Das Fartenzee Unt Spielinzee”


“ This  Is T-Rumps Daily News Report And Bullsh*T Direct
From The Fourth Reich Bunker At Mar-A-Lago…

He May Be Dead In The Water Trap Till he Mulligans,  But Not Truly Dead Yet— ” 


01/20/2021 His Kingdom Crumbled…  “ Abandon Ship”

PGA Championship 2022 —  Drops Trump’s Bedminster Course —

The T-RUMP National Golf Club in Bedminster has been removed as the host of the 2022 PGA Championship — one of golf’s four major championships — the organization’s president announced on Sunday night, joining the list of entities who are looking to distance themselves from outgoing US President Donald Trump days after a mob of his supporters breached the Capitol building to disrupt the certification of his opponent Joe Biden’s win.

Good move a the reward for his years of cheating at GOLF, name renowned for it’s honesty by players.  I guess Donald never read the rules book and basically lacking any kind of moral beliefs just went on cheating till it became the norm for him to cheat.

Lehigh University Dumps the T-RUMP And Revoked His Honorary Degree  — Lehigh University has revoked an honorary degree that President T-RUMP held for more than 30 years. The Pennsylvania school's board of trustees held a special vote this week after Trump incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

“The decision came after a special session of the Executive Committee on Thursday and was fully affirmed earlier today," student newspaper The Brown and White reported.  Numerous petitions had previously sought to rescind the honor for Trump, who was awarded the degree when he spoke at the school's commencement ceremony in 1988.

"This individual should reflect the goals and values of Lehigh University," the petition noted, quoting the school's official policy for commencement speakers, who are routinely awarded honorary degrees. "Nominees should be someone whose work and achievements reflect our value system at Lehigh."

On Thursday, Lehigh University President John Simon issued a statement calling the events at the Capitol a “ Violent assault" on U.S. democracy, the will of the American people and the transfer of power.  In response to those words, several alumni and faculty members renewed their call for the school to rescind Trump’s honorary degree, posting a link to a new online petition.

T-RUMPS Scumbag Friend —  Mike Lindell The Pillowman Spread Conspiracies  Some retailers are dropping MyPillow products from their stores, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told FOX 9. This comes following the CEO’s repeated claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.   Costing him 65 million dollars.

Lindell told FOX 9 Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s, Wayfair and HEB have all dropped MyPillow because of public pressure on social media he claims is being perpetrated by " leftist groups". 

According to a New York Times report, Dominion Voting Systems has threatened to use Lindell over his accusations of election fraud. Officials have repeatedly stated there was no proof of widespread voter fraud in the election. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency called it the “ ost secure election in American history."

Hey Mike, We thought being arrested and a druggie would have taught you to stay away from scumbags like T-RUMP, he’s bad and now you are tagged as bad…

Twitter Permanently Extracts Trump’s Tweets —  On Wednesday afternoon, Twitter moved to restrict engagement with tweets by President Donald T-RUMP and others that have been labeled “due to a risk of violence.” The key word is permanently.    Trump’s now-unavailable tweets hinted at plans for “our own platform"   The company also told CNN it will enforce its policy against ban evasions to ensure that T-RUMP does not circumvent his personal account's suspension.   

"If it is clear that another account is being used for the purposes of evading a ban, it is also subject to suspension," Twitter said in a statement. "For government accounts, such as @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, we will not suspend those accounts but will take action to limit their use. However, these accounts will be transitioned over to the new administration in due course and will not be suspended by Twitter unless absolutely necessary to alleviate real-world harm.”  Twitter's policy would also prohibit Trump from directing a third party to operate a Twitter account on his behalf.

Donations And Corporate Finances Dropped T-Rump Sites And Support —

😢 Twitter   😢 Snapchat   😢 Facebook   😢 Instagram   😢  Shopify   😢 Paypal     

😢 Google Removes Parler     😢 Discord   😢 Twitch   😢 YouTube  😢 Reddit   😢 TikTok    

💰 Marriott Hotels and Facilities     💰 Blue Cross Blue Shield     💰 Commerce Bancshares      

💰 Citibank    💰 Bank of America     💰 Ford Motor Co.      💰 AT&T      💰 CVS Health Corp     

💰 Exxon     💰 Mobil    💰 FedEx      💰 Target 

Popular Information surveyed 144 corporations that had, through their corporate PACs, donated to one or more of the eight senators who opposed the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s win. 

