After Herr Donald T-RUMP, established himself as Racist, Prejudiced, White Nationalist and Faschist, leader, he achieved the high title of, the biggest liar in history since man invented fire, outdoing his mentor Adolf Hitler. Even his so-called book, the “ Art of the Deal" was a crock of sh*t since it left out lying, cheating, stealing, falsehoods, broken promises, non-payment and his usually debauchery.
The sequel I am preparing for publishing is called the “ The Farts In His Spiel” He’s quite the fan of the words he doesn’t know, used in many of his innumerable stupid remarks and against enemies of his performance and racist beliefs. And like the proverbial rabbit hole it led me down combined with an excellent book on Truman, written by Margaret Truman and about Truman’s VP Henry Wallace, his vocal Vice President 1942-1946.
Another incredible door opened with the words from decades ago by a little known Vice President Henry Wallace but pertain accurately today proving a fascist is a fascist, a racist and they rarely change. This traces to the fascist model of the Trumps T-RUMP is both a racist and a facist. The 33rd Vice President Henry Wallace wrote more about facist tendencies than anyone else and more than any one current today.

Best Pre-Description of T-RUMP by VP Henry Wallace (ORIGIN 1942-1946)
❖ He is a fascist who is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.
❖ The obvious types of American fascists are dealt with on the air and in the press. These demagogues and stooges are fronts for others. Dangerous as these people may be, they are not so significant as thousands of other people who have never been mentioned. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence, he is a coward, he destroys with words,
❖ His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. Lies and Innuendoes, the Fake News which is all fake, all of the donations T-RUMP got from people in his cabinet today.
❖ The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. More lies about others, and an abundance of outlets for those lies.
❖ The symptoms of fascist thinking are colored by environment and adapted to immediate circumstances. But always and everywhere they can be identified by their appeal to prejudice and by the desire to play upon the fears and vanities of different groups in order to gain power.
❖ With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. Fake Tax Relief, rich only need apply.
❖ If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.
❖ If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and ‘ With malice toward none and charity for all’ go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail.
❖ It may be shocking to some people in this country to realize that, without meaning to do so, they hold views in common with Hitler when they preach discrimination against other religious, racial or economic groups. His ignorant followers can claim this reward.
❖ The dangerous American fascist is the man, a true narcissist Donald J. T-RUMP who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. TRUMP

A leading expert on the Nazi party has said there are strong similarities between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler.
- Both men "bluffed" their way into power, confounding an establishment that did not know what to do but normalize them according to author Ron Rosenbaum.
- The Adolf Hitler biographer said he had refused to compare Mr Trump to the Nazi leader during the campaign period for fear of trivializing genocide, but after the election things changed.
- Trump calls leaks "fake news" and "something that Nazi Germany would have done”.
- “Now Trump and his minions are in the driver’s seat, attempting to pose as respectable participants in American politics, when their views come out of a playbook written in German,” said Mr Rosenbaum, who wrote Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil. “The playbook is Mein Kampf.”
- In an article for the Los Angeles Review of Books, Mr Rosenbaum offers a brief historical look at the rise of the Nazi party, emphasizing how Hitler targeted one of the only German newspapers to continually investigate and expose him. (He just burnt it down, sent people to death camps and killed most of them.)
- The Munich Post was first ransacked by Nazis in 1923, and was eventually closed down by the party when Hitler came to power in 1933.
- Many of the local paper's journalists were disappeared or sent to Dachau concentration camp under Nazi rule.
- In contrast, other newspapers, and virtually all politicians, did not know how to handle Hitler, and consequently failed to recognize the extent to which he was a threat, or to meet the need to actively oppose him.
- “Hitler used the tactics of bluff masterfully, at times giving the impression of being a feckless Chaplinesque clown, at other times a sleeping serpent, at others yet a trustworthy statesman," Mr Rosenbaum said.
- "The Weimar establishment didn’t know what to do, so they pretended this was normal. They 'normalized' him.”
- As part of this normalization — a phenomenon Mr Rosenbaum said also happened with Mr Trump — Hitler and the Nazi party were allowed back onto electoral lists — in an act of “democracy destroying itself democratically”.
