaccines up to date including boosters and Hep-A.
- Think of a line cook with HEPATITUS-A handling one hundred (100) plates on a busy lunch and not properly sanitizing.
EDITOR: I talk to owners all day long and get the same thing, “ Good help is hard to find and I also hear from workers many places don’t have good owners and pay squat ”.
- We have a love affair with fast, fast cars, fast food, fast lives. We also now have the highest obesity, based on corporate food — I understand it — Americans are getting fatter, lazier, and judging by voting dumber — choices we are not paying attention to — and there is a new threat, lies, untruths misconceptions and direct falsehoods about where and what we eat.
But There Are No Vaccinations For Stupidity, Ignorance And Hygiene —
- The facts and fake fraudulent science about vaccination by some people with no medical nor scientific experience promoting ANTI-VACCINE PROTOCOLS as described in the following text and caused severe harm including death because their comments and stupid thinking deterred others from vaccinations.
- This will be a critical subject when the most important vaccines will be offered against COVID-19. World wide we broke one and half million who have died. Estimate in the US will be close to 480-540,000 dead.
- I fear our great nation is unfortunately composed of a share of some people who follow idiots, religious nutcases, morons, sooth sayers, snake oil salesmen and anything their weak and naive minds can fathom. It is the fall and with winter approaching, the levels of contamination and exposure will rise due to more people gathering indoors and air circulation by heaters and or air conditioning reversals.
- The United States Anti-Vaccination Movement is composed of a variety of individuals ranging from mis-informed mentally stupid former doctors who should know better, to semi-celebrities who have no medical training, to anti-government conspiracy theorists who distrust anything that the government says. They all hold onto the mistaken belief that autism is caused by receiving childhood vaccines.
- Most anti-vaccination believers claim that the compound Thimerosal led to an increase in autism cases. The Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine is their usual target. However, Thimerosal was never used as a preservative in the Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine. No vaccine licensed since 1999 has contained Thimerosal as a preservative, except a few multi-dose container vaccines such as some (but not all) HIB and Influenza vaccines.
- Autism has not declined since 1999, thereby disproving this connection. However, this has not stopped anti-vaccination believers from claiming that it was the MMR vaccine itself that caused autism or that it was vaccines in general that caused autism.
- All of these ideas have been disproven in multiple scientific and legal examinations of the evidence. The primary scientific reason for the increase in autism diagnoses is due to more disorders being included in the Autism Spectrum and doctors getting better at diagnosing the characteristics of autism.