Republican Fraud Perpetrators   Republican objections to electoral college results failed bigtime but the instigators were evident.  Cruz and Hawley were prominent among 147 representatives and senators who backed the late-night effort on Wednesday.

Sherrod Brown, called for Cruz and Hawley’s “immediate resignations and said they had “betrayed their oaths of office and abetted a violent insurrection on our democracy”.   “If they do not resign,” he added, “the Senate must expel them.”  Patty Murray, Chris Coons of Delaware and Tina Smith were among other Democrats to call for Cruz and Hawley to go.
Joe Manchin of West Virginia told CNN: “Whether they should resign or not, I don’t know but how they can live with themselves knowing that people have died because of their words and actions?”  

Pence And Giuliani Blamed By T-Rump For His Problems  —  —  President Donald T-RUMP  irritated at being impeached for a second time, has told people to stop paying Rudy Giuliani’s legal fees, a person familiar with the matter tells CNN, though aides were not clear if the President was serious about his instructions given he's lashing out at nearly everyone after the day's events.

—  T-RUMP has been blaming his longtime personal attorney and many others for the predicament he now finds himself in, though he has not accepted any responsibility in public or in private, people familiar with his reaction told CNN. 

— One White House adviser told CNN that “everybody’s angry at everyone” inside the White House,`with the President being upset because he thinks people aren’t defending him enough.  

Many said not true, it’s just when you defend stupidity, you look like an idiot also…

Pense Had A Chance to  Split  — But Unfortunately Could Not Find His balls… In the middle of Trump’s rally, Vice President Mike Pence declared in a statement he could not unilaterally reject the results of the election, despite pressure from T-RUMP to do just that.  Just another scumbag coward remark from a scumbag coward, you expected different.

President Trump attacked Vice President Mike Pence on Twitter  —    "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify," Trump wrote. “  The USA demands the truth!” 

Pence, who had no choice in his role as president of the Senate, was scheduled to oversee the certification of electoral results.   Trump's tweet was censored by Twitter. A label was attached which said it, “ It can’t be replied to, Retweeted, or liked due to a risk of violence." The social media company later removed several of Trump's tweets, for the first time ever.

👺 Do Not Be Stupid — Do Not Give T-Rump Money For Voter Fraud Abuse  or Any Other Scenario He Makes Up,  It Is A Scam — To Pay His Debts Before  The “ Collectors” And Close To A Billion In Debt Arrive — Not to Say The Millions  He Will Owe Lawyers For The Myriad Of Lawsuits Being Drafted Now And The Crowd  Of Process Servers Five Minutes After,   He Is Not President.. at high noon… maybe one day he’ll hang.

Forty-five years of following Donald T-RUMP from his adventures in financial  losses, corruption, non-documented labor, bankruptcies, false IRS cheating and he reminded me of who I was and who I thought he was.   But he is still dangerous as he is completely delusional.

And then I realized and recognized the same ignorant narcissistic sickness in Donald shared with another person in time……why they are birds of a feather…  SCUMBIRDS… seriously bad DeJavu…when you mix the two.  Just like whoppers, all filled with everything but the meat… He was the Fuhrer reborn… Adolf Hitler

💰 Trump’s Private Bankers Resign From Deutsche Bank  —   Deutsche Banks says Rosemary Vrablic and Dominic Scalzi, the private bankers responsible for lending to President Donald T-RUMP and Jared Kushner, have resigned.  CNN Kara Scannell reports.  One banker might have committed suicide so the rumors go.

ED:   Do they know a few things, I think so,  a Subpoena will draw the answers… A subpoena or witness summons is a writ issued by a government agency, most often a court, to compel testimony by a witness or production of evidence under a penalty for failure.  Don’t forget their names… I’m sure the government won’t either…

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