- “Hitler’s method was to lie until he got what he wanted, by which point it was too late," Mr Rosenbaum said, adding there is no comparison between Hitler and Mr Trump in terms of scale. But, he said, it was important to see that, like Hitler, Mr Trump is "defining mendacity down" by normalizing lies and lowering expectations of truthfulness.
- "While marchers and the courts have put up a fight after the Muslim ban, each new act, each new lie, accepted by default, seems less outrageous," Mr Rosenbaum said. "Let’s call it what it is: defining mendacity down.” The author continued with a caution: "Trump’s outrageous conduct and shamelessly lying mouth seemed so ridiculous we wouldn’t have to take him seriously. Until we did.”
- Citing a conversation with Hitler biographer Alan Bullock, Mr Rosenbaum suggested the Nazi might not even have believed in his own anti-Semitism, and could have "just used the Jew-hatred to advance his cause with the nitwit thug segment of the German people”. We call them Evangelicals, Rural's, Patriots, Morons, and Imbeciles.
- Calling Hitler a "mountebank" - a con man, he compared his behavior to how "Trump appealed to his nitwit thug racist, anti-Semite followers", adding "this is the comparison I’d been seeking”.
- Mr Rosenbaum continued: “He saw that this tactic of playing the fool, the Chaplinesque clown, had worked over and over again, worked like a charm. It kept the West off balance. They consistently underestimated him and were divided over his plans”
- “Cut to the current election. We had heard allegations that Trump kept Hitler’s speeches by his bedside, but somehow we normalized that. "We didn’t take him seriously because of all the outrageous, clownish acts and gaffes we thought would cause him to drop out of the race.
- "Except these gaffes were designed to distract. This was his secret strategy, the essence of his success — you can’t take a stand against Trump because you don’t know where Trump is standing.
- "You can’t find him guilty of evil, you can’t find him at all. And the tactics worked. Trump was not taken seriously, which allowed him to slip by the normal standards for an American candidate. The mountebank won. Again.”
1 — T-rump killed the legitimate press, claimed it was fake news and brought many newspapers down replaced by the propaganda machine as with FOX news and that bunch of commentary scumbags — Familiar? Just as Hitler did, except Hitler burnt the papers down, then he murdered any dissidents to his cause just as T-RUMP verbally lies and assassinates using those sources not kind to him, power and money.
2 — He made our government singular working with McConnell by corrupting the judicial and legislative branches — implanting right wing Judges and party hacks into office for controlling the Judicial Part of our three part system. Judicial, Executive and Legislative are all corrupt.
— McConnell douch-bagged the lower courts with bad judges , some never tried a case — and got away with it basically created a voting minority of Evangelical, Brain-less goose stepping lower educated GOP base followers and idiots into a one party system — by weakening the three parts of our government into an autocratic environment, that is and was his goal.
--In my simple record of T-RUMP over forty years, Donald J T-RUMP is a traitor to this nation and the Constitution and please don’t tell me he took an oath, so did Hitler and T-RUMP has over 31,000 documented lies in the archives of the Wall Street Journal and POLITICO.
3 — His next step was defecating on all the good programs, the CIA, the FBI, HOMELAND SECURITY, EDUCATION — AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE by appointing Bill Barr who should be arrested and hanged as a traitor. He had a great career till he got with T-RUMP and proved underneath it all he was a weak and corrupt pr*ck.
4 — Resection of Democracy — By creating the cloned cabinet of his followers, several who gave him millions of dollars to run like Betsy Devos and Dr. Carter, which forced the good people who did the right things into leaving — replaced them with scumbags and scumbirds totally unqualified to do the job — And we had disasters from the mental morons. He lied about everything, about those he appointed, hired, we researched and looked at every acolyte, appointee, and sycophant who failed at everything they did and brought down great things.
5 — He is Hitler reborn and wishes to be our authoritarian ruler like hitler, Putin, Duarte, Xi-Ching, kIM Jung Un and the other twenty-six (26) in the world today — Hopefully the past will catch up to him, the investigations are countless, urgent and over 250 witnesses have come forth and testified, he is a Traitor, He is Guilty of Negligent Homocide and has the heart of a reptile.
6 — We cannot afford to wait any longer, it’s time to take out the garbage we elected and get people into the mix with intelligence, fortitude, not corrupt political savvy and lies, we need people brimming with compassion and a love of country for it’s fairness and civility, we cannot wait, if we do nothing are headed for anarchy.
6A — If we don’t do something you better study the Chinese or Russian language to see how they live, if you live long enough and I feel sorry for your children who will inherit the crap T-Rump gave us. And it’s time to dump the political lies and conspiracies that affront us everywhere on the TV 24/7/365.
6B — For example Sean Hannity is the biggest liar obstructor on FOX after ( Mother) Tucker Carlson. He attacks President Biden daily because he is spending the money to fix things that T-RUMPS cohorts and Congress did nothing about for four years except lie and steal for the rich while claiming he was the savior. Two thousand years ago coming down from a mountaintop Moses gave us the ten commandments. “ Tho shalt not
6C — I again say they, the GOP and T-RUMP did nothing for the country except kill people and lie. The people were ignored with tax breaks for the rich, people died and the rich got richer, no infrastructure for four years. Our educational system courtesy of a douchbag Mrs. Betsy DeVos gave up seventeen million dollars a year for Donalds Wall. And our kids never saw the daylight, and then came COVID-19.
6D — President Biden is doing what right, only I wish he was a Gen. Patton or Gen. MacArther rather than Lord Arthur Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom whose name is identified with the policy of “appeasement” toward Adolf Hitler — Being nice will not bring cowards back to the partisanship table. Stalin won the war against the NAZI'S because retreating was more dangerous than attacking the enemy. It was a policy established during the Ming empire of the Chinese. Any one retreating, and not fighting was executed on the spot.
6E — He has to spend to fix the mess -- that world of sh*t Donald created and the Reptilian's make little mention of the fact that Donald added 7.8 trillion dollars to the National Debt. Mostly wasted, but the Reptilians don’t mention it as it was for their schemes, pocketbooks and stock deals, and they got very rich.
The common everyday good faith Americans died from COVID and the money went to the rich. Companies made billions and none of it tricked down, on e could say it was “ tinkle more than trickle for the poor”.
6F — His big blowhard promises all failed. Just as expected when you build a house of rotten wood it falls down. His projects that failed just like The Wall, the photo-ops to North Korea where the little bastard murderer Kim Jung UN made a fool of him, not once, three times. A total failure and created a Nuclear Power in a place it was not needed and jeopardized our ally South Korea. His trip to Europe during the WWII solemn events showed what a complete asshole he is. It will not prompt a request for a return visit from England , Germany, France, the NATO and in all of those countries he went to. The key question from the group was, “ Where did you Americans find this creep” ? . They hate him.
6G — With Charleston , he initiated the resurrection of the White Supremacy participants and movements cheered on by the prejudice of the GOP base and fellow scumbags who use hatred and violence against the lower-classes, the poor, the immigrants, and almost anyone not of their flavor. The Suprematists are the Gestapo Nazi’s of today calling themselves Patriots just like the Hitlerites did of the Nazi party. They were the Gestapo.
7 — Now you know something, where I Stand and how I feel about the country I love. My family from generations ago were immigrants at one time. In the centuries past we were generations who faced the Egyptian slavery, the Russian Czars, then the Nazi’s and the Holocaust extermination, then rejection for a Homeland, the establishment of Israel, and the wars of extermination by the Arabs, and the Secular Supremacy Prejudice of today and now the Ukraine by Putin. Maybe the forty days of rain by God was not such a bad idea, I think the new version is called " Global Warming”
NOVEMBER-9TH, 1923-HITLER TRIED HIS COUPE IN A BEER HALL — The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed coup d’état by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, and his associate Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders in Munich, Bavaria, on 8–9 November 1923, during the Weimar Republic.
Aftermath… The Beer Hall Putsch had several significant consequences. First, it led to a split between Hitler and Ludendorff; the general considered Hitler a coward for sneaking away after the police had begun to fire. T-RUMP also bowed out when it came down to marching with the crowd. Second, Hitler decided that armed revolution was not the way to obtain power in Weimar Germany. The police, the Reichswehr and police forces victory, a Putsch failure, and arrest of Nazi Party leadership…
January 6th, 2021 T-RUMP Tried His Coupe Dirty in The Capitol Building — We cannot let this just slide by, no pardon, no forgiveness, full blown FBI and Homeland Security tactical take downs, prison terms and the killer of the police officer hanged. After January 20th, T-RUMP can’t hide anymore, when he becomes a target for the law and let the vengeance begin, bad word… but appropriate and needed to stop the chaos. Redemptions begin to show what his cult really consists of maybe just maybe some will realize their support could have crippled a nation by destroying our core values… And one half of Congress is a lock-stepping bunch of coward lemming Acolytes who need to go… with Mitch Me-CON-hell the real problem…

Years ago I said, the only solution to this man would probably have to be a good assassination, you don’t try to reason with a snake, he’ll bite you every time, you chop off his head. Based on knowing all about him from NY, and the lies and damage he and his family did there for forty years and now I stand by what I said. When no one takes heed, people will be harmed.
Seven people died in this incited event by Donald T-RUMP. I believe two more succumbed. In respect three Capitol Policemen are dead, one by murder, two by suicide — now three, and one hundred Police had to be treated, fifty injured severely some for the rest of their lives. Under investigation as to why there was a delay for additional troops standing by T-RUMP caused it and his friggen idiots, stupid ignorant followers, morons and corrupt officials need to pay for those four innocents who died and the murder. T-RUMP did not give the support order he was watching it on TV and Pence called in the help
Under T-RUMP, if we let him live, which is a mistake, anywhere else in this world he’d be hanging by his heels like Mussolini or committed suicide ( He’s a coward, never happen) and that seems to be the only way to solve our problems, we are experiencing an attempt, J an 6th was an attempted coup, to switch to an Authoritarian Government.
AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT - A form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens’ lives. And the major loss’s involve, truth, honesty, respect, humility and desecration of a more perfect union. This was and is the policy of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Putin and in various forms currently 26 other smaller nations.
They ( the NAZI’s Of the Third Reich) added a twist, they exterminated six million people to achieve their goal of racial superiority. And a war that killed estimated 58 to as many as 80 million by the AXIS powers if you add China. Trump has already destroyed in his four yers much of what we believe in as the core of our existence in this country that we call freedom.
It is total destruction on all fronts brought upon by an ignorant self-embodied, wannabe dictator and narcissistic power crazy, ill-suited, sick man who has to be removed. Impeach, assassination, trial, jail, the methodology hardly matters. He is destroying 250 plus years of what the United States of America stands for.
OBSTRUCTIONIST LIARS AND TRAITORS — I have drawn-up a hundred scenarios of how to stop T-RUMP. There is no simplified answer other than a execution, put RAID in his hair spray, tell Melania who the other women are he’s screwing, not that she cares might be a reality, I like the thought of a hanging or a bullet seems the most efficient.
Also, as an after-thought double down and arrest Mitch McConnell and Mark Meadows as traitors and those obstructionist scumbags have thwarted every good thing Congress had a chance to pass.
Those white haired GOP KKK cowards, remnants of a bygone era bullsh*t artists have outlived their terms and usefulness, just like the lock-stepped Gestapo following T-RUMP like they followed the Fuehrer and Himmler. We call them the ball-less Eunuch-cons...
I can’t believe those who quote Lincoln and Reagan and especially in the Senate have not stood against T-RUMP. But most have doubled their income at the cost of the economy slipping eight trillion dollars under T-RUMP into our deficit, we are already half way there. Follow the money and power gang. Much of that money went to the rich again.
He is in vengeance mode after losing the election to Biden, literally attacking daily killing the present core of the country, and that will kill the future. They will regret the next time they are up for re-election just as the house learned Election day supporting a leader who thinks he was declared divine and absolute is wrong. His cabinet was a joke, do nothing, accomplish nothing, complete nothing and f*ck up every thing. Some of the dumbest moves that hurt us ever made under his watch.
And at a conference on 1/02/2019 in the situation room, eight stand-ins looked kind of stupid. And with any kind of talent, anyone with smarts is bailing and be forced to bail because an idiot can survive only if he is surrounded by other idiots called yes-men and yes-women.
Nothing But A Bully Crook From NYC — I knew him from NYC. He was known as a scumbag rich business man and about as hated as his father. His father taught him, cheating and lying are OK as long as you win.
Not surprising, just like his father, deals were made, hands were shaken and bills never paid….They were not as loved as he would tell you. Thats why he doesn’t live their anymore. Banks will not lend him money, he defaulted and took bankruptcies three times on one project, for tens of millions and screwed the banks and the contractors… many went under.
He has had over 3500 lawsuits for non-payment and fraud, most unsettled since he has lawyers on retainer and keeps refiling. T-RUMPS business dealings ranged (that failed) from meat ( Steak and Catsup) Mens Ties, Mens Suits, Horrible wines, and Ivanka’s Chinese labor camp clothing enterprises all went down the tubes and T-RUMP never lost a dime. His partners did.
His money comes from overseas, quite well hidden, Germanys Deutsche Bank, Russia, Saudi Arabia and others who use him in exchange for laundering cash. Go and look at who owns millions close to a billion dollars of condos in the Trump towers. They are public records.
The joke was there were so many spies and Oligarchs living in the towers they had to print menus and street signs in the local area restaurants in Russian. Hmmm didn’t know the Russians sang “ I love NY-SKI". Prosecutors wanted to call it “ Kremlin-West”.
It’s called laundering the dirty money stolen in the USSR by the Putin gang of Russian Oligarchs (see the related term “New Russians”) who are business partners of Putin, the richest in their country and TRUMPS dream who stole the money of the former Soviet Republics. Putin is so rich, he could probably buy Switzerland.
The rapidly accumulated wealth during the era of Russian privatization in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. The failing Soviet State left the ownership of state assets contested, which allowed for informal deals with former USSR officials (mostly in Russia and Ukraine) as a means to acquire state property. Oligarchs involving hundred of millions in money laundering and Saudi Arabia through his son-in-law, Jared another piece of work.
It runs in the family, Jared Kushner dad, Charlie spent jail time for corruption. Charles Kushner is an American real estate developer. He founded Kushner Companies in 1985. In 2005, he was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering, and served time in federal prison. After his release, he resumed his career in real estate.
It’s a start, think what has happened to his enemies and how he uses that government power against them which is an act demanding impeachment. He thinks he was elected as the Fueher, Emperor, or Living God, delusions he shares with Hitler.
I only say that because as I perused more and more of a history of WWII, I studied and wrote many papers on the Third Reich. Hitlers strategy all evolved around “ Nationalism” and the German people having nothing else offered, unfortunately blindly supported him and went for the program. If not they were shot, gassed or the death camps.
I see the GOP base and the Evangelicals as the modern version of the NAZI party supporting a fake God. I don’t think impeachment is good enough, he should be treated as a traitor and we have a lottery as to how to get rid of him.
Prison guards had a joke, the old stove question.. gas or electric ? For the uninformed and ignorant it meant the Gas Chamber or the Electric Chair. I detest the word assassination because in my readings mostly good people were assassinated.
In his case to save a country and its core beliefs, after all he has pulled off, it would be acceptable to me. I have no problem, these are capitol crimes and they deserve the consequence.
I am Jewish, my family generations back, my elders were in the concentration camps, I have seen their tattoos, they knew fear, prejudice, oppression and death.
He is the closest thing to Hitler and thats not a joke, it’s the same game. The “ Art of the Deal” is the same as Hitlers “Mein Kamph”. I never lost sight of the Holocaust and I will ‘Never Forget”. I am not alone, I am in good company. Many of those who were the Nazi Hunters were known to me and my uncle especially. Simon Wiesenthal did the eulogy at my Uncles funeral on Queens Boulevard in New York